“Green power” and Sustainable development
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 January 2014 at 10:14 PM

Now I am preparing new plans to the year and check some metherials from places and events I attended. One of them is documentary from my 15 of January  visit to the expert discussion "Green Growth" and Sustainable development, Gaidar Forum, 15 of January 2014.

Energy is the source of life. Sustainable development is thing everyone wants.


Sometimes it`s a local task, for example sustainable development of myself, my family and perhaps a couple of my friends and my pets.


Sometimes this term covers a country.

For sure everyone wants own country to be stable and developed in a sustainable way.


Some people think about the sustainable development  to the whole planet.

About one year ago, I have the exectly date in my diary when I realized it first time, I had an idea to work with United Nations.

Now without any moves from my side, without a plan and agenda I am nearly it.


It starts from the report of Jeffrey Sachs en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Sachs  on the Green Growth section.

After the event, last week I suddenly found "Sustainable Development" course on Coursera class.coursera.org/susdev-001  .


It was too much to feel it as a eventuality, so I attended to it.

The course is by Prof.Jeffrey Sachs.


Why I didn`t wondered?..


So about today.

Many students all over the world attend to that course. It`‘s great. And we realized we are strong enough to do something together. We run the group at Facebook from the students of the course to have the environment with the same background.






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