Hello from Great Britan!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 June 2014 at 10:32 AM No comments

Hello dear friends, I am writing from Burmingham, UK. I am here with one week visit. Just several pictures. This is the centre of Burmingham city "Bullring".

Amazing place in which you can see both modern buildings (a huge shopping cence at the left) and an ancient church at the right.

Speaking shortly, this is just a glance for the happy moment at the end of busy day. It`s so nice to sit here having so lovely stawberry in my hands, informal, feeling satisfaction about the day.

This is the best strawberry in the world smile

I`ll make more pictures and posts later, see you!.

“UN calls for action 2014: Climate Change” Project
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 June 2014 at 08:08 AM No comments

Hello everybody, I spent a week doing some important redesign for my site according to my current activities. A lot of work was done! Now  I am back to my current project "UN calls for action 2014: Climat Change".

United Nations calls for special attention for Climate change in 2014 year. Just 9 days ago I started my new project for UN Millenium Development Goals dedicated for Climate Change. It was exectly the day   concentration of Carbon Dioxide surpasses 400 ppm level first time in human history. Remarcable conjunction I noted for memory here annamain.org/site/comments/sustainable_development_art_project_started_at_the_significant_day_in_human/

Such conjunctions are frequently appears in my life as a sign of right actions in right time, so I postpone another projects for the sake of that one.

Today I can`t publish mind maps for that project because of security reasons, and the same about another pictures concern it.  I expect it will be ready to 20 of September 2014, for the world leaders summin in New York.

As I have many things to do, it needs right order. Many small things needs to be prepared carefully, and the whole structure should be well developed before I stert to paint. So it that case the painting itself will be on the top of the project work.

Just several notes about the base to memorise the story of the project.

1 - I was invited to Gaidar Forum 15-18 of January 2014

2 - I had met professor Jeffrey Sachs en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Sachs   www.jeffsachs.org/  at Gaidar Forum; you can read the post with pictures here  annamain.org/site/comments/green_power_and_sustainable_development/ 

3 -  I`ve finished The Age of Sustainable Development course by professor Jeffrey Sachs and had my certificate at 12 of May 2014. It was the first course so we are the first students of J.Sachs.

That course will be restarted in September 2014 on United Nations base,  unsdsn.org/what-we-do/education-initiatives/

During the course I planed to make several projects deducate UN Millenium Development goals in order to support it in several fields.

  I founded the structure of lectures and UN matherials the best base for the project work. So I prepared MindMaps and other notes based on my conspects and documents for the future.

Is it just a several paintings? No. I prepared much more.

World wide process could be started that way.

As everything needs a good preparation and very right order to do, and everything is new, I am doing it step by step.

Sometimes I found new decisions between two steps I planned before, so it needs an additional time for it.

So the work became more interesting and more prospective in global scale.

Now, I have to be back to work and make preparations for my visit to England.

Thank you for being with me!


Sustainable Development art project: started at the significant day in human history
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 June 2014 at 08:48 AM No comments

That weekend 15 of June 2014 I`ve started my new project for UN iniciatives concerns planetary boundaries. It starts with 2 first paintings about the Keeling curve and Ocean Acidification. Usually I don`t show my project books while a project is processing. However today this is the strong reason to do it.


Just one hour ago I was updated, that weekend concentrations of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere are surpassing 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in human history, according to Institution of Oceanography San Diego keelingcurve.ucsd.edu/

The synchronisity with the first moment in human history CO2 raised 400 ppm is significant: I`ve updated about the surpassing just now.

It means I`ve started right thing in right time, because such conjunctions appears along all of my life.

As we learned from the Age of Sustainable development course CO2 concentration raises because of carbon economy and so many changes in our planet became unreversable. The base of my art is knowledge, correctly organized information. Thet`s why I investigated subjects before put it into art project. At the picture below you can see my conspect from the Age of Sustainable development course (by professor Jeffrey Sachs) I succesfully finished 2 months ago. (Now the course will be restarted by United Nations unsdsn.org/what-we-do/education-initiatives/ )

We are near to break through our planetary boundaries which will cause many desasters and drastic changes in the whole world. That`s why it`s an alarm for world leaders to visit September 2014 Summit in New York.

In the whole of human history benefits and losses of a business can be counted well, but benefits of positive changes and dialogs are not so easy to measure. That`s why the global picture of small step by step changes wasn`t clear and so didn`t counted in the development of world economy.

UN specialists develop the system which can be allpyed to measure effect of collaboration and movement towards carbon-free economy in world scale..

Climate Summit 2014: Go Ahead, Innovate, scale-up, cooperate.
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 15 June 2014 at 09:18 AM No comments

I was preparing for being the part of the global UN projects from last year, summer 2013, and now it`s going on. Now I`ve just make some quotes to mark the start and what is the base for my work.

May 2014: Abu Dhabi Ascent Links Prospects for Greater Prosperity to Action on Climate Change.


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said:

"I challenge you to bring to the Summit bold pledges. Innovate, scale-up, cooperate and deliver concrete action that will close the emissions gap and put us on track for an ambitious legal agreement through the UNFCCC process.”  www.un.org/climatechange/summit/   www.un.org/climatechange/summit2014/


 "Abu Dhabi, 5 May—Leaders from governments, businesses and civil society organizations meeting at the Abu Dhabi Ascent explored new approaches and initiatives that can vastly expand climate action. "

"Big Idea 2014: The Year for Climate Action: We can delay no longer. Our hopes of eradicating poverty, achieving the Millennium Development Goals by the year 2015 and implementing an ambitious development agenda beyond 2015 rest on tackling this challenge now. The costs of inaction will only rise…

Private investment is essential to meet the growing demand for energy in the developing world… But we cannot mobilize private resources without a public lever.  Smart public financing can encourage local and international private investments. Investors and companies need to join forces with the public sector." www.un.org/climatechange/summit/2013/12/11/big-idea-2014-the-year-for-climate-action/

"At the Abu Dhabi Ascent, representatives from governments, business and civil society are looking at the possibilities for engagement in nine action areas that are ripe for climate action. They include energy,  cities and transport, finance, resilience, agriculture and short-lived climate pollutants. ... It gives you a chance to experience the wealth of opportunity that exists so you can leave here ready to join others in acting,” the Secretary-General told the participants." www.un.org/climatechange/summit/2014/05/04/abu-dhabi-ascent-links-prospects-for-greater-prosperity-to-action-on-climate-change/  (This entry was posted in News and tagged on by .)

(Picture from the site www.un.org/climatechange/summit/2014/05/04/abu-dhabi-ascent-links-prospects-for-greater-prosperity-to-action-on-climate-change/ )

From that UN activities it is clear the links between global processes, international movement, private investments and public sector.

If you are wondering why I started it, I will explain it in my next posts.

Stay with me to be a witness what`s going on.


An entrance to make a choice
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 June 2014 at 02:24 PM No comments

Having a lot of information and plans we need a good sense to detect what`s should be closed, what should be open. Sometimes it is not an obvious thing from our feelings. Curious, how to do it in easy way! One simple thing is really helpful, it is good sleeping.

When we sleep, our neuro network works in deep silence, without thoughts formulated by words. Eyes became shining and so, in good mood, we can decide what to do in positive way.

The second thing to have access to our decision centre is meditation.

It works the similar way as sleeping. I prefer meditation with tea, just because I like  simple tea ceremonies and can meditate to all accessories, movements, the colour of tea, the taste.

Now it is the season of pepny blossoming. I love it, ahh, I wish it could blossom the whole year!

So the meditation now are with flowers. So refresh it is, to browse along each petal, to enjoy mathematically right lines.

Just one thing about meditation: don`t use e-book as you see on my picture. I shouldn`t do it too!


Tired and Free
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 June 2014 at 08:39 PM No comments

Today I finished one long document. It finalized the story of last several months, full of struggle and activities. it is not easy to be involved in group dynamic. it was a lot of cases among people so many times I sweared to work alone as usual to keep my effective and efficient work style. Not the first phase is in the past.

I collected all evidencies in quotes and dates to allow people to see the system picture as it was and as I saw it. I wasn`t pleased with this job, especially the final document growth into 38 pages. But it was a nesessity for me to make my usual informational archive. And itis more nesessery for people involved to understand what happened and to witness the border between sustainability and competition.

So, we will move forward soon.

I prepared a big principal MindMap for the next activities. All core things are in it and all negotiations with specialists was made.

Now I am tired and empty in a good meaning of the word. Going for my everning tea, today it`s a new one, with chokolate flavour. Then to sleep.

Peony blossoms, so gentle, so glorious.


How to make Effective and Efficient ProjectWork
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 June 2014 at 07:49 AM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve just started to participate one important Sustainable Development project in South Africa. I see passionate real doers who have power to make significant changes in the world.  I would like to make introduction how I do my project work and so you can learn something useful for yourself.

We all live in complicated world. People who tell you things are easy or offer you to think less typically want you to be deadly dependent from them (or anothers) in making decisions. You could feed them for ages just because they wisely converted all intelligent approachs to own favour. If you are OK with it, let it be.

If you want to be effective and efficient in short and long run, and have own ability to make questions and rule projects, just try to check the method I work and train it.

1st stage of Successful Project

From my first high education, it was Physics, and my first passion which was Math I learned how short descriptions can turn the thinking, decisions making and creation processes.

The first stage of any successful project is to understand what`s we really have, what`s we want, what`s condition could be added, what`s can be changed. If you are trained in mnemonics you can do it in your ming. But, honestly said, it is enough things to remember today. So it is better to write your ideas.

Flat word-by-word writing is not the best tool for it. You could stuck with smallest things, such as the first phrase, and stuck with the style, and other problems. Flat text has many limitations; first of them is it use our brain in not so effective manner. Our brain neuronetwork consists of billions connections between neurons which contains huge amount of information and can make thousands different combinations of it. MindMaps is the simple representative of such neuronetwork so it is very natural to thinking process. I started every project from MindMapping. On the picture above yu can see several real MindMaps I did for several projects. Of course it is the light version, because for my own work I use much more complicated with many branches and interconnections. But a simple MindMap can turn your work much better then pages of text.

So try to make something like MindMap for any simple idea or personal experience you have. No needs for special soft; you can do it by handwriting. Just feel the differencies between your unmapped experience and your ideas represent by MindMap. Using MindMaps you can speak with yourself by natural language.

2nd stage of Successful Project

I bet sometimes you make a really good looking plan and stuck with it`s beauty. Plans could mesmerise us with feeling of nearly ready project. This is one of the obstacles for people  who make plans well and become too much accurate with it. Life can bring more differencies, circumstances can be changed, input conditions and probable result too. Another people could be involved. All of it influences your plans.

If we are still at the 1st stage (planing and mapping), just make additional brunches to your MindMap, or do another one, or Mixed maps. This is the easiest changes that`s why all of us desired to know more at the planing stage.

However our life isn`t ideal so changes could come at any stage. That`s why this is the second stage of planing I call "Transition Zone".

Transition zone is the border between your planing (researchs, understanding) and implementation all of it into real life. What can we do with it? Dialogs helps to make transition well, sometimes it is better to complete all dialogs on the planing stage so it is different approachs. Different cases, different actions.

The same is your own mind ability to convert such abstract things as planing and mapping into real deeds. Such border is challenging. Many people stuck with it. Sometimes the MindMap is too much abstract so it seems as a huge gap between it and real life. So we should make some training to teach our mind how to transit the ideas into real life smoothly.

It can be trained in different manner appropriate to individual mind structures. I do it in my private coach practice. Also I make public several methods I use for myself, such as Drawings annamain.org/site/comments/creation_and_thinking_fire_style_water_style/.

Anyway, we train our mind to gum our Ideal Idea with real world conditions and make new product. Sometimes the Transition itself is the product, for example I train people how to make it.  You can try to train it by yourself because our mind has such algorithms naturally. Just it needs to develop the feeling of Transition Zone and feel it differently until the process becames smooth and easy.

3d stage of Successful Project

The result of your MindMapping and Transition should be real, skillful and flexible to be implemented in open systems. As we live in complicated world with so much challenges we should be ready to make different approachs to develop our product in different styles.

We are going to live in post-industrial world that`s why ideas has the first position. So it should be creative. As you can see, even serious businesses meet the nesessity to be more creative. CEO of big companies confess creativity as a part of strategic thinking. That`s why creativity should be the part of your future product, or implementation or your ideas. It can be in different forms. This is two ways in modern world: one - to be a narrow specialist and work persistantly in that field, second is to be interdisciplinary.

Having different education, skills and personal abilities (from technical to arts) I am multidimensional interdisciplinary specialist. So I can produce the result in different forms: writing, coaching, project work, arts etc. Actually while I am making a MindMap, my Transition Zone works and make mutli-dimentional result ready to translate into different "languages" (visual, text, actions).

How I love it!

It makes me to feel how Uiverse turns around. That`s why I suggest you to try more then you usually do.

So the Third stage of a project is Creative Implementation in choosen or different forms.

All above fits Adizes Methodology in term "Flexibility under control".

You are free to be creative inside plans to fulfill your project well and keep timing. You are restricted by resourses in natural way so it is normal to think in terms of limitation.

Let`s make some conclusions.

As I like information in different kinds, I did that Infographics to you. It represents how such processes develop. You can see yellow arrows links left and right sides of the picture. It represents the brain, social and informational processes which links two parts of project work continuously. That`s natural for our brain so it is good to have some training, may be self observation to catch how it goes on.

Sometimes people think they don`t do MindMaps and have zero in that field. However our mind is acting that way. If we have no access to own brainwork so have no chance to manage it. It remains us effective in short run, in operetional decisions, but we have to rethink more if situation changes. It costs time and energy, sometimes too much.

Having the whole process in our hands we can act more effective and efficient in short and long run. That`s why small training can help a lot. You can perform it right now, after you`ve finished the post, with fresh feelings. Just try it, just do it!





Creation and thinking: Fire Style, Water Style
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 May 2014 at 02:37 PM No comments

We all have different styles of thinking and performance. Sometimes we want to act in one style while a situation requires another. How to keep an appropriate mood having another in preset? One of the quick tool to analyze it is the Four Elements Cycle. Water, Fire, Earth and Air represents normal model of project work, also it`s useful to describe personal mind states. 

I can`t show my MindMaps for UN and others projects because of security,  so I have to illustrate the method of Four Elements by intuitive tools like drawings. Let`s have a glance.

My normal creative style is Fire. Today I have to perform water because projects I carry needs waiting to growth. The picture above represents two different mind states and two phases of project work: Water and Earth. This is my current state because I have to wait for more information and for the best time. I needs to collect all ideas in details, from many different fields and think about the way how to put it together. I must be vigilant for additional information and to check gaps in plans. That work requires much more preparation and time. It is hard becuse I still make no paintings and feel myself drought. But it`s required by the matter of new project work.

To compare Water-Earth state with Fire state just have a glance to my last year drawing.

One year ago it was a Fire time. I worked on Cyberwar, Section I Project which represents social processes and crimes in Internet. I was angry and sad all the time. It was the Fire energy. I was full with information and totally involved. It was feeling like a tornado of information and images cought me and made me whirled.

Even my photos seems un focused as if it moved.

It was the time I did 21 big painting in one month.

How? I saw it simultaneously. It wasn`t one by one, it was 10 then 10 plus, and more and more, all in my head. I made my blog posts about step-by-step process so you can see it here annamain.org/site/C17/

I did yoga accurately in order to controle myself well. And I won. The Section I was completed.

This is the Fire Element. Fire Creative Style.

Although all painting in Cyberwar Section Inow are shadowed because of several reasons, all of it was created just in 5 weeks.

Analyzing the Fire process it needs to mention, Fire state is the visible part of previous Water state.

Now I am on the beginning of new things, even more then in my past, so I need to support Water state and restrict mysrlf from premature actions. I am waiting being busy with all the details.

If you want to act in Fire style but have to wait, of perform in water style, you should take care and keep some balancing training.

For today I utilize my Fire energy in Nordic walking en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_walking with additional 3 kilos weights on my ankles. It works for good, although I adjusted for 3 kilo and so need to increase additional weights to 4 kilo minimum.

Also I decided to be back to my satin stitch embroidery practice. It requires very small accurate movements so helps me to control body and mind after Nordic walking.

Satin stitch is a nice activity with beautiful results. It`s very close to pencil drawing and develops persistance, accurancy and attention, because every stitch is different and needs to place it right.

I use lotus flowers and water view stitching over my blouse I painted long ago. The picture itself helps me to meditate and make steps from my Fire feeling good.

So this is the tool to check your life, how it`s going on. The Four Elements is one of the best tool to control project work and own mind state, so you can use it for your purpses with my example.

Now I feel Fire and need to make my Nordic walk before i`ll be back and make new MindMap. Thank you for being with me!

Hope the example will be helpful.

Effective Tool to Keep Right Path
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 May 2014 at 09:25 AM No comments

We are living in time of changes. Things right yesterday is not so for today. We are planing our desired future and found it comes not so quickly as other changes. Sometimes it is not clear how to keep own road in our activities in such uncertain atmosphere. So we need some tools to check what`s going on.  The first stage: start it unusually.

During my own experience and coach practice I developed several tools to use mind more effective. Today it is well known, our subconsciousness able to analyze things and make decisions, sometimes better then consciousness. That`s why I use drawings as the powerful tool to download tasks into our natural internal computer and then to check the result. Let`s start the practice.

In today example I am trying to answer the question: how to keep right path as you plan, making steps forward in uncertain situations.

The rule is: don`t plan what to draw. Don`t start as usual. Why? Because you want to know things you don`t know. That`s why I started from sleeve, not from eyes or head.

The direction of movement is significant. I can analyze all details of every drawing as I do during my coach practice. The way of drawing and the style to describe it, both are powerful tools to keep right decisions and to create new tomorrow from yesterday possibilities. That`s why you should draw slowly and make pictures of each stage.

2 stage: Personal Details. 

I realized this is nothing in my hero`s hands. Hands are empty. The gesture is something between dancing and expression of "So what?..". This is wind because long sleeves of the clothes are waving. And the hair style means this is a kind of mission. Sounds interesting… If you try to make the same, you will found a whole ocean of interesting details. Let`s enscript it and make steps forward!

The 3d stage: Environment on the front.

I was surprised about two rocks at the front. It has a good way between and it seems not dangerous. Now I see the clothes are short to allow the hero to travel easily. It means, everything prepared for good work, something in the middle between official and private.

If you draw the environment to your own hero, check your internal impulse. If you want to make it flat and wide, it means your path is more sertain as you feel it. So you should check things which could make you more clear about your decisions and results. 

If you feel it is no road to move your hero forward, it means you should make a pause to relax and then to think about it more. May be the road somewhere not far away.

The 4th stage: One glance to the wide picture.

If you are not so familiar with such experience, you could feel tension with the details. Tension and frustration close the gates from subconsciousness. So you should have a glance to the whole scene at the place you are drawing. In my case this is a special cabinet, the Bamboo Cabinet, with specially designed environment to make me more relaxing. So you can see a small water pool with lilly here, it makes me relaxing more then others. In your practice you can design whatever you want. Just to note, water containers with stones helps a lot (that`s why we are so relaxing being near a lake or at seashore).

The 5th stage: Make colors.

For such tool as decision-make drawings I recommend to use just several common colors. Just to narrow your choice and make the information more easy to read. For example on the picture you can see, I colored the rocks pretty dark. Also the color of the clothes isn`t bright. It seems as a kind of jeans. For me it means the situation is at work and pretty comfortable.

The 6th stage: the most bright details.

Previous picture shows a kind of dull space. But now you can see the halo around the head and hands, the bright band in the hairdress (i usually draw it so it represents my fire style of creation). Also I realized, the way forward is much more bright then the background. My hand draw bright green by itself.

The 7th stage: Adding details.

You can add all details your subconsciousness want to add. It will be significant and so you can decode the information. In my case this is unusually bright details ahead. It means I certainly know much more good in future then I feel now. This is the game our subconsciousness plays, to shadow one thing, to make accent on another. So we should assure ourselves about things we really able to know and ready to keep.

The 8th stage: Compare with previous state.

If you have some experience in such drawing, especially if you have a hero who represents you, it will be significant to compare today result with previous.

That year I did drawings so rare so my previous was 2 months ago. I did it as the same tool, to check my state and restart my internal computer to work on my tasks. If you interesting to learn my method by examples read about all of my drawings here annamain.org/site/C16/

My previous state described here annamain.org/site/comments/lowlands_between_two_waves/

Even without description you can compare both states easily. Ths is the gift of visualization: you can catch the perls quickly. So you can see, in my today state it is movement forward in work mood.

The 9th stage: Add texts.

AS I keep old Chinese style it needs some texts on the picture. The size, style of brush strokes, angle and others features of the text should be the part of the picture.

It also fits for modern style so you should add some texts relevant to the pucture you did. Texts could be in different manners: to support the picture, to describe hidden parts (feelings for exampla) or to be in contradiction with the drawing. Let your internal wisdom run the process and observe the result.

In my case this is supporting sentenses, all is on the background. It means I am moving forward well and just needs to keep the same direction and allows seeds of future projects to growth.

Also you can see, I eventually made green grass on the front much more bright and colorful. So the moving is right.


At the conclusion I should say a couple words what I am doing now.

I made about 10 mind maps describing my project for United Nations, in Sustainable development field.

Also I made all preparation to keep my Adizes system project well.

Making today drawins I was checking my own mind state and trying to touch the road one step forward.

I hope you can use the tool I desribed for own purposes. It needs just your will and several simple writing tools. No needs to make a special place or use traditional ink, brushes etc as I do. You can use a pen or a pencil, simple charcoals or aquacolors, whatever you have near you at the moment. You can use standard A4 paper of smallest. In my case it`s special long paper I cut into smallest peaces. But the same way I can use A5 or smallest if I am not at home.

The method works nice in all cases.

Thank you for being with me!

Hugs, Anna

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