Master Class: Let your Intuition Flower Blossoms
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 December 2010 at 03:22 PM Comments(2)

Intuition seems as something strange for many people. They listen about intuition from  doubtful sourses told about instrument to "predict" and listen crazy voices and seemed mad in behaviour. But true intuition is something else!

It`s the part of everyone`s mind! Behind narrow territories of rationality, highter the instincts and subconsciousness this is the great area of  illuminate mind, lighting, the place of brilliant ideas and epiphany, place of deep relaxation and happiness. We all needs it is our time of information`s pressure. Everyone could feel the area of Intuition without a fear to lose rationality.

Several ways helps us to make a gentle touch with intuition; such as true love, music, dance, meditation, action, religion wich you could understant and feel by your own experience, arts. Intuition strongly connects with water and all symbols of wter, it`s one of the base structure of our nature both phisical, psychological and also spiritual. I would like to invite you to that Master Class and to use painting as a power to open slightly your intuition.

Well, tht time I want to found why I choose the way of painting. First of all our base mind stands on images, words and logic develops more later. Watercolours is the great symbiosis of light (colours itself), water (our base substance) and action. If you paint with music it becomes a dance. So this is the best way combines all importnt things. This is no aim to paint a real flower, but a symbol of flowers generally, with colours you choose by your intuition, at any form, with all details you feel. Ok, let`s it blossoms!

1 - as a pearl starts from only grain, a flower starts from a central petal. I choose red colours for it because it`s the best to enter all another colours. You don`t have to create an accurate shape. Let water to provide the colours free.

2 - use more water and enter another shadows of red to the petal.

On thet picture you can see how different shadows of red layes ton he paper, how water dissolves or concentrates it. Pay your attantion to provide your painting with water, more water as you can see on the picture.

3 - use another colour (for example violet as I did) to paint a brranch petals. Technigue is the same, actually this is no technigue except ‘more water’. As your paper has more relief you can use more water. If you use a water-brush it`s more easy, just squize it and enjoy the result. If you use a classical brush you should bring more water on it.

4 - introduce more colours in your picture as you see on the picture.

5 - more yellow light colours. the point is to feel it, how it fade away, how it mixes with another.

Let youself to relax. The paper and water will do everything b itself, and you will be a witness of the process. Feel relaxation, feel the process itself, forget about result!

6 - create leafs for your flowers. My intuition recognize my flower as somethinf narcissus so my leafes is sharp and long. Listen to your intuition and paint the shape you want with all colours you want. This is no limitations. But feel everything you want to do, feel it during the process and use enought water.

7 - more leafs with different colours! Let youself to relax. If you feel a desire to drop your brush and paint by fingers - do it!

8 - until your colours is wet create more buttons or flowers as you wish. That way everything is possible, everything is right. Do it until your picture is wet, use more water and feel it, feel it, feel it… That way your intuition becames contrillable and availiable for you without of rationality loses.

When your picture becames dry  you can feel how something fine disappears with water.  With water you can literary touch the space of possibilities and change everything, but dry picture becames a history, a fact of the past. As you feel the differencies between such two states and place both to your experience you can be a master of intuition and rationality both. This is the true gift and the real result of that Master Class.

If you are wondered what is the reason allows me be  sure how to use rationality and intuition both you should read some facts about me here  and here

I can prove my position by own experience and I feel this is my destiny to teach how to make both ways with double advantages availiable for every person wants to develope. It`s possicbe and could brings your fresh energy, relaxation, better decisions, better quality of life.

Try it and good luck!

Deep Things in Anna`s new art technigue
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 December 2010 at 12:38 PM Comments(2)

Everyone has a subject feels important, serious, deep. One person considers a business is the most important part of the life, another prefers sex, third person choose children, family or religion; generally one thing for one person. I have another mind.

Everything important fuses into one integrative experience without words, more then sex, more then business and money, more than family, more then official religion`s separation. To feel genuine energies, to feel it behind proceses, behind concepts and limits, this is the ultimate thing. Everything we know in our life is the special case of general processes, energies, moving power. The breathing of Existence never stops, but in it`s deep centre it is in quiescency. I feel it as heaven opens and over clouds I feel rounding galaxies, stars and the power causes it.

This is no possibility to transmit it by ordinary words or sounds; only in poetry  or music without words.

This is no way to show it by traditional painting technigues so I made myself to invent a new technigue I calls "inpainting". Existance never stops, it is active. So I invent the active technigue of painting, in which the canvas itself breathes and takes part in creation as a partner.

It`s impossible to change any stroke or colour  in my ‘inpainting’ technigue. I did many experiments with canvas to found the true active fibre to my partner in art. Actually the fiber has a complex structure to suck in my colours and save it inside. It literary drinks the colours and you can`t  totally control it as an artist could control oil or another colours covers a passive canvas. With my new technigue the active canvas made every my act as the final the same way we can`t change our past. But I can predict how it will be and regulate the process the same way we can manage our risks.

As the result the colours of my arts not only covers the surface of canvas. As I feel the power flows through our bodies, through objects and space, even through time, my colours flows inside the canvas, conducted by fiber, concentrated inside.

This is intuitive, inner, inside INpainting by Anna Chudnivsky you can see here

My new technigue and new style to show things behind the traditional surface view.


The Billowy Mountings (#6; 1 Gohua album)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 December 2010 at 11:05 AM Comments(4)

This is the sacred question from what place we receive our ideas for painting. My vision is double.

First of all I see-feel energies - the base of whole life. I feel it both as something visible (not by eyes, of course) and something kinaesthetic. Sometimes I feel it as a blind could read by braille. I should see and touch energies because the vision informs me about the qualities of an energy, and the feelings of fingers, sometimes feelings of the body provides with information about directions, size, movement… When I accep such contact I can paint.

Every object has own rush to something. If you can listen of feel it, or another perception works, you can also see a great satge of life and the play. Energies and objects are the actors. And you are the spectator of divine games.

I have no order how to paint. Actually I hate any order in painting except common law of the matherials. This is paper so this is no limits to work with it. So I started with the thing supported my view. I started with clouds.

Clouds is  water and according Chinese system of Elements it couses Tree. That natural way I painted trees.

Trees bases on Earth element so the mountings was painted.

When my view of the future picture had became clear I started with black ink.

Waterfalls is another kind of water in mountings. Clouds curls, water falls… This is Dao way of the nature. This is the short and powerful description how everything lives, grows, changes.

This is the final picturre. Of course it will be the part of biggest painting in future, as all of my drawings.

This is #6 in the First Gohua Album by Anna Chudnovsky.

The Moon-Mount
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 December 2010 at 10:13 PM Comments(1)

The idea of that graphics come to me while I was standing on the tail to the fly to Greece. It was many people with laggage, childres, hot air and everyone in harry. So I turned my case to it`s side, sat down on it and started to make the sketch until I felt the idea of future picture.

 It was a strange feeling. A mounting represents the solid reality, and a moonlight is well known as a substance of dreames. I felt how such so different parts could be mixed, how it penetrates each others to form a billion things between it`s limits.

I remember it and in nearest future plan to paint the final picture.

A Friday express
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 December 2010 at 11:39 AM Comments(1)

Several days ago I cought a cold and may be influenza. Today this is Ekadashi - the yoga feast, I still feel fever, ill and thinking how to live out my everning lectures. About an hour ago it was the ring from my institute with news then my everning lectures delayed and so I can enjoy my unexpectedly one-day holyday at home! smile
A small pleasant things come to us the right time is more pleasant then the biggest one in another time. smile smile smile

Feeling the Balance: Gohua Mountings #5 step by sep
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 December 2010 at 12:14 PM Comments(3)

Today I would like to explain a very important thing both in painting and in the life. This is the same  thing allows you to drive bicycle, to become more experiencied and wise, also to be tolerant and patient, and to finish sucessfully all projects you start.  I mean the feeling of the Balance.

In Eastern tradition from kung fu (I studyed Wing Chun Kung Fu for 8 years) to crafts (I studyed it in Chinece style embroidery) such fine feelings is the key for perfection. In Western tradition the same feeling is important in business and management, especially in mediation  process, also in communication. If you read more about religions, you`ll realize then many religions means balance of life and emotions as the way to meet God.

  I agree with all cases with indorsement of my own experience. It`s not easy to explain it by words. But that picture in Gohua style is the possibility to feel what exactly the Balance is. As you can feel it painting the picture you can feel the same in other fields of your life.

1 - by medium brush with black ink paint a big stone and a group of several smallest one. You can do it the same way as mine  but it is better to create a different shape. You don`t have to imitate my lines and strokes but try to feel another from your own soul. Do it, feel the Balance while you paint it. The Balance directs your hand to make thin or wide strokes.

2 - paint the shape of a tree the same way you did stones. Feel before you paint. If you feel worry about the right shape make a sketch by pencil and then paint the lines over it.

3 - paint the crown of the tree and another bank of the river. The crown consist of many small leafs with a simple shape.

4 - paint the second tree, stones under it and then make details for stones. It doesn`t matter what a progression of details you choose. Start from point you like. As you feel the Balance as a harmony between everything on the picture, you will do it perfectly. The feeling is the principal part, and moving brush and shapes are the second.

5 - create details as you like for perspective and then start to paint out the picture. If you use water-resistant ink you can paint over lines. Else try to paint out carefully as I did (actually I didn`t think about it until I coloured the picture, mia culpa!).  Use brown shadows for stones,  trunks and yellow colour (or another as you like) for crown of the trees.

6 - Add gray colour for stones while it`s still wet. Feeling the Balance paint out details on the back. Use dark green colour for the crown of the right tree and bushes on the back.

7 - feeling of the Blance means you can feel the harmony of whole picture. So it`s important to make mist by white colour or charcoal and use all paper for it. If you use white paper for painting you can paint the mist by gray or another colour you like. By white charcoal or colour paint the waterfall.

8 - make the mist more thick. Make strokes the way you feel right.

9 - by brown charcoal or brown colour make a house on the middle and a mounting on the back. Add several strokes for mist to make it more thick.

10 - observe the picture and feel youself. What is the harmony? Feeling the Balance you could create something different from my picture, this is very good result! Also you could use my picture as a conductor, may be as a benchmark for your own experience.

To resume that lesson I have to notice advantages of pre-feeling. As you try it you can train it and use in many fields of your life. This is millions results coused from one reason, the feeling of the Balance, Harmony . Try it!

Good luck! smile

Good morning, Moscow!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 December 2010 at 05:58 AM No comments

Winter. Snow. Dark, -10 degree cold. And for me it`s very early morning. I have to go to make my lectures.
It`s one of the most unpleasant things from my childhood for today - to go anywhere in darkness and cold early morning.

Green in Green in Green
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 December 2010 at 05:16 PM Comments(4)

I am preparing for painting several big pictures and until it`s ideas grows in my mind I have a small time to enjoy sunny green colours. This is the small watercolour picture with bamboo and sun.

It`s a special pleasure to be a master of internal weather. Outside of my home this is -15 degrees, dark, snow and clouds. But as I paint it`s another feelings. I literary touch leafs and trunks of bamboos, and sun rays flows in my internal space with a quiet melody. It flows as long as I paint the picture and when I finish the process it becomes something as portal into another space.

Usially I don`t remember how a picture was created. Actualli it is not natural to devide a creation process into steps. But sometimes it is useful to remember something fspecial I felt during the process. So I use a camera to fix the history and it is a real adventure to see how it was  appeared layer by layer, step by step.
There is the first step of painting "The Green Green Bamboo". As you can see it is nothing except water and several strokes. As I see it I am thinking how an idea turns into flesh and blood, a process alike several cells becomes an embryo. Some program exists, it contains every cell of the future body as information, but on that step the body itself doesn`t exist.

It`s a complete information and the first step of realization, an allusion to something will be.

On the 2 step you can see the characters of a bamboo.

3 step needs more shadows and something more thick, this is the grass.

4 step - more sun creates the main mood and energy of that space.

5 step: more details for bamboo trunks. As we are walking in a forest usially  we can`t see every tree with all details but perceive the general information. The same way is right to perceive the information from a picture.

6 step: more details and sun, shadows and grass.

7 step: this is the right time to paint the leafs and arms of the bamboo.

8 step: more shadows, more colours, more leafs, more everything. More details of the grass, of course.

...more spots of sun and reflexion.

Jk, this is the final step. The picture is small 15 X 20 cm but it contains the information. It`s a point of the mind to create a special feeling for relaxation.

This is it, and the work is now complete.

Misha the Cat in China
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 November 2010 at 10:43 PM No comments

smile smile smile

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