The Projectwork: Matherials checked
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 August 2014 at 02:50 PM No comments

OMG, I`ve just from Corfu town with all presents etc, with pain in the ight ear and neck, sitting here and checking my video matherials. OMG! More then half is fantastic. Several strange. Like this. I can`t remember where I did it.

That`s a little bit better. I didn`t remember what was the reason for such fun, may be a really good shooting during the day, but doesn`t matter. At least it looks positive:

Better but where the focus is?!

Ok, what do we have more?

After that pics I founded several fantastic video from yesterday trip with my finger print on the centre of the camera.


I have to gather all positive mood and go to the sea to try to re-shoot several frames, until sun is shining!

Ok, you should believe I am still positive, I should believe in it by myself, so go-go!


P.S. I was updated, my departure will be tomorrow 06-50 AM so I shouldn`t sleep. So may be I will found something to do, after packing the laggage. Bye for now, dear friends, I am going to the sea quickly before I realize how it is wet and possible cold!

Big yesterday trip and a lot of matherials captured
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 August 2014 at 05:45 AM No comments

Hello everybody, yesterday it was a really big trip around several places of Corfu I`d never seen before, with my best friends, Hollands Rob and Babette.

I did a lot of new important matherials, shooting video, especially with GoPro camera. So different waterscapes and landscapes so I was working literary with both hands trying to catch everything around. It was really good work, I like such a kind of project activities. 

Just after so much swimming I have a pain in right ear and several stretched muscles because of diving and acrobatics trying to take the right angle for the best film view.

One camera seems out of work, because of a couple drops of solf water from my hands after the last swimming… I was careless because it was sunset and the nesessity to work quickly. May be I will be able to fix the camera later and the ear with my neck muscles may pain less.So, this is the the price every field requires.

I would like to make more advanced post with beautiful pictures right now, but suddenly I realized, I have no video from Corfu town, also my mom has asked me b skype for some specials so I have to run to Corfu city right now. I will make the post with exciting pics later when I be back. See you soon!

Sustainable Development: Climate Change project, next step
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 August 2014 at 11:17 AM No comments

I`ve started to paint near the sea. Actually, in the sea because yesterday I did it right on my Domestic Stone, in about 500 m from the seashore.

It`s a lot of unexpectable challenges, expectable challenges and more ideas. I wished to have extention for 2 extra week! Or better for 2 extra months having all of my at tools here. But it is impossible.

 Now I have 4 days only to finish all essential things. Counting minutes to use it for the project work, thinking smart how to jump over the steps and make the process in more short time. As many parts of the project is innovative it needs to think more to catch new possibilities and to check new ways to develop.

That`s why I have zero time to post more pics and more stories I have, even don`t publish fantastic pictures from my camera and exciting pictures from the new GoPro Hero 3 camera. 

Just to mention Hero 3 is the most amazing tool I`ve ever had. It was so wise I didn`t found it before! If I bought it 3 weeks before I would forget everything and just live in the sea.

Be sure I will publish everything later when I be back. Just use my last 4 days here with all things I have to do.

Now, the fact is the project is mostly proceeded in time.  I am finishing and then will run to make whatever I planed  for today.

Thank you for being with me!


Progress in work
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 August 2014 at 09:39 PM No comments

I`ve started paintings and use GoPro Hero3, also shoot with 3 cameras and made dawings.

Do you know, shooting with GoPro is a hard job?..

Needs 2 weeks extra but I must finish everything before next wednesday.  Deadly tired with GoPro, will tell news later, ok?

New equipment: GoPro Hero 3
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 August 2014 at 04:46 PM No comments

Hello everybody, my attempts to shoot some matherials in the sea with my current camera was so risky for the camera so today I`ve decided to buy GoPro Hero 3. As I have all mounts for it, it seems good to make some steps forward.

Today we have strong wind, I have headache and wish to sleep for tomorrow, but the time is near over and I have 8 days to arrange things for better result. So I hope GoPro will be easy to use for tomorrow. The new camer seems very light weight and I hope manfacturer`s claims about waterproof box is true. So, I am going to feed our taverna`s cat I called her Smile, and 3 of her kittens and shoot some matherials with them. So may be I will be able to learn something useful about Hero3 and make preparations for tomorrow.

Wish me good luck! smile

A right notebook for work protocols
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 August 2014 at 07:31 PM No comments

Hello everybody, as I made so many pictures and videos it is important to organize it somehow. So I am writing day-to-day protocol, what`s subgect is covered and what equipment was used. It make next steps much more easy and allow to control matheials.

As I am tipically lazy with details in description, it was important to choose the right format for protocols and notes. From one hand, it needs to be detailed enough to make quick search in my memory and video matherials. From the other hand it should be short enough to be written in the field which could be on the ock in the sea, or when I am climbing somewhere on the mauntains. I tryed several notebooks before and founded it unconvinient.

But in September 2013, when I was in Shanghai, I founded a nice small notevook with hard cover.  This is the most comfortable notebook for make quick notes at any situation using the place not more then a square of a palm. So this Climate Change project is the most documented I`ve ever do.

According to that notes, today I covered the last obligatory position with video. Having all of it, I can start new activity with painting on the choosen places next week. I hope so.

Enjoy the sea and sky view after the rain
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 July 2014 at 01:03 PM No comments

After the heavy rain we had two days ago it was the most beautiful view of sea and sky. It starts suddenly after the rein stops. in one moment the sky was white…

then in becomes deep deep blue with so beautiful clouds, in so great shape which was floating slowly across the bay.

Now I undestand: when a ship with a crew survives in a storm they will be granted with amazing nature surrounding to selebate their success. Incredible picture endeed although the rein itself was unexpectable in that time.

I was enjoying every moment of such a great panirama, sometimes I forgot to make pictures. The only wish I had was to drop everything and to swim far far away to the clouds and touch the sky.

But I didn`t do it.

I was staying, waiting for more natural beauty, keeping my cameras safe to provide you with all of that beauty and to make Climate Change project developing.

Climate Change Project: Sun, Clouds, Rain
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 July 2014 at 09:34 AM No comments

Hello, I am here with quick report about incredible changes in weather I am witnessing and filming here at Corfu. According to my Greec friends, nobody see the same at that time. The best example is nearest days. This is my work yesterday morning:

Yesterday morning the sea was fantastic. It seems like a silk, so transparent, so soft and sweet. Sometimes I persuaded myself this is the reality, not a computer model.

Blue clear sky, normal for that time of the year, cheers!

(I bought the bottle with camomile tea with myself to the stome I did film so be sure it wasn`t a wine). So, clear sky, cheers!

Just after several hours, at the day time< I saw reall strange picture from my room. A huge cloud, with abnomal shape, very long, moved fast over the mountain.

The upper part of the cloud was soft and sweet, but the lower part seemed to be wet. I suspected it was some fog, may be rain on the top of the mountain.

I grabbed my cameras and run to the beach to witness what`s going on. It was big waves on the sea. Just compare with the first two pictures to realize how huge was the differencies!

The long cloud moved faster and seemed endless. it becomes darker while the waves sterted to flood the beach.

More and more waves, more high, and more darkness at the sky.

At the end of the day we listened heavy waves beating the beach. Air became wet and I saved my cameras from it.

Today morning I woke up with strange feeling. It was wet, fog, a little bit dark and no sun. And no sound of heavy waves. I grabbed my cameras and thanks god the rain cover to one of it (and nothing for myself), and run to the beach.

The waves was heavy but not so high as yesterday. THen heavy rein stated so I was lucky to found the only protective umbrella at the beach.

The rain was incredible heavy so I wasn`t able to make a step from the umbrella. Waves became more long, twice my camera`s stand was near the drop. The reason revealed soon: while heavy waves flood me from the front, water flood caused by rain watered me from the back!

I was blocked between three wate forces: sea waves, rain flood and the rain itself, still heavy, so I started to worry about the rain cover for the video camera, lack of safe for the second camera I made pictures simultaneously and zero protection for myself. The rain seemes long time, I was wet and the water was cold.

It was the best decision to stay at the umbrella and don`t try to run home, so I did it.

Such a wise decision make a nice present to me when the rain stopped. I willl show the most beautiful pictures in the next post.

Now I am ready to make transition the video matherials from microSD, then to take care with hot tea to keep myself healthy.

Cheers, see you!


My 10th day at Corfu
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 July 2014 at 07:32 PM No comments

Hello everybody, this is my 10th day at Corfu. I am shooting everything around, enjoying both the process and the sea itself.

The raw matherials for the Climate Change project is good and I am in good timing. At the third week I plan to start making some painting. So quickly time runs! I wished to have more for it. It will be my great pleasure to make film and project in winter, when I will be able to touch the sea by my eyes working with the project`s filming, amen.

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