Picture the Third
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 January 2012 at 08:42 AM

As I wanted to finish the idea of the 1 and 2 pictures ( annamain.org/site/comments/the_day_before_tomorrow/  ) I started the third at 8 of January. But at 9 of January  I saw the better picture ( annamain.org/site/comments/exception_inside_rules/  ).It was so exciting I didn`t want to finish my own. But then I desided to do it so my interpretation of the Third step is here.

The meaning of mine picture  is to gain  the position of light understanding, peace, grace and tranquility. This place we never actually left but we forget it and need some help to remember it clearly. This is the place we meet our soul-mates and meet ourselves observing life stream being in cosciosness, being creative, being calm, with smile.

You can compare my picture with another:

The main details is the same, sun rayes, it angles, mountings. Strange feeling I like seems as a friend send me a message such way.  

Absolutely brilliant!! Most importantly the second picture is really exceptional. You’re a talented painter dude. Thanks

Thank you for you kind words! smile

Interesting blog.

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