Sustainable Business lunch
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 January 2015 at 11:50 AM No comments

Hello everybody, the work week starts and I`ve promised to myself to keep sustainable work process includes eating habits. Everyone has own conditions to keep sustainable body and mind and this is not easy to catch it at all. For example I realized Japanese and Korean system of bento is the best for me.

I have a good collection of bento boxes and half prepared several films to show hoe different they are. Hopes it will be soon. The way to keep our body sustainable isn`t easy because of hurry and everyday stress. we all must make our decisions in atmosphere of rush and uncertain. We can`t change it at all, but it is possible to manage sustainable parts well.

Sustainability means good structure, smart approach and natural ingredients. Being seduced by interesting food here and there, as many people, I started to learn how to reduce risks, especially weight control. So, the result is to use organizers as Japanese and Korean culture developed from ages. Bento boxes allow to separate food in one plate, compact in space terms and beautiful in aesthetics.  Both parts is important, isn`t it?

So, this is just an example how to serve the lunch tray.

I am vegetarian, so the base is vegetables and crops. And cheese! And soya products. So everything represents here. It is funny, the lunch seems a mixture of international cultures so it could be called "Global lunch". smile smile smile

Japanese bento box with 4 separations is good for lunch without hurry. I serve all in Indian metal bowls and  Japanese wood bowl for the rice.

Fermented cherry tomatoes was bought in nearest supermarket because I was lazy to go to the shop for special Korean fermented vegetables I love (it calls "Kimchi"). If I am not lazy, I should buy Kimchi which is really good for health, light and delicious.

It is local cheese in one small bowl, solt and a little bit spicy. In right top corner it is Haldiram`s Navrattan, a spicy snack from India.

I love Malasian rice, especially fragrant rice Jasmin. Korean rice cooker, a little model for 1 person, do all the work and so I can enjoy delicious rice with linen seeds. No solt or souse here. Just pure rice with seeds.

That way I am trying to gain sustainability for myself. My aims is hight and many times I forget healthy life just because I am too much tired to control myself. I am lazy also, I have to confess. It is no good, and actually not so much pleasure. That`s why I am starting that year with an additional aim to build my own sustainable life strategy, easy to follow and good with the results, and I hope to share my experience with you. In next film it will be analisys of different bento boxes from different countries to help you to make a good choice and so to build own sustainability in our fast changing world.

Than you for being with me!

Beautiful, beautiful! Be insppired with it :)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 January 2015 at 08:45 AM No comments

Hello everybody, New Year`s started so here it is several pictures to make previous posts clear. You saw I did paintings on rocks. This is the full picture about the special features of that beautiful place and the NatureClose project itself.

Actually I did my NatureClose seria painting as an innovation. Being the part of Climate Change 2014, the project dedicates to sustainable development. By the core idea, that seria was made in close contact witn natural objects to feel, to touch, to include the part of nature right into paintings.

For example, that paintings was done on my secret rock in about 500 m from the seashore. The rock is hidden among titanic pieces of mountings which fell into Liapades bay during a long process of tectonic activity. I suspect, it was vulcano activity and tectonic movement of Earth because of remarcable differencies between huge stones laying close to each other on Liapades seabed.

So my special rock is hidden among them secretely. This is my favourite place and the only one which is comfortable enough to stay on it for a long time. It is not so far away from the seashore, but it is really hidden so people typically can`t see me. Boats can`t be close to the rocks, and rare divers never pay attention. The place is my first Corfu home so I swim to stay here for hours every day.

That time it was different from usual easy access, just because I had to to bring a lot of equipment with me.

I used a small inflatable waterpool to bring cameras etc safe. You can see it on the picture, the blue spot. As it looked unnatural I was trying to put it as far as it possible to keep my view. And what did I have from it?

It was a lot of adventure about smallest details! For example once it was just one wave in totally flat sea and it washed away the blue waterpool.

As it was far from my glance, I`d founded it too late when it completely disappeared.

Having no choice with all of equipment I had, I spent a lot of time swimming to found it.

Small waves brought the waterpool deep into rocks, in a small place between titanic stones, unavailable for climbing. I was so happy to found it so became sure to catch it back.

It wasn`t easy! In addition to huge rocks, it was sharp stones with a lot of sea-urchins everywhere in the sea. Sea-urchins have poisoned hairs easy to break and stuck inside body with pain for a long time. OMG. Lookeg scaring!

But as it was a nesessity I made several successful attempts and eventually catched my blue waterpool!

After that adventure I became very careful to save it while I was working with the paintings.

The second problem was sun. It was about +40 degrees, and sun was  in zenith and made deep black shadows on my canvas directly. Hard to shoot the film and hard to paint. Actually, most of the time I couldn`t see what I am doing in normal body position. I forced myself to paint having my body straight vertical which was totally uncomfortable an I barely saw what to do with details. This is my position for that picture. If I changed the pose to more comfortable, it would be totally black shadow covered the whole canvas. The time to paint was limited by many factors, so I overcame the challenges and made some marks in my mind to improve the process next time.

At the day time hight temperature dried colors right on the brush immideately. It was less time to paint then with a rich Chinese ink! In addition, if I allow acrylic color to dry onto acrylic brush, it damage the brush so I can`t paint. The brush was specially designed so it was impossible to buy another one. So I did everything very quickly to save it.


One of the next challenges was wind. Although it was pleasant at the beginning, it became stronger. Strong enough to blow away everything. I wished to have more hands to save cameras and brushes and tried to found an effective decision for canvases.

It seems easy to use small stones to press the canvas. It wasn`t so easy in practice.

First of all, where could I found an appropriate stones as sea storma washed away everything? Really! Only big, biggest and huge stones was here. If one seems small enough it was strongly attached to the seabed or for anothers, somehow, so it couldn`t be removed. And sea-urchins was here, ready to make my life a little bit spicy.

I founded several available stones in 2-3 meters depth. Just imagine what it was a funny swimming to hunt some stones fron the seabed while wind was trying to blow canvases away!

And I was trying to shoot everything witn my GoPro, so I hope it will be a good film eventually. Especially about how I collected that press-stones.


Well, eventually I won several stones. Not so many as it needed, but several was better then nothing! That time I wished to make preparations a day before, at least to found stones and collect it, but the process was already started so I worked with things I had.

Eventually I became a happy owner of one big rock and 7 small stones which forms my equipment to thet task smile

It was really good.

My time here was very limited.

Wind, shadows, temperature, it is impossible to wash brushes to keep nature clean. I used solt sea water to damp the canvas and it needed to work quickly until it became totally dry.

Such an adventure! It reminded me classical Chinese paintings with a sage who went to mountains accompanied by several servants to carry teapots etc for the tea ceremony, paper, ink, brushes, incence burners to make the moment with nature more toughtful, and sometimes I saw it was even a comfortable table brought somehow to far away landscapes.

It was the first experience with my new ideas.

I did everything with conturs here and then was back with my everything in blue waterpool.

When I formulate the framework for my innovative NatureClose seria, I included position of minimum equipment and artificial things for it. Also extra care with nature to keep everything clean and to make natural elements involved in the process of production. Beauty is the result of that positions: beaty of decisions, sustainability and innovative approach.

I would like to start this new year with such a new things and wish you to found something innovative to start your own!

Be persistant and gain your aims!

Thank you for being with me!

With hugs, Anna


Happy New Year 2015!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 December 2014 at 10:35 PM No comments

Dear friends,

today is the edge between last year and the new one. It shapes our experience into pieces so we can count it and remember clearly.

All things we was doing during last year form steps to the new one.

This time it is good to feel what was exciting and important last year. The same way to catch, what was the new steps we succesfully passed. And remember what efforts we did to gain our aims, what obstacles overcame and may be to feel joy as a winner.

This is important to personl development, to turn out neuronetwork to proceed things in better way. So we are the best supporters for the best future that way.

That place I did my first NatureClose painting as the part of Climate Change 2014 project. It wasn`t so easy to visit that place with all of equilment for painting.

Many uncounted obstacles worked against.

Some things I planed wasn`t so easy as it seemed during planing. Some was changed during the process. Just as a small example, I counted the time in wrong way and sun started to dry colors right on my brush. The shadows worked against, being too dark on the direction of the canvas. And wind was strong that day to blow everything out. One time it happened. Then I founded stones you can see on the picture, and it wasn`t a trivial task as it seems.

Now it is funny to remember how I straggled to catch everything and don`t allow it to be blown or dropped. The obstacles I overcame turned me into new direction of thinking. It will be really interesting!

It is so important to catch the moment of bright aims in nearest future while I must work without a break to finish everything in time.

I am glad to see on that picture what exectly I did.

I wish you, dear friends, to found some pictures which relresents the best moments of your 2014 year and carry the message of future development.

Wish you to keep health, of course! Thank you for being with me!



Sun above clouds
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 December 2014 at 12:51 AM No comments

Hello dear friends,

last several days was full of activities. The last days of a calendar year are not easy as everybody realize things wasn`t finished.

That days I was concentrated to the next stages until my filming program crushed and brings the result of hard day work to Neverlands, then my laptop stuck with something and I was unable to finish the second film.  After several hours of attempts I confess the situation happens and drop efforts to overcome it until my IT genius FreeCat be back to save it.

So I`ve realized, I have my plan with 29 videos with just 2,5 ready and I am deadly tired from all of this.

So I`ve got the point, this is the time to relief. This is my relief.

It will be two films about that fabulous part of Climate Change project I`d never publish before. The point is, that paintings was done… very special level of mastership and this is the first such a project in the world.

From the first glance you can get the fact, it was done on the open air, so what`s unusual?


Everything is unusual in that art work. This is the first NatureClose art work in the world and was done in Liapades bay, August 2014, with all video support includes underwater. It is important? Yes.

Everything aroun the story of a piece of Art, from circumstances to personality of an artist is important. In Arts the story of an object forms the position of the object in Art hierarchy. That`s why…

... the full story will be soon.

Right now I desire to make a breath and to cool my eyes and to keep my mind strong while I am deadly tired and have to do so much work which nobody could do instead of my. That`s why I don`t allow myself to paint in order to save the special mind set to program films correctly, although I hate it somtimes, it is effective and efficient. All I have to do is to keep my feelings secure and just to have a glance how sun is shining above clouds and such a brigh inspiring world I will touch right after I do all nesessity technical solutions and final products.

I wish you to have your own Sun above Clouds to keep your mind and soul in times you need to work hard in order to gain your aims.

Thank you for being with me! Will see you once more before 2014 pass.




Wish you the best! :)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 December 2014 at 10:47 AM No comments

Dear friends, this is the edge of the year which marks with Christmas (if you celebrate it) or the European New Year celebration. This is an important milestones to segment our time into more effective and efficient way. It makes us in short and long run. This funny video represents something about it:

The message of the video is  the natural diversity of choices.

Starting from traditional celebration which is one of the bones of human culture, it points on more modern interests and then becomes a celebration of dance. Just movement and dance. It seem as a wish to joy life itself  the most natural way we all have in our bodies: movement. Rhitmic movement is the base of life. Until we can do it, we are the living, active persons, who can overcome obstacles and make attempts to improve our lifes and put our ideas into reality. It shows, dance are good in good company also smile

In addition, as many people in Internet I love cats, and here it is the cat, as I see he is my collegue in filming. Funny! smile

This time, at the edge of past and future, I wish you the power from your internal sun, the best from all of the external sources available, and to nourish your personal power to joy. This is so important, to keep feeling of joy despite of all circumstances and all serious things. It drives our recovery.

So this is the wish to keep the essense of life and  to have a good company to it.

Dance Dance!  smile

Three days before Xmas
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 22 December 2014 at 03:11 PM No comments

Hello dear friends, this is the edge of the year, which is the right moment to celebrate the good results from the pasing year and prepare to the new. Thinking in constructive way, a whole result of the year should be positive for everyone. We are alive despite of everything. It means, we can make a choice how to put our hopes and wishes onto reality, counting current changes. I always stay on positive, constructive way of life, both by my choice and my religion Buddhists views, so that time I make a small pause between project work and try to found something unusual to congratulate all of my friends from all over the world with the Xmas or New year, as you keep it for yourself.

I wished I had more time to create something special to congratulate you. But it seems, to be in time I should serf internet and found something positive, funny and out of the box to congratulate all of you the best way. So, give me a day for that search! See you tomorrow. Thank you! smile))

The first film - report about the Climate Change Project in general
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 15 December 2014 at 01:26 PM No comments

SWOT matrix and Climate Change project: the power together
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 December 2014 at 11:19 PM No comments

Hello everybody, itt seems this is the last post about the project in general. Last post I wrote about the logical structure of the project which is SWOT analysis  in form I developed during my professional science work. The point is, everything is in changes.

First of all, the best decision exists in every situation. Just people don`t care to check it. But having a good tool for express diagnosis of a situation we can check the moment to manage situations in best ways. This is sustainability in general and in private cases: to feel the balance and check what`s going on. We are powerful having our education, knowledge, proved experience. This is the tipping point: who will use it and who will not so choose the instinction road. Not more. Not less. This is the same law as gravitation.

Today we have the best proved by scientific researchs and experience methodology how to gain the top position in lifecycle and to stay here. It is available. The point is to make some efforts to change the direction and inercia. Everyone know how it is difficult to avoid bad habits. But also everyone know, we can do t when we are motivated and educated. No waste.

Climate Change project, Section I, consist of 11 pinting with the crown of "Natiral Lifecycle".

Does the project closed? No, of course it is not. I am preparing everything to start the new Section II. It is the mirror of the processes between UN`s call for action and climate summit and present days.

So, this is my plans. Actually, I have more. But this is not the right time to reveal it. According to the general plan, next post it will be the video about the project in general while I am working on umbrella strategy.

This activity is for global scale.

Thank you for being with me! The most interesting journey just starts.

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#AgeofSustainableDevelopment, #WorldChange, #lowcarbon #economy
#Art, #ABArt, #ABPainting, #Cultura, #impact, #active, #proactive, 
#climateneutrality, #climateaction, #Call4Climate , #unfccc,#CWNYC, 
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#takeaction, #artprocess,  #newart, #SustainableArt, #ArtGlobal, #GlobalArt,
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#Event,  #GlobalEvent, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt,

Climate Change Project: the logical structure
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 December 2014 at 10:58 AM No comments

The logical structure of the project is important. It means, every painting works to be a thought provoking vision in order to support progress and found new ways and new smart decision. Thet`s why you can see here, in Section I, representation of SWOT analysis.

SWOT analysis is much more powerful tool then in usual usage. About 7-8 years ago, during my professional Management career, I developed SWOT analysis into modern way of fast processes analysis. I will write about it later, just to mention: it is really powerful tool to create constructive decision: to analise everything by SWOT, mutations of SWOT during time. Climate Change process represents my invntion about SWOT.

So, starting to analise the logical structure of the project, it needs to point out the paitings represent Threats areas.

The most difficult thing to feel is big scale processes or small processes. Smal changes comes drop by drop creating new side-effects and new threats. That`s why it needds to check the points of development in order to found where a problem of development becomes abnormal:

Analysing the Threats area of SWOT it is important to check out th line nobody want to cross. That line border abnormal problems from pathological scenarios. That`s why that two paintings are shouting: this is the border nobody want to cross because nobody could survive.

That painting represents what exectly we will have as the result of current course of development.

So,I decide to make that post and one more before the film to focuse the important logical structure of the process.

Being multifield professional I always structure projects to gain more aims and be more powerful as a tool of development. So Climate Change project, from the beginning, from the Section I I am presenting now, is the tool for development, both analitical and emotions. This is XXI century, we could gain more and we should do it. More aims in the same time is the normal result when you have the right tool for it.

In Climate Change project I am trying to give the tool for development covers both possibilities of human nature: analysis and emotions.

Thank you for being with me.

#ActionNotWords  #IWDLeaders #2030NOW, #carbonfree, 
#climate2014, #ClimateChange, #UN, #UnitedNations,  #Sustainability,
#SustainableDevelopment, #Post2015, #MDG,  #SDG,
#AgeofSustainableDevelopment, #WorldChange, #lowcarbon #economy
#Art, #ABArt, #ABPainting, #Cultura, #impact, #active, #proactive, 
#climateneutrality, #climateaction, #Call4Climate , #unfccc,#CWNYC, 
#PeoplesClimate, #business, #UNFCCC #sustdev,
#takeaction, #artprocess,  #newart, #SustainableArt, #ArtGlobal, #GlobalArt,
#NewGenerationArt,  #Science, #Art&Science, #PoweroofArt, #ArtforEducation,
#CulturaGlobal,  #CulturaMovement, #CultureClimate, #ArtforDevelopment,
#Education,  #GlobalEducation, #SustainableEducation, #NewStyleEducation,
#ArtBusiness,  #ArtGalleryNew, #SocialEducation, #ClimateEducation,
#SustainableEducation,  #NewMovementEducation,
#Calligraphy,  #Painting, #Acrylic, #NewTechniquePainting, #NewArtStyle,
#ArtPlusScience,  #ArtProves, #ArtWitness, #OnlineArt,  #ModernTrendArt,
#SustainableBrainWork, #Effective,  #Efficient, #Lifecycle, #Information,
#Image, #ShapetheWorld, #ArtIsTool,  #IdeasToRelity, #IdeasWork,
#WorldNetwork, #WorldArtNetwork,
#Management,  #ManageChanges, #Leadership, #WorldLeader, #ActualEvent,
#Event,  #GlobalEvent, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt,

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