Nature-In Project in Progress
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 April 2015 at 02:51 PM No comments

Today I`ve finished some experiments with matherials and effects and start the next stage of my Nature-In project. The special feature of Nature-In is it was started exectly the place was painted and contains all elements of the nature around, includes solt water of the sea, surface of the stone and sun which dried my colors right on my brushes.

Look at the picture:

That rock is in about

Pre-born Vision: the way how brain works
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 April 2015 at 11:48 PM No comments

When I took my lectures about brain work, I realize how it`s important to learn such things in time. Human brain has much more mutability then our bodies. Some people are  born with additional fields of brain, and in fact we have more then 5 senses. We have 19 specialized brain fields for perception, includes gravity, angle, pressure etc. We have much more then shows in everyday life.


World Culture: Antifragile Strategy Wallpaper by PG Cat
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 April 2015 at 10:30 AM No comments

Hello everybody, today I would like to present you the new wallpaper from World Culture seria by PG Cat. It describes one of the most important question in our quick times: how to create our own Antifragile strategy and gain success and good luck. (click the pic)

The original Chinese proverb at the base of that idea is: "Certain bad luck is actually "a blessing in disguise."

The ancient

Sustainable Mindset: Antifragile way to support strong thoughts
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 April 2015 at 04:41 PM No comments

Personal sustainability is not just an idea. It is the best way to keep Antifragile life style which is much more productive, healthy, effective and efficient in short and long run and obviously much more pleasant in our fast time changes. To keep it you need to have an optional rest, which means a good choice between public and private high quality life.

I would like to present you one of

Completely Oversnowed
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 April 2015 at 09:52 AM No comments

Yesterday we hoped the spring is here, today we are completely oversnowed again!

Winter become warmer but the total result is unpredictable. It melts and snows, melts and snows. If you see just this picture it could represent January or fabruary.

We have zero  Celsius degree, wind, snow, snow,snow.

It reminds me old Japanese prints with people in kimono and snowed landscapes…

If it is

Sustainable Development: How to Develop your Perfect Work Place-2
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 March 2015 at 08:11 AM No comments

Let`s continue the subject how to make your perfect work place customized. The point is, if you want to do it in a short time, it needs at least 2 pauses in actions to let better ideas appear. That`s why after the first stage it needs a good meal, better outside to refresh mind:

Sustainability in personal and professional life creates sustainability in close and then in wide environment.

Sustainable Development: How to Develop your Perfect Work Place
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 March 2015 at 07:17 PM No comments

Hello dear friends, today is the fresh subject how to make your own perfect work place. As we all spend a lot of time working (I am spending even more) it is really good idea to organize everything in perfect way. It means to decrease losses and so to increase the positive result in better way.

Now I`ve started a very new area which takes a lot of time. From one hand it needs to learn one

World Culture Event: Russian Avant-garde Exhibition`s Fresh Report
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 March 2015 at 09:29 PM No comments

Hello everybody, today I was so lucky so received the invitation to the opening of new big cultural event. The exhibition will be opened for visitors tomorrow, and today it was the special day for journalists etc, so I attended to it. Here it is my small art-report. The event was organized in so fine way so everything works in unison. At the entrance it was the small orchestra playing music:

World Culture Pro: Sustainability, Antifragile, Procrastination
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 March 2015 at 12:06 AM No comments

Hello dear friends, today I would like to present you the next work from PG Cat concerns one of the challenging subject: procrastination. We all know what is that. The World Culture Project by PG Cat presents new wallpaper  (click the pic)

Chinese proverb:  The longer you wait, the more unexpected developments may occur


Our times is so fast so we must make decisions quickly having not

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