Mystic Dolphin: panno in batik technigue
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 April 2010 at 12:57 PM Comments(3)

It is spring, the end of April. Cold, sunny, windy, cloudy, reiny and cold,  cold, cold… My internal calendar scream that cold weather should be finished.  So I imagine several decorative soft panno in batik and mixed technigues.

All cells of my body and soul need warm, grass and more then all - gentle touch of a sea. I found rest, peace and consolation in sea colors.

What is the essence

Students during exam: Professor`s Report
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 April 2010 at 08:07 PM Comments(1)

This is the practice of American courts to invite an artist to make pictures. Speciality of artist`s view is attention to small details. Yesterday I tried such practice and found it really fresh and fun. Here it is several sketches from the exam. 

When students take their questions we, members of exam committee, have about an hour to check documents, chatting or do nothing.

I invest that

Hard day`s night
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 April 2010 at 09:59 PM No comments

Today it was the Government final exams for managers. It was hard work fo me, to be in committee, check students works etc. I started the day at 6:45 AM after not more then 4 hours of sleeping. And come back home at 6:30 PM. It was a lot of activity therefore i didn`t pay attention about the lunch. A cupped hands of nuts, 5 grapes and 2 caps of juice was my capture and then i come back home

Hot Report: Anomalistic weather in Moscow
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 April 2010 at 02:41 PM Comments(2)

Today, 25 of Apryl i was a witness of anomalistic weather. That year in Moscow we have ordinary weather: about +10-15 C degree, green grass and leafs. Today it was an ordinary morning with clouds and sun and breeze wind. Everything had changed in 5 minutes. Deep dark clouds covered all sky, then it began gray and then sharp snow mixed with snow flakes started. From my window 22 floor i could

My work
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 April 2010 at 10:42 PM Comments(2)

Night time is the best to make some sketches about the life.

This is the hot period in institute`s life. Students prepares to exams and graduation. As the Head of management department i have to check many things: texts of graduation works etc. I am so tired of it! Sometimes i feel myself crazy about such work but it is the disadvantage of teacher`s life. I try to be patient, tolerant and

Anna`s new tools
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 April 2010 at 10:04 PM Comments(1)

Everyone knows how important are tools for professionals. I have a deep passion to try and use new tools, and especially love tools for painting. Today it is two kind of brushes. Congratulate me with such new experience! smile One is the brush for calligraphy with ink container by Pentel. Today I try it first time and found it interesting and fun.

The end of ink brush is unexpectedly dry. Even if

Five persons and Sunday
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 April 2010 at 07:26 AM No comments

That Sunday, yesterday, my dear friends came to me and I thought it would be not bad idea to teach them how to dye fabrics. They brought several t-shirts to sacrificed it to such experiment.

Girls seemed like heroes because it was the first time they did it. With all courage we bathed the t-shirt in colors with 4 hands. I joked, t-shirt seemed to be fainted therefore not to hinder us.

Even if you tired - never stop
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 April 2010 at 12:43 PM Comments(3)

Actually the point is how to continue to do the thing even if you are tired of it. It is true to said the hardest part of my projects has finished and I am glad to notice it!

  My friends said it seems as Anna is something like mashine, never stops and clealy know what to do. But many times I felt myself empty and lost. Several times it was so exhosting activity then I wished to close my eyes

Annamain.Org has opened! Welcome!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 April 2010 at 08:06 AM No comments

My web site www.Annamain.Org has opened. This is the result of more then 6 months of hard work - painting, thinking, planing, coding… and now I am happy!  Thanks to everybody who helped me! 

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