I`m overslept and nearly late… running to my lectures!!! Awful!!!
This is the hardest period of the teacher`s year. Many students are passing their exams, graduation works, also I make my lectures, working for projects and try to have the time for my painting. Just imagine the life: from the sunrise I check my e-mail to found student`s works for that day. In the morning I look like this bird:
If they forgot to do it yesterday they try to trick and send it today morning with hope I could check it. If I don`t they will scrim "We sent our works really". Hah! I check it.
Then I go to my lectures, exams and others activity of the Head of Management department of my institute. It takes a lot of power because of needs to speak with a huge amount of people. They are not quiet. All of them wants my time and attantion. Actually I hate any tipe of exams. I hate to pass and more to judge. But it is the life!
Graduation processis not smooth for many students. They used to be lazy 5 months and then 0 in las 4-5 dayes before the deadline. I graduation worc consist of 70-120 pages with texts, table etc. I need to read all and to make my remarks (sometimes 10-30 points!), comment it clearly and check the student`s result. It takes a lot of time. The day before yesterday a student found me at Skype at 4:00 AM and ask how I found his work. And i need to finish several strategic progects such as new Forum and anothers. (Several nights I slept about 4-5 hours and today I was something like zomby. It is not a pleasant view really!)
Among such chaos I live with one dream to finish it and to move in blessed place - Korfu and have here peace and rest.
I dream about the sea, stones… and feel much more better. It will be another work day and I will relive
Wow, it was hard week! Thanks god I was able to check student`s works successfully and eventually had a short free time for my paintings etc.
As you see it was tonight, mostly near 3-4 AM. If you think it is really my free time you are not right. The day before yesterday on of my graduate students caught me in Skype and told the toughtful story about himself. He had no possibilities to write the graduatuon work before and want to send me the plan only today. He hope he could do all work in holyday sunday-monday and then send it to me (at 5:00 AM I guess). Another student said about his stress because of 2-weeks old doughter. One of girls sent me the work without title list, without theme and even her name. Next 3 students did the same so I had no ideas what kind of work it was and who were the happy authors. Students… Students! The pleasure to i involve in development process and pain of it.
OK, OK, I was the same in my time! (thanks God it will never come back).
For this reason today I overslept everything and therefore cancel my holyday plans, stay at home doing boring homework and trying to plan my activity for the next week. Also I prepared some matherials for the next works, paintings, projects and plans to seize the world. Double-sides brain can calculate many tasks in one time (if I sleep right time). So this is no time for training jim :-( . And I have the free time for work with colors, my own pleasure.
Lady and Gentlemen! This is one thing to say about my today activity : tired. A lot of students and their works made my mind heavy as a stone. So I wish to do something creative in hope to have rest, peace and good sleeping.Here it is something like Master-class from Anna.
I would like to invite you in spiritual journey in Lizard`s life. For it I used aqua-pencils by Derwent, ink-brush by Pentel, water-brush by Sakura color products corp and unnamed peace of paper.

Scientists and adepts of yoga tell us about biorhithmics and cycles of sleeping and wake. I`ve read a huge amount of researchs and several time several times have been trying to live as healthy as I read. It was pleasant life but… absolutely against my nature. First of all the best of my rest is 8:00 PM.
The right life means to stand up at 7 AM, have a good breakfest, after work have a walk and then go to sleep before 11-12 PM. I would like to have a short sleeping at 11 AM and 8 PM, no breakfest and work to all night. I would like to meet sunrises and then do yoga… Even to do yoga before sunrise as recommended by specialists! But normally my nature rebells against any sport at 10-11 AM. They say the morning is the most active time for our bodies. They say an active morning is the best time to do a brain work, to meet people etc. But I would like unhurried hours to drink green tea with honey and nuts before 11 AM slipping. No bustling and no meetings. No sport or phone calls. It is my slow time for invite myself into a new day. Somethins as you slowly go in cool water of ocean.
Yesterday I was running to work. My way passed by underground and I was lucky: the picture I had seen was so beautiful and exciting: Young woman not more then 23-25 years old with a baby in the sling.
It is spring, the end of April. Cold, sunny, windy, cloudy, reiny and cold, cold, cold… My internal calendar scream that cold weather should be finished. So I imagine several decorative soft panno in batik and mixed technigues.
All cells of my body and soul need warm, grass and more then all - gentle touch of a sea. I found rest, peace and consolation in sea colors.
What is the essence of a sea? Waves, soft passage of colors, undulate lines. I sense it by skin and paint it and feel it in silence of mind.
Have you ever seen how change colors of sea near a seashore? Deep blue color of waves becames blue-green, emerald, then green, and at one moment you could openmind it as shadows of yellow, shadows of sun and sand.
I feel it as soft energy of endearment and love penetrates layers of sea water, and layers of our bodies and soul. Our blood has elements of a sea. We could open it deeply inside in what place soever. Just close you eyes and try to feel it.
This is the practice of American courts to invite an artist to make pictures. Speciality of artist`s view is attention to small details. Yesterday I tried such practice and found it really fresh and fun. Here it is several sketches from the exam.
When students take their questions we, members of exam committee, have about an hour to check documents, chatting or do nothing.
I invest that time as perfect as I could… I suppose .
From time to time students draw teaches (mainly unloved ones).Here it is may be the first time professor made pictures of student.
You could see a courage in the eyes… a kind of courage.
Today it was the Government final exams for managers. It was hard work fo me, to be in committee, check students works etc. I started the day at 6:45 AM after not more then 4 hours of sleeping. And come back home at 6:30 PM. It was a lot of activity therefore i didn`t pay attention about the lunch. A cupped hands of nuts, 5 grapes and 2 caps of juice was my capture and then i come back home and fall asleep… awaked at night and found my e-mail full or student`s works and have to check it for tomorrow… Ahhhhh!..
I am really exhausted now. So one funny thing of today i will publish tomorrow… i hope. Lord, help teachers during exams. And glory for 8-hours sleeping!