How to draw hydrangea flowers, part II
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 November 2010 at 10:35 PM Comments(1)

Ok, this is the last part of the master-class and now you can finish the picture to the complete result:

Our last master class was finished on the 7 step- "by white again make smoother the edge between white ends of petals and another colors".

Now it`s the time for magic and our colours will be different. The way of colours from the one tint is the shortest way to create a  boring picture. As you want something impressive and live you should mix  colours with your emotions and feelings.

Now then it`s the 8th step - use orange pencil to create sun spots on the petals. Let the picture be impregnated with sunpower. Feel how the energy of colours flows from your fingers to the paper. This is the real power we need to live, and flowers need it too. So draw it!

9 - use yellow pencil the same way.  As you do it the picture becames radiating, it starts to send out the sun and that way picture becames interacting with onlooker.

10 - that time we starts with the leafs. Use dark green pencil to draw the leafs as you see on the picture. It is easy but the point is to make strokes along natural streaks of leafs.

11 - use medium green colour to make the streaks of the leafs. Press the pencil a bit more then in 10 step.

12 - use yellow colour to make several strokes on the leaf and if you used aqua pencils then use waterbrush (or brush) to water the whole picture.  Do it carefully on the directions of the strokes.

As you see water make the picture more bright. If you use your brush carefully all strokes will keep it`s directions and the picture will look natural. You can finish on that step  if you like it smile

13 - now it`s the time to draw hydrangea`s environment. It creates by several smears of aquarel (watercolors) by a brush. Several spots of pink colour, several of red and more spots of white and our eyes starts to discern another cluster of flowers on the back of the picture.

14 - make several long strokes by brush with white aqua colour for the leafs. Several long strokes with green colour creates the leafs on the back.

15 - the final step is to create the illusion of movement. Make several short strokes by brush with dark green colour…

...and several short strokes by brush with yellow colour as you see on the picture. Trust to your own intuition and feelings more and your result will be the best.

Now the picture is completed. The main idea is to get over the recommendations and instructions to your own feelings. This is the key for all creativity. You can use instructions on the beginning but carefully feel your own perception.

The moment you feel the energy is the gate to your own way, and creativity flows free and your consciousness  spreads  to the world, silent world without borders,  full of energy, music and magic.

This is the way of balance, peace, and the way to feel God - in your picture, in nature and in whole life.

How to draw hydrangea flowers, part I
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 November 2010 at 05:00 PM Comments(5)

Hello everybody, today for my on-line school I`ve prepared the lesson about flowers. It`s the best subject to remember holydays (that picture I made in Liapades, Corfu, July 2010) and to make something like therapy by colors.

The first step is to have a glance to real flowers. As you have a pleasure feeling about it it will be the best base to feel the same during drawing. This is the hydrangea I drew, and you can use any another pictures or own remembrance.

2 - draw by pencil or brush a group of hydrangea flowers you choose with several leafs near it.  Try to feel relaxation during the process.. it`s really easy: 4 simple petals per flower. You can also use that picture to copy and than to coloure it.

3 - Paint out by white pencil (or watercolor) the ends of petals as it showed on the picture. If you draw on white paper use light pink color instead white.

4 - good news! On that picture you can use all colours you like. I choose dark-pink  to make the centre of petals.  Don`t worry about result, just do it. The point is to make strokes on the direction from centre to end of petals.

5 - By dark red color make several petals more lively. Not everyone but several, you can choose it using own intuition.

(On that picture I drawed by left hand, it is more comfortable for me but is not important for the picture. Use your hands as you like smile )

6 - by violet color make gaps between petals deeper. It`s a mistery how different colors creates the picture you can recognize as natural. So you work with colors is a kind of magic! smile

7 - by white again make smoother the edge between white ends of petals and another colors. That way you can feel better how to create the volume of hydrangea, do it the way you feel and enjoy the result.

Ok! That step is the final for our first part master-slass. Next steps will be later.

I would like to help you to feel the deep reason of such therapy and to suport your attempts to use intuitin and creativity. Also you can make it as a kind of meditation using deep breathing and music. As you do it pay attention on lines and colors only, forget anything else, create a flow of movements… this is the way to remember not only one hydrangea flower, but all flowers you`ve ever seen. Relax… Releaf youself. Let it be. smile

Complaints and moans
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 November 2010 at 01:49 AM Comments(1)

Ok, the weather is sucks next time, is`t still dark at 9:30 AM and became dark at 16:00. I don`t know how to survive that winter and the life seemes as endless Groundhog Day.  Damn it! I changed the design of my bedroom and bed-clothes to emerald-green and sea-blue and feel a bit better… than a prisoner.

As I listen music and feel the colors then darkness steps back for a while. Thanks god something in my mind could feel colors and music better then real dark atmosphere. But the body prepared to dormancy. I am lazy to do my yoga several days… not good, but I can`t. May be it is something like protest from the life and weather nonsense, something inside belive if I scream and yell and found an enemy responsible for that situation and probably kill him something will change.  I know, I feel another world just behind that cloudy sky…

Every cell of my body protest from that climate and situation. It is not hate but deep abruption.  But I can`t change it. So I have to change myself, to use bright colors and relive the dark times, so I force myself to stand up and to act. May be to seek colors of light?

It is so easy to lose youself in the darkness, even if you know how to light.

Weather again - today it`s sunny!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 November 2010 at 02:03 PM No comments

O my god, this is the sun and blue sky! Thanks! I feel consciousness expansion, feel everything, feel myself alive. It`s +5 degrees here, in Moscow, who knows where is the winter but as it is sun it`s great! I am running for the walk smile

Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 November 2010 at 08:18 PM Comments(3)

The weather is sucks; cold rain and low clouds and darkness. I`ve headache and do nothing in painting. Yesterday it was 2 pictures in Gohua style and the third I planed to finish today but sorry, some day later.  Several big pictures need more time I can`t organize myself between working days so…

How to Paint and Meditate mountings in Chinese Calligraphy style
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 November 2010 at 12:07 AM Comments(18)

Hello dear friends, today (actually tonight) our subject is how to paint in chinese calligraphy style. Being a Capricorn I strongly feel mountings and water so this is the reason for  paint it more and more.

This is not the task to create exactly the picture as you can see it in my example. The point is how to feel the way of brush and ink, to control the movement meditate and enjoy the process. As you feel better your mind will became silent and peaceful and so your picture naturally, spontaniously will flow from your finger to a piece of paper. This is the real treasure of such painting with deep blessings for your body and soul.

The first step it to create mounting shapes with light ink. You can use 1 part of black ink and 2 parts of water as I did, or another proportion as you like. With free light movements create profile of the mountings as you can see on the picture, or may be another shapes as you like.

2 step - with black ink create cutouts of the mountings near soft lines you did. This is no reason to do it exactly close to gray lines. You only position is to make free and flow lines wiith different width and feel, feel the energy   flows down through your fingers and soul. This is the main reason even warriors different kinds of Eastern Mortial Arts practice calligraphy and painting. This things are polish the soul and create peace in it… and I did it while I studyed Kung Fu. Everyone today has a kind of Kung Fu in real life resolving problems, making negotiations… so the art of meditation in painting is actual too.

See it closer: the small strokes represents trees and bushes and makes the mountings lively. And zigzag main line creates the shape of the rocks. Without vacillation and fear do the same as you feel it, every result will be great on that way.

3 - do the same with all mountings. Breath deeply and free, release your shoulders and hands. Let your creative energy flows.

4 - as you paint it may be a feeling what gray lines ought to be in different places. Do it as your feel, let your intuition to suggest. Enjoy it.

5 - finish all strokes with the black ink, make trees and bushes by short strokes. This is the final stage with ink. Enjoy your picture, and if you like it let it be and be finished on that stage.

6 - if you like to continue make the clouds with white charcoal, or pastel or watercolour. Use matherials as you like and feel yourself confident. If you choose a white paper for the picture you can change the color for clouds from white to light blue.

Try to feel how clouds covers the roots of the mountings, how it moves… Feel it in silent mind and enjoy the process.

7 - use different colors to lay movement to the picture. It may be any light color you like, for example I choose blue for my pictures and it seems as everning. If you choose pink it will be the time about sunrise.

Congratulations! The picture is completed!

I would like to say it again and again; you feelings, your intuition are the best part of such painting. Let it be. Feel your soul. And then as your mind will be silent you could listen a music of  Existence, a music of God. Let it be! smile

I`ve finished the new Gohua Mountings picture
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 November 2010 at 06:56 AM No comments

I`ve finished the new picture, Gohua style, represents mountings and waterfalls. It`s in natural style in colors and also with main strokes of calligraphy. I will publish it tomorrow… actually today! Later, later, because I want to sleeeeep!

Corfu, Paleocastriza, sketches
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 November 2010 at 02:29 PM Comments(3)

Hello everybody! Now I am nearly get enough sleep and ready to make something heroic, for example to clear up my work place anf files. Here it is a sketch I made in Paleokastriza, Corfu.

Sketches is really good thing to fix your feelings during travelling. Your hand and your heart working together could make literary doors to remembering, reliving. As you stay in a place you can do a sketch with strokes only by pencil or another tool. As I like chinese styles includs calligraphy I use a brush with ink. So the first step of sketch looks like that:

It`s enough for remembering and after strikes-sketch I dropped it and swam in beloved sea. Then it was a long walking back to Liapades and next day I continued painting. This is the second step.

As I painted green trees etc it was more clear what another strikes could make the picture more detailed.

Than I colored mountings and sky, and made shadows to create lively moving picture. If a painter want to paint in natural colors you could be disappointed. Everything will look boring. Naturallu mountings of Corfu is not yellow. But my feelings of that place is another. I can feel-see in colors the power of the rocks and grass and the picture is the mirror of my feelings. So here it is.

If you want to sketch something you should  release youself and let colors speaks with the music of life. If it is duet with your own heart-feelongs and the voice of nature around you, the picture is true and you can feel God over it.

3-weeks marathon has finished!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 October 2010 at 08:41 PM No comments

Oh my god! It`s finished! I have a time for sleeping!!!
smile smile smile

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