Enjoy the sea and sky view after the rain
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 July 2014 at 01:03 PM No comments

After the heavy rain we had two days ago it was the most beautiful view of sea and sky. It starts suddenly after the rein stops. in one moment the sky was white…

then in becomes deep deep blue with so beautiful clouds, in so great shape which was floating slowly across the bay.

Now I undestand: when a ship with a crew survives in a storm they will be granted with amazing nature surrounding to

Climate Change Project: Sun, Clouds, Rain
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 July 2014 at 09:34 AM No comments

Hello, I am here with quick report about incredible changes in weather I am witnessing and filming here at Corfu. According to my Greec friends, nobody see the same at that time. The best example is nearest days. This is my work yesterday morning:

Yesterday morning the sea was fantastic. It seems like a silk, so transparent, so soft and sweet. Sometimes I persuaded myself this is the reality,

My 10th day at Corfu
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 July 2014 at 07:32 PM No comments

Hello everybody, this is my 10th day at Corfu. I am shooting everything around, enjoying both the process and the sea itself.

The raw matherials for the Climate Change project is good and I am in good timing. At the third week I plan to start making some painting. So quickly time runs! I wished to have more for it. It will be my great pleasure to make film and project in winter, when I will

Corfu: sun, rain and waves
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 July 2014 at 11:23 AM No comments

Today morning was rain. I jumped up in early morning in order to shoot it but it had stopped before I did it. SO I run to the beach:

It was pity I didn`t shoot the rain on the sea, but the colours of the water was rainy. Leaden, heavy waves, with sand and water plants, it seems cold. It wasn`t cold actually, even more wam as in the day time yesterday.

YOu can see, the sea as dark and wavy.

Climate Change Project: about 70% of shooting has done
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 July 2014 at 08:10 PM No comments

Today I checked what was done for the project. Thanks god, that time I did all protokols so I can just make marks and don`t check every movie. Actually it is more then 60 Gb of raw matherials, about 70% of subjects in 4,5 days.

I was in hurry trying to make as much as it possible before my brother Alex arrive so I will be able to spend time with him without annoying cameras.

It seems the plan

Many things to do, many beauty around
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 July 2014 at 09:09 PM No comments

Hello everybody, this is nice days here at Corfu, I have my plan what to shoot for the raw matherials for Climat change project and do it in time.

The whole list consists of 27 positions at present time.  Everything needs several approachs and just one week to make all tryes of different tools like GoPro garniture I want to use for full HD camera. I have some doubts about but it needs to be

That picture should be the first to my 2014 Corfu adventure
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 July 2014 at 09:31 PM No comments

smile The rain at my first day chenge my plans, but I want to publish that picturebefore eveything anothers.

Pictures speaks bette then words so this is the message. Hello from Greece, hello from the sea!

Climate change: the first day in Greece
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 July 2014 at 09:16 PM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve arrived to Liapades,Corfu that morning. The first post from here should be about beauty of the bay and happiness, however this is about climate change. Real experience from real life.

just in half an hour it was 15-min heavy rain. My friends, Greecs, say this is incredible. Rain in the middle of July? In Corfu?

Normally it should be hot, hot and very hot.

(It was hot at

Climat Change project: I am going to Corfu
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 July 2014 at 06:32 AM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve prepared the first part of the project about technology progress and visited UK for it. The second part is about Ocean and I am going to the best place in the world for it. I will be working for a month at Corfu so it needs much more preparation. Everything is in chaos!

Would you like to see the most chaotic working place in the world?

Definitely, I don`t but I have it

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