Sustainable Development: hidden infolinks
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 March 2014 at 07:04 PM Comments(3)

Time flows like a river, and it never stops. I dedicated 2,5 month being involved if FB activities.  It was completely unexpectable journey, because originally I was oriented to new project work in Sustainable development. However I delayed all for the sake to try if I can make some extras for people and if people accept it.

I had no ideas about to start one new unexpectable project before I hosted one event in a closed FB group and then tryed to illustrate the results.

Why I did it?

Codes. Pictures could enscript a huge amount of information to make access to deep subconsciousness proceses, much more quicker then normal thinking.

It is a long, long time since I finished my book writing in which I illustrated everything by myself. So 2 days ago it was a fresh air reminded me how it is cool to code clusters of information that way.

People perfer to  underestimate pictures and overestimate words. But words speak less then picture could because of special coding processes in human brain, usinf archetypes, dynamics and links to previous information.

So I guess members of the event just have a glance to pic having no interest how and what it scripted.

Lol, I coded in it many things.

Just starring to each picture I can make a big mind map or several, in a half of hour, with full details, with planing, with additional links to processing fields.

Some explanation if somebody wants to learn my method.

That one described lock-codes. In simple description by words it represents limitations, but it is not everything which encoded here. Angles and thikness of lines has meanings. Colours have meanings. Layers too.

That one coded 2 MindMaps concerns SWOT analysis (mutations) and several possible problem could be resolved from that processes. The same about lines, angles and colours.

That one is an illustration to remind me about the area of interest of Tony Toledo, my friend. That way I don`t forget it.

That one deducated to three operating matrix, one concerns the group and two concerns my own possibilities and projects by connections with UN.

That`s not just a funny pics. This is links. The maximum density of information, in it raw form as it represents in neuronetwork.  Better then zip archivetion.

A special technigue I developed to restore unwritten mind map from pic codes.


So I like it.

Cool, do you think?


Poor people who can touch just the surface of words.

Words use brain processes which cover much more then open.

So back to practice.

For me this is the time to close facebook for a while.

The only mathod to gain extra efficient work is to clean out extra words.

Swimming in freedom.

Pure information. Pure kinestetics.

Open new project line and go on, and go on.

Investigating Adizes Corporate LifeCycle: point0 +point 1
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 March 2014 at 08:15 AM No comments
Hello everybody, a couple words about Lifecycle Art project.
All paintings from the 2013 seria was made with the purposes to explain and educate people in simple way what is Lifecycle and how it changes features of visible situations from one point to another. That year I am focusing on Energies which represents the Lifecycle.
In my case painting is the language of knowledge and tool for investigation,
that`s why I am so interesting in core subjects instead of landscapes.
Working on the Energies I insighted several more features of the process.
The first picture from last season was Zero point: the moment when a Founder feel new idea, but just as a dream. It was (000I) state which comes before an idea forms in human mind. The first point of the Lifecycle is Cortship which represents how a Founder starts to spread the idea among people and prepare them to start new activity.
Doing the new Energy seria I realized this is the one single position Zero and Courtship which splits into two in human activities.
In energies this is the same process just with two fases.

Two phases can be increased or decreased, to be forced, to be wasted and so changed in quality.

Natural deviation when an Energy becomes embodiment by words is also significant.

Also the structure. Energy has no adequate words in human language because of the matter of definitions. But it can be more or less degree of mass when it becomes discussed by words. it depends of human mind which was iniciated by an idea.
So now I can model the whole process of ideas coming and cortship with position requires more attention and easy position wich tends to growth.
The First of the 2014 year has finished! Great!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 March 2014 at 08:49 AM No comments

Today I can claim the first painting of 2014 year and the first position in Adizes LifeCycle curve Art project has officially finished!

It was several new technigues to try and mix with my base innovative style, so the work was so interesting as a kind of investigations.

Now I am starting to paint the whole LifeCycle in Energy view and then to start with United Nations Millenium goals.

So good!

Happy!!!! smile smile smile

Raising new harvest: the way ideas come
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 March 2014 at 09:15 PM Comments(1)

Sometimes it take so much time to understand if a process comes normally or not. Many time things are covered by the nature of time needs to growth. It is so similar to my small green house then I want to share it with you now.

This is my small green house. It works good to growth a little micro-green grasses. The first time I use it it was a strange effect of witnessing the way the seeds becomes plants. It was seeds-then nothing-nothing… and once I openet the cover and found something inside! It was so exciting after 3 days.

That time it was obvious some seeds comes to green quicly, some seeds are not. Even at the beginning it was the visible evidencies what seeds  are healthy and strong.

After the next 3 days it becomes so green and beautiful so I forgot the first  dayes of uncertain with doubts if I watered it normally or did something  wrong.

Even not every seed became green grass full of juices, just have a glance how many of seeds are green now!

Now I realize, it doesn`t matter how many became green. it will be enough and healthy even if several doesn`t growth. So it will be much more place to the strong.

Just one glance to the side of the green house. They made it smart: this is no needs in earth or fertilazers. Just water and grid with different size of cells for different seeds. Sun and water is enough.

It was a special moment when I harvested it the first time. From the beginning it was a kind of sadness to take grasses from such a beautiful lively green house. it was a moment I was ready to let grasses growth as it is just for the pleasure to see it.

Then I realized: such micro-grasses can`t be green all time. The technology of the process is to harvest it otherwise it becomes yellow and old.

So I did it.

It was so sharp contrast between full-grown grass and the view of snows from my window.

The pleasant feeling on my finger tips when I gently pull the grasses from the cells.

I realized this is the right way of things. Seedds become grass, grass became ready, and then a vegetarian come and make a beautiful fresh meal from the grasses which grown from the seeds.

The beautiful process, just in time.

And you can see the beautiful (and testy!) result.

it turns me to think about natural speed of processes, how it starts and goes on.

Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 March 2014 at 07:22 AM Comments(1)

Yesterday I started the new Coursera course Irrational Behaviour which made me deep sad because of naked truth which proves by all things I see around.

I see many things I am strongly against because it produces mass and chaos much more the right clear order.

Because they use a moment of personal power to ruin things much more beautiful and productive for many people.

Predators are acting the same style the same manner, just in different scales. Sometimes they cover their deeds by "common will" which is lie, because they never listen to people in democratic way, being afraid to lost power spreading to others in normal democratic process.

They use stolen phrases and words which covers it from people who are not vigiland for manipulations.

Sometimes they are drunk by power and possibilities they juat can`t handle in right way and ego demands to make unperfect actions and to harness people, also to trick just to save energy to own purposes.

If you think I am writing about Crimea crisis, it isn`t so.

I am a witness of the same process in small scale in which a good idea was occupied and controlled the same way as dictatorship comes in all regions all over the globe. It is sadness because actions bases on technically good will, but in fact dictatorship bases of ego and ignorance in all of modifications works for worse results. Just people don`t realize what`s going on. 

I feel pity to touch such things and I decided to cancel all of my group projects until I see people are ready to act as a adult intelligent persons with full responcibility in collaboration. All I see is the sure a very few people and good designed organizations only could work without a waste of resourses.

Such waste I can`t accept.

I am back to individual project as I always do. I am happy to keep such a kind of freedom which is treasure the same way as a life. 

Lowlands between two waves
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 March 2014 at 06:55 AM No comments

That was busy for 2 months, mostly full of communication. Communication by words causes obstacles to keep in touch with creative silent part. Now I am back to art projects, having a small pause before the start.

Transition from one mind sate into another is the same as transition from one place into another, or from one job to another one. It needs to make a pause in mind to calm thoughts, to make conclusion what`s going on and how it concerns the life you want to live.

I made my pause.

To gain a special mind state I use the ancient process of prepare the Ink, from Chinese calligraphy traditions. Traditionally it needs to make about 50-100 turns of the ink stick on the ink stone, with water, to prepare the ink to work. I make less, just keep my feeling how the ink stick becomes into viscid black liquid.

Then I started.

it is one of the most effective technique to paint own state, current or preferent, it depends of your wish. Drawing, painting and similar things is the straight 2 sides road to our subconsciousness. That`s why people have different handwriting which can show some information about personality.

Usually I have no plan for such drawings, just an impulse of general idea. That`s why I am curious by myself what it will be.

That one can be a good source to analysis. It show a nesessity to make step back, have a pause and to meditate for a while, letting things go on.

Among different clothes from different parts of the world I feel Indian saree the best to relaxation. When 6 m of fabric winds around the body it makes psychological and physical limitations to body movements.

Athmosphere around is significant also. If you feel badly or sadness or weak, your hand will paint clouds and other dark formations around the figure. This is the way to realize what do you feel deeply inside and may be intensity of the stress. This is the one technique, self-exploration.

Another one I used that case was to make new state, more prefer, and link it to the current mood. That`s why I painted sun and clear sea waters around.

I am experienced in such transformations so made several texts to fix prefer mood and remind myself what it`s need.

A friend of mine told me about cooking on low fire, also about slow movements. It was the key  to describe what`s going on.

It seems, the time of fire-like actions has finished now. It needs new mind state, slow gentle movements, low fire actions and waiting.

If you use such techniques of programming or deprogramming, you should found somebody who can tell you in simple words something different from your current state. If you feel that words significant, it can be a modulator, a transition wave from current state to another one. Such brain function are common for every human being so it is ready to apply it to own life. May be once you will be lucky to archieve true words from existence around, which people occasionally drop. Such words can be your road signs. That`s the technique to work with, just try it.

And after all, here is my result:

Natural beauty, welcom!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 March 2014 at 08:53 AM No comments

I vote to the natural beauty in different kinds, from different nations.That`s amazing!

What is a differencies between things seems similar
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 March 2014 at 10:24 AM No comments

Sometimes I found words so powerful and clear so I have no wish to speak about by myself.

Spring, summer
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 March 2014 at 08:26 PM No comments

Life is a chain of changes. However everyone likes to be linked with essential things which don`t change, as we hope.

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