ANNAmain • Date: 26 May 2014 at 09:25 AM
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We are living in time of changes. Things right yesterday is not so for today. We are planing our desired future and found it comes not so quickly as other changes. Sometimes it is not clear how to keep own road in our activities in such uncertain atmosphere. So we need some tools to check what`s going on. The first stage: start it unusually.

During my own experience and coach practice I developed several tools to use mind more effective. Today it is well known, our subconsciousness able to analyze things and make decisions, sometimes better then consciousness. That`s why I use drawings as the powerful tool to download tasks into our natural internal computer and then to check the result. Let`s start the practice.
In today example I am trying to answer the question: how to keep right path as you plan, making steps forward in uncertain situations.
The rule is: don`t plan what to draw. Don`t start as usual. Why? Because you want to know things you don`t know. That`s why I started from sleeve, not from eyes or head.
The direction of movement is significant. I can analyze all details of every drawing as I do during my coach practice. The way of drawing and the style to describe it, both are powerful tools to keep right decisions and to create new tomorrow from yesterday possibilities. That`s why you should draw slowly and make pictures of each stage.
2 stage: Personal Details.
I realized this is nothing in my hero`s hands. Hands are empty. The gesture is something between dancing and expression of "So what?..". This is wind because long sleeves of the clothes are waving. And the hair style means this is a kind of mission. Sounds interesting… If you try to make the same, you will found a whole ocean of interesting details. Let`s enscript it and make steps forward!

The 3d stage: Environment on the front.
I was surprised about two rocks at the front. It has a good way between and it seems not dangerous. Now I see the clothes are short to allow the hero to travel easily. It means, everything prepared for good work, something in the middle between official and private.
If you draw the environment to your own hero, check your internal impulse. If you want to make it flat and wide, it means your path is more sertain as you feel it. So you should check things which could make you more clear about your decisions and results.
If you feel it is no road to move your hero forward, it means you should make a pause to relax and then to think about it more. May be the road somewhere not far away.

The 4th stage: One glance to the wide picture.
If you are not so familiar with such experience, you could feel tension with the details. Tension and frustration close the gates from subconsciousness. So you should have a glance to the whole scene at the place you are drawing. In my case this is a special cabinet, the Bamboo Cabinet, with specially designed environment to make me more relaxing. So you can see a small water pool with lilly here, it makes me relaxing more then others. In your practice you can design whatever you want. Just to note, water containers with stones helps a lot (that`s why we are so relaxing being near a lake or at seashore).

The 5th stage: Make colors.
For such tool as decision-make drawings I recommend to use just several common colors. Just to narrow your choice and make the information more easy to read. For example on the picture you can see, I colored the rocks pretty dark. Also the color of the clothes isn`t bright. It seems as a kind of jeans. For me it means the situation is at work and pretty comfortable.

The 6th stage: the most bright details.
Previous picture shows a kind of dull space. But now you can see the halo around the head and hands, the bright band in the hairdress (i usually draw it so it represents my fire style of creation). Also I realized, the way forward is much more bright then the background. My hand draw bright green by itself.

The 7th stage: Adding details.
You can add all details your subconsciousness want to add. It will be significant and so you can decode the information. In my case this is unusually bright details ahead. It means I certainly know much more good in future then I feel now. This is the game our subconsciousness plays, to shadow one thing, to make accent on another. So we should assure ourselves about things we really able to know and ready to keep.

The 8th stage: Compare with previous state.
If you have some experience in such drawing, especially if you have a hero who represents you, it will be significant to compare today result with previous.
That year I did drawings so rare so my previous was 2 months ago. I did it as the same tool, to check my state and restart my internal computer to work on my tasks. If you interesting to learn my method by examples read about all of my drawings here
My previous state described here
Even without description you can compare both states easily. Ths is the gift of visualization: you can catch the perls quickly. So you can see, in my today state it is movement forward in work mood.

The 9th stage: Add texts.
AS I keep old Chinese style it needs some texts on the picture. The size, style of brush strokes, angle and others features of the text should be the part of the picture.
It also fits for modern style so you should add some texts relevant to the pucture you did. Texts could be in different manners: to support the picture, to describe hidden parts (feelings for exampla) or to be in contradiction with the drawing. Let your internal wisdom run the process and observe the result.
In my case this is supporting sentenses, all is on the background. It means I am moving forward well and just needs to keep the same direction and allows seeds of future projects to growth.
Also you can see, I eventually made green grass on the front much more bright and colorful. So the moving is right.

At the conclusion I should say a couple words what I am doing now.
I made about 10 mind maps describing my project for United Nations, in Sustainable development field.
Also I made all preparation to keep my Adizes system project well.
Making today drawins I was checking my own mind state and trying to touch the road one step forward.
I hope you can use the tool I desribed for own purposes. It needs just your will and several simple writing tools. No needs to make a special place or use traditional ink, brushes etc as I do. You can use a pen or a pencil, simple charcoals or aquacolors, whatever you have near you at the moment. You can use standard A4 paper of smallest. In my case it`s special long paper I cut into smallest peaces. But the same way I can use A5 or smallest if I am not at home.
The method works nice in all cases.
Thank you for being with me!
Hugs, Anna