Sea, Stones, Waterproof
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 July 2012 at 09:54 PM No comments

That visit to Corfu I`ve a new experience: to paint among stones. Thanks to my brother Alex presented me a waterproof set of bags!

So I can pack my scetch albom and brushes and aquarels and swim to rocks and paint it! Here it is the first scenche I did from my "host-stone" - the stone I prefer to stay, have a rest and also to sleep. I painter 2 dark rocks on the left side, listening how waves splashed, wondeing how different are their shape, dreaming how it will be wondeful to feel eveything by brushes just at the place, not from the memory.

Hee it is the kind of freedom I started to like! smile

Changes for the best view
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 July 2012 at 10:35 AM No comments

That visit I have many changes since it`s started. My first room had lizard-view. My second room had a tree-view:

...and my current room has a glorious mounting-view. It could be a sea-view but the trees shields it. I could feel the sea, listen it so purey as if it is just near my balcony.

Of course I love it! The second floor is better, I feel as I live in a castle and could see everything from my balcony, actually I like it so much to carry my tools here and work, sleep and have a small privat tea ceremony here. Actually I`ve built the nest conviniant both for day and night time:

Here I have a view to stars and moon and have many thoughts and plans for my art and future pojects and more, more, more because the internet connection is good and the weather is nice and I could go to swim every time I want it. So it`s a paradise! smile)))

The Paradise
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 July 2012 at 11:02 AM No comments

The Paradise beach is one of the most beautiful places I`ve ever seen. Also I feel it as a secure place because of the big mounting on the back.

It seemes a huge waves beated the rock and crashed part of it into small pieces. So a narrow line of small smoothy stones forms the beach. So fine beauty it is!

Waters change colors from gentle green I love to fluorescent blue amuseing me every time I see it. So crystal and calm!

My special admiation is stones lying in the water. It seemes smoothy too but with more interesting shape, sometimes flat, sometimes with an angles, half visible, half hidden inside.

Stones I love:

Stones I want to touch:

The Way to Paradise
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 July 2012 at 10:31 PM Comments(1)

Yesterday we with Anila visited the Paradise beach available by boat only. While we gained it it was a long thread or Corfu`s rocks.

Flying slightly over the water the boat scuds further, so far I couldn`t gain by flippers. Not deep caves with blue water situates into the seashore rocks:

The structure of Corfu`s rocks are so different. I tryed to found scientific information about it but failed so I have no ideas how it was possible to form structures so different in colors, composition, directions etc, different in everything except the place. White chalk stones, gently rounded by the sea, lyes near big sharp black rocks. On our way it was tabular rocks remined me a huge cake:

You can see how layesr of molten and cool magma congealed in ancient time:

Another one:

That`s a lot of interesting ocks to paint. Sincerely said I tryed to paint it yesterday but not with a great success because it was really hard. So I need to investigate it more careful and try more, more, so I make pictures as much as it is possible:

The Paradise Beach contains with layers-rocks and small pebbles panes out by the sea, see next post for it. 8-)

Corfu, 1 Day
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 July 2012 at 06:15 AM No comments

1 and 2 days on Corfu is an exciting time so my first duty is be carefull with sun. I was fail it yesterday, sunburned and now have a time to write. 8-))) This is my first place for first days:

it was a chance to try a new place to live in villa Katherine so I have a view to small garden and hydragenia flowers and lizards was my neighbours for a few days:

The table is small so I tryed to place everything careful:

Trying to fit my shedule and make my Memrise gardens watered:


An One-year long Graphics
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 July 2012 at 09:59 PM No comments

1 year ago at Corfu i started a new Graphics from 2 parts. It was an year I was trying to finish it step by step and now, 1 day before I`ll move to Corfu, it`s finished!

(The big picture below)

I focused at a point we plane something having an ideal view and no ideas how it will be in reality. It`s the position we ought to support our understandind the ideal result and accept some aberrations, sometimes it could be stange, sometimes - not intime and so painful, sometimes through deadly tirediness. How an idea could be transfered from it beginning, what we ought have to grow it and details involved - all things here. in shadows of black and white, through dots and strokes you could meditate to achive something new helpful to do.

Ab Painting: just do it!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 July 2012 at 03:39 PM No comments

Summer! Holidays! Oh my god, I`m still alive and have a right to be lazy! So I want to do several experiments wit AB technigues to realize my ideas in future:


In the middle:

I`ll finish it later and now want to be lazy, it`s so beautiful day! smile

Just for fun :)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 June 2012 at 12:41 PM No comments

I am learning China and English by iPhone Memrise app. Great! smile)

#14 2012, LifeHack Seria: “Ascension”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 June 2012 at 08:15 PM No comments

The description is short: before you gain your freedom - mental, physical or spiritual - you need to reject masks. Not only yours, but masks of old relationship and false time-lost processes too.

It`s the question how to live without musks because any siciety or social inteaction bases on a number of masks. But as you grow from it you could recognize advantages and disadvantages, revise pragmatic things and then, deing free from heavity and unfreedom, use an appropriate mask as way as you choose. This is the difference between mask-slavers and free people use masks as a language.

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