#3 2012 Gallery: “(BB) Big Business-4:Catching the Bull”
ANNAmain • Date: 15 February 2012 at 05:37 AM
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BB is the abbreviation of "Big Business" therefore Bibi is the short name of that picture because from the beginning I feel it as a living creature trying to realize herself in our reality. I feel proud to be a witness and help her to be.
(Big pictures below)
All of us have something in our life we recognize as the Big Business. It could be a real business so important for us we feel it as a Big one. It could be really big business such as transnational corporation or IT innovation changing our future. Also it could be the way we make our realiization gaining more knowledge and wisdom during we do our duties in different brunches. Everything is parts of the Big Business of our life by which we are participating with God creation.
As a Buddhist I pay my attention to steps people make and keep consciousness from one to next, feeling differencies, trying to understand. From Science we know about objective steps a process and how it develops so we could make a forecast how to act and what to expect. (So my religious and science are together in this field the same way as the brain works.) That painting represents the four step in Business living cycle and more - the 4 position of Buddhists history of Ten Bulls en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Bulls
It sounds a lttle bit mental but I feel it, feel what layes under it and how it was created, feel enegry of that part - Catching the Bull. The Bull means great energy so big we can`t observe it at all but we have a potential authority to use it, to direct and to make it more cultured, this is the mission of human towards existant processes. As we fulfill that mission we are trying to catch the Bull and at least keep astride, sometimes having a struggle with the Bull and our fears, balancing between our weaknesses and great wild energy we have to control.

Symbolically that stuggle contains in our deep subconsciousness so in many countries we can see games with bulls represents that symbol en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullfighting . When we do our own Big Business this great energy catches up us and takes us away in wild ride from the past to a future, sometimes it`s dengeous and sometimes we have to pay a price of that riding.
Have you ever imagine how to feel it in energy terms? Social energy represents in several indexes of economics statistically shows how our world live, how it beath and have changes. Economics indexes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_(economics) indicates how future growth from past and when people undestand it they could rule business better. Understanding is not only mental thing of course, it need feeling how world changes, feeling of energy.
Many pocesses like that is fast. We all need strength and persistence, sometimes work hard and catch our Biig Business Bull so hard we can`t notice how we are tired and how our hands becames stronger. (The same way I didn`t notice my hands and brushes becames coloured, no ideas how I gained it!

Step by step we could break in our energy Bull, but the meaning of step 4 is to catch the Bull and keep to ride. This is the final picture of "(BB) Big Business-4: Catching the Bull Runs Through Economics Indexes". It is big 100x110 cm (actually a little bit more) and I plan to paint all story that year.