An Appropriate Hybridization for our NeuroNetwork
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 November 2014 at 09:44 AM No comments

Hello everybody, today is a milestone in film making and I have to say a couple of words about how to manage brain proceses in the most effective and efficient way. We have so mighty thinking tool so we should learn something how it works to extend our common experience into full driving lisense. The basic fact is our neuronetwork normally proceeds several different processes simultaneously.

Just to illustrate how it works in the area of system creation look at the picture above. It represents how to catch important things from a printing matherials to stimulate and support own neuronetwork and keep it healthy for your purposes.

At the picture you can see my current process of relaxation between different stages of creation, one of those is rather new and complicated. At that stage, according to the General plan, I have to create the system of future video channel which will cover several important purposes. The subjects will not be revealed here, just to note: this is a complicated work, it needs to think and plan, rethink and replan, redesign, try, try again, system solutions and long run strategy, all together.

It needs to think before production, and think really good, having in mind several lines of products and also strategic line to develop all of them. It needs to think about diversification at the planing stage, and also to try things to make experiments in order to use our raw matherials and our resourses in better way.

No waste required.

So, it is not a single process even at the papers, there are several processes, includes content planing.

To support it I re-read several books, some of them in 5-6th time, to make some marks.

One of them is "Miyamoto Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa . The book is about Japanese strategist, swordsman and painter

Although I did so many notes and pencil marks before, that time I made more bookmarks and designed the system of colors allows me to found information quickly if I need to check something. Then I founded the second book about swordsmen, in different style and nationality of the author, but with the similar general subject. I did my color system of bookmarks the same way and now, finishing all of the books, I will put it together to use it quickly in future.

All I`ve mentioned above represents how to support your neuronetwork and keep it working in informational field.

It needs just the printing (it is better) sourses like boooks which tought you so much so you favorited it and feel good to re-read it several times.

Another case is to support creation. As information analysis could be a double-way process, in and out together, creative work needs some pause between In and Out.

I can`t start my paintings now, although I know what to do, to keep my analysis work clear and powerful. But I can make small creation to keep my soul healthy. For example yesterday I and my friend Natalya Vilyaeva was walking, enjoying the late automs in our park. We made some pictures and some video, here and there.

So I decide to put some feeling of autumn to the ink painting:

Ink painting need to keep clear feelings and to use very small range of tools and colors.

So it represents how our neuronetwork work with images which is coded, decoded, presented, mixed, hide details, change mood and all of this need to be available and well understandable.

If you have your personality so powerful so you can put all of this on paper using just one brush and black ink… This is the example of well managed neuronetwork which keeps us fresh while we are doing our job in so many changes of our world.

Try it. Feel it.

Keep it.

Enjoy it!

Thank you for being with me!

Life is Changes, and what we can do with it?
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 November 2014 at 03:21 PM No comments

Next week I`ll start to post description of each painting from Climate Change project. For today it is the best to link the very fresh article by Dr.Ichak Adizes  "Life is Change" delivered just that morning.

Dr.Adizes wrote: "...To start with, can we agree that life is change? We are born, grow and age.  Constantly changing physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually among many other dimensions.
Life is change.
And what happens when there is change? There are problems.
Because change means something new has happened, and now decisions have to be made – what to do? Because the phenomena is new, making a decision about it involves uncertainty, and when we implement the decision, there is a risk that it might somehow backfire.
To act in conditions of uncertainty and risk is identified as “we have a problem.”
But what happens next, after we decide and implement our decision?
- See more at: is change.
And what happens when there is change? There are problems.

Because change means something new has happened, and now decisions have to be made so what to do?  Because the phenomena is new, making a decision about it involves uncertainty, and when we implement the decision, there is a risk that it might somehow backfire."

To start with, can we agree that life is change? We are born, grow and age. Constantly changing physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually among many other dimensions.

Life is change.

And what happens when there is change? There are problems.


Because change means something new has happened, and now decisions have to be made – what to do? Because the phenomena is new, making a decision about it involves uncertainty, and when we implement the decision, there is a risk that it might somehow backfire.

To act in conditions of uncertainty and risk is identified as “we have a problem.”


But what happens next, after we decide and implement our decision?

- See more at:

Life is Change
Life is Change

This is true.

However I want to make the note: we have a mirror situation here. Life is changes, but as we are still alive, life is the chain of solutions. We are people who resolve problems making solutions, this is our way from dead past to fresh future.

When you decide, life is a chain of problems, this is not so motivating, isn`t it? This is a hidden rock which tempts us to decrease changes just by our desire to decrease risks. Lay down and hope for nothing. I know many people who are doing it. Their life seems the same, not so happy, but with the same things they had yesterday. This is a kind of satisfaction they feel about it, a kind of controle. They are feeling to control their tomorrow freezing all changes in life. it seems covered by common sense.


They are growing elder anyway. The world is changing around. Many chances are passing away while people stuck into decision of no changes.

Changes comes. But no solutions about.

So, the point is how to make right solutions. Here it is several strategies. For example it can be diversification. Another solution is to be wide skilled professional. Of narrow skilled but with continuous solid clients or results.

Another choice bases on the Lifecycle: we learn from Adizes theory how to overcome obstacles and normal problems of growth, how to avoid pathological problems and then how to gain the Prime and Stable points and keep ourselves on it. This is the best tool to make decisions.

Anyway? when we face a problem it is really goon to stay on the position: what could we do with it to make solution and what is our aim to stay on Prime and Stable points of the Lifecycle.

Why am I sleaking about it now?

Because too many sourses claims, the best solution is the one makes you feel good.

This is lie.

Sometimes we need to abandon our comfort zone to gain new results. Obviously it is not the best feeling from the beginning. But we do it not  just to make our ego satisfied. We do it for the best result which is the sigh of strategic style of life.

Our world became more and more complicated every year. So if you want to stay in Prime and have good tomorrow, making you life as a chain of good solutions, you should pay attention about what to do in strategic way.

The last question:

what is the power to keep moving? What supports us while we are doing an appropriate changes?

The answer is in Dr.Adizes article you can read here

and in the quote you can see here

I am doing it all the time. If my next aim required changes I do it. I know, overcoming my own barriers I can gain more. So my personal choice is a good illustration for the rule I am speaking about.

Generalizing the main idea into long run project
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 October 2014 at 10:17 AM No comments

After yesterday hard day of projecting and sleepless night…

..I`ve catch the idea how to put the most mportant lines into long run activity both offline and by mass media.

Combining incompatible, the same way as our brain processes our life, the same way as Internet works, the same way as our civilization lives, usinf all previous achievements in new smart way, having wide horizont for development.

Sometimes just a small piece of the whole idea isn`t founded so all of 99% ready work can`t be put into organic totality, into new synergy.

When such a small piece is founded it seems so natural so it is hard to believe how it was hidden for so long time.



How we can shape power to use it in short and long run
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 October 2014 at 09:30 AM No comments

Today I would like to tell about two important ways to form our history.  The story of a country, a business and a personal story as well, being well constracted, with internal logical lines, being put into art frame, is one of the most powerful things in the world. The first example is New Zeland. Have a glance:

Let`s see the fact line: the epic novel by J.R.R. Tolkien caused the great film by Peter Jackson which was produced mainly in New Zeland with all of the most eciting natural treasures of the country. 10 years we was involved in the filming process by Jackson`s videoblog, following the matherials of the process, and finally watching the film (I did it with director`s movie edition more then 10 times with different purposes, both enjoy the story and to analyse it). Now New Zeland has own new story which is closely related with the reality of the country and also with millions of people who love the film. And they use it in the best way to nourish a new culture.

Do you see how the transition from the art world percolates to our reality making changes in it?


This is significant.

The process are so obvious in thet example so it is not so difficult to understand how it works in business (Mission and Vision of a company with it`s PR methods), in political (with mass media elections becames an art, sometimes more then the Lord of the Rings story), in social field, even in personal life.

Images carry information. Logical lines with images carry much more. It makes people involved to relieve the story, and being the part of their brain activity, the story more ore less becomes the part of themselves.

This is the way Art works. Sustainable way is to use it correctly.

However, the business and power aspects of that process calls people who just want to use it. We are living in informationsl world with images, so each of our Internet journey includes many influencies from others. So we need the good way to separate powerful stories which can change the world into better place in right way, and false stories which are designed to work the same way.

Today we need both powerful tools we have: our imagination, feelings and power of logic, analysis.

So my second exampl is from my yesterday visit to the Conference of Sceptic Society .

It was the full day of meeting with scientists: psichologists, biologists, science journalists and many others. They are creaating the discurs to support people who are under the pressure of information. The reports and presentations of the Sosiety includes: how to work properly as a popular sciense journalist, how to educate people, how to identify charlatans who make bold false promises using people`s feelings for their profit and many others.
Critical thinking is one of the most important things to develop our mental hygiene today, when media are full of false stories, destructive, ruling, bossing, wanting your attention and money just to fulfill other`s interests. So many use human biases  to made people make unappropriate actions.

So critical thinking is the powerful tool we all need to separate good and bad commercial proposals, for example. This is not a luxury of egg-headed scientists any more. This is our nesessary HYGIENE, exectly the same as we do for our teeth.

You can see the differencies between the first example with "Lord of the Rings" when everything is clear and we can feel safe and care, so we can enjoy everything in natural way and make it a powerful part of our own story.

Art has real power. Different kinds of art, from story telling to painting, from art of shaping discussions to art of presentation and information composing. We make our choice according to information touch us. That`s why we need to make a choice what`s brings power of knowledge to support us in our activities, and what`s just uses us by our presets, biases, for own purposes.

I am planing to make my own contribution for the great education process. Thinking about development and how to allow people to be educated the best modern way, it takes much more time to design. That`s why I squeeze my teeth and put aside my art while I am making attempts to develop a system for future purposes. It needs really good long run design before I make production. That`s why this is the delay and I allow myself just to make several Ink paintings describing the season instead of big works I am thirsting for.

This is the third example how to use arts for our actual power.

Small Ink painting in Chinese style is my own stabilizer. Only 15 minutes, and nothing could be edited, the footprints of the moment and the mood, this is enough to balance me to keep thinking, keep trying, keep move ahead.

Following our logical line of the post, what is the real part of the painting? The weather, my memory how it was when I lived in Siberia, the real snow and cold.

What is the Art, the internal power? This is the style which is symbolical but with real patterns you can recognize. This is the feelings of my brush, and the ink, and the interier of my special InkPainting place, Bamboo Cabinet.

Thinking about the project, with all of it`s complications, making MindMaps, I am able to make me partly free from all of this and so have my relax to keep the ideas powerful in short and long run.

This is the tool. The same is critical thinking. We need such a tools to be effective and efficiant in our life and to gain our aims. That`s why good examples makes support as well as it allow us to make our own curcle of people who increase our power, a media which nourish everyone.

So, for the end of the post let me make the conclusion.

Today we need both powers we have: power of imagination, Arts, and power of mind, critical thinking. Being combine properly it really helps us in short ind long run.

Analise it. Feel it when you found it safe. Make a story your own power.

Thank you for being with me,

sincerely, Anna

#ClimateChange project and the outside Climate Change
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 October 2014 at 08:47 AM No comments

Hello everybody, here it is the last news fron the frontline of struggle for the better presentation and future projects. It illustrates how it is important to make everything in time! Just yesterday it was automn and I did additional videos outside. And today what we can see from the window?..

Do you see it? Snow! Now! When the trees are still with leafs!

It was snowing the whole night and this is the result. Climate change!

I felt enourmous happiness tonight having the insight I`d canch all nesessity frames. So now we have winter, an early one, the gloomy clouds and it seems the snow became mud everywhere so no thing to shoot around. I feel it is the best weather to be covered with warm blanket and to sleep alot, but I have to concentrate and fit to my plans!

This time the wise advise of best friends is really a helpful hand. My Philippino friend Tony Toledo with perfect timing provided me with one good tool to concentration. Yantras. The ancient images which helps. Some people take this idea skeptically, some just belives in it. I have the third base to use it: science.

During my Physics education, I recall, at the 4d year in my University, I did my year work in the field of neuronetwork. It was the system of 4 or 6 equations, rather uncomfortable to use.

The practical result of the work was mathematical and experienced conclusion: the extremums of the function describes neuronetwork concentrates on sharp angles and prominent shapes so turn neuronetwork into more productive mood.

Look to the Yantras then:

You see, the shape is coming inside. Images influent us because this is the way neuronetwork is functioning.

I printed the Yantras Tony sent me and put it on the bright paper to catch attention. It make me comfortable to continue my work instead of bear sleeping which the weather calls.

This is my current work place:

I put the Yantras onto my project boards and studio places too to make the effect more.

So, now  I feel myself free co concentrate and to manage my ideas well.

At the end let me to make one note.

How to overcome natural obstacles

If you want to have really great work to achieve great aims, you should use all good proved tools you have.

Sometimes we are so busy so can`t see a good decision. Tht moment God speaks by our good friends. If you spend a time to remember all cases, you could found several very special persons in your surrounding. They can speak with you without any question from your side and provide you with assential advices, just in time/ Sometimes a week before the time you will really needy in things they describe. This is the special neuronetwork. If you want to gain a big aim, you should listen to such friends carefully. Care is essential,  because they frequently speaks BEFORE you check your problem, so you could have a good advice in advance. It needs to be careful to remember it and to put it near in order to use when the time comes.

I will make some more notes about it later, may be make a film to my channel to educate people how it works.  Right now, with so limited time, I just want to underline how it is important to keep friendship with care and to take things friends say into real deeds.

Good luck, thank you for being with me, see you!

P.S. Just for fun here is a picture of my student conspects which was much easier then the course work smile


#ClimateChange Project 2014: Making the General data structure
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 October 2014 at 09:18 PM No comments

Hello everybody, #ClimateCnahge Project is growing according to the General plan.


Having so many information, all of this MindMaps for sustainable development in short and long run, projecting post-Climate summit gallery about the most important changes in human history which will lead us all to the future and make impact from present days.

Also I am busy organizing about 200 GB of videos and photos concerns ClimateChange project from the beginning. My god, how many files! Getting crazy because first it needs to create new system of storage and naming to prototype search and group files for future films. Not so easy. Needs to try, then to check is it ecological to the future system of usage or not. Making just several mistakes with file structure by naming it will be much more time losses in future and unconvinient to work. Say, this is the most boring and basical work to do.

Look to that video and you will understand how it important to make the right sequence from the beginning!

Funny and very symbolical. No, this is not my kittens. Yes, I love kittens. I love cats in general smile

However the video represents a big living system to growth in right order. Not easy, see?

My matherials concerns several neighbour project so it muct be organized well from the beginning.

The light point is. I am thinking about what to do as a film while I organize the pieces. Also I realized what additional shooting I should do and I am doing it. For example, yesterday it was Museum of Paleontology, the great place I will visit more with additional cameras. There more then 3 purposes I want to cover by the project work so it sees as a knot of threads sometime and scream for additiona time for sleeping. Sleeping is the treasure, you know.

So, I am busy in mind, soul, hands and everything, and the results will be soon.

Thank you for being with me!

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#ClimateChange Project: Pause before new start
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 October 2014 at 10:32 AM No comments

Autumn, pure paper in front of my thoughts;

making ink, feel the future,

the fragrance of near Tomorrow.

I decided to make a pause in the project presentation for the sake of the 3d part.

As I`ve collected matherials and results of the Climate Summit, it is important to create from it something which link to the future projects.

New Mindmaps for new connections, and attempts to make new structure for the choices. The narrative about human development shouldn`t has gaps. Even if we are oversnowed of facts and small events this is a structure behind. Even if we see the whole world so different around, this is natural laws behind it. Now I am taking my pause to put the future work into such structure. What is the way people are taking? How old style development became a new one? Or it doesn`t?

This is the right time, between 1-2 stage of Climate Change Project, and the 3d stage, to attempt to found the global picture among different facts.

All I need to finish that work is to have an empty paper in front of my eyes. It consist of past conclusions which forms the conditions for the new start. It is melting with today choices to blossom into new future, which could make differencies from the past.

Connections, result and post-reasons, the essense of mind meditations, made in divine state between full professional controle and free serfing. This is the result I am doing right now.

Delegating the work of finding connections to my 100-billions neuronetwork, I am walking free, without determined tasks, with empty paper, with sure I will do everything good right in time.

Tomorrow will come tomorrow.

Let the day be and the full moon light.

‪#‎climatechange‬  ‪#‎seasonchange‬

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#climate2014,  #ClimateChange, #UN, #UnitedNations,  #Sustainability,
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#WorldNetwork, #WorldArtNetwork,
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#Event,  #GlobalEvent, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt,

A day out of work as the day of sustainability
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 October 2014 at 07:41 PM No comments

Today I allowed myself to have one day out of work. Having all of reay project work in my head I feel myself so burdened so it is important to make a small pause and take a breath.  This is the right style of sustainable, ecological brain work.

The results of #climate2014 summit reflecting by that week by Internet now are analysing in order to make3-4 main conclusins about future trends and so make the 3d part of Climate Change 2014 project on that base.

Sustainability means smart use of our resourses. Accordint to our possibilities to use our mighty neuronetwork it means the time out of focuse. Such things allows to delegate tasks from 4- billions neurons neironetwork to 100-billions, much deeper, faster, much systematic. So the whole system can work in divine integration.

For that purpose I use ink drawings. Sometimes it is a kind of blog about things happens or about my mood. But to be more clear, out of tideness.  tension and feelings it needs to concentrate on more global and more abstract sunject. For me, a Cpricorn, it is Mountains and Waterfalls. I use my special Chinese calligraphy set for it.

What is the main feeling with it?

To be much above. To see the whole picture without being a part of it.

Gentle touch of the brush, round movements preparing the ink on the ink-stone,  feeling the mauntains shape borning from the stroks, shadows and water.  all is moving. All is out of tension This is no idea and no plan. This is nature itself which is self-sufficient without our presense, and so powerful to alow us to touch it`s energy being in contact.

May be you know, in traditional system of Asian self-development it was a mixture of body trainings (for example I had my Wing Chun kung-fu),  humanitarian education (such as poetry, novels, story-telling), arts (I practice painting and satin stitch embroidery).

Painting is one of the best because you have your feedback immidiately: in bad mood you will make it badly, in good the results will be good. It represents the normal brainwork style. But the best surprise flows from the next stage: in meditative mood when the art will growth by itself.  This is the sign of deep relaxtion and so 100-billions neuronetwork starts to work on your actual task so… so you should just to keep the feeling of relaxation and let things be done.

This is so mportant.

Today we can count the effectiveness and describe old practice with modern scientific terms, prove it by scientific investigations and technology.  So this is really natural, sustainable and smart decision to make a good long run effective and efficient work.

Try it, you will feel it by yourself.

Wish you the best and be back to my mauntains and clouds for a while!

Hugs, Anna

#climate2014, #ClimateChange, #UN, #UnitedNations,  #Sustainability,
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#Leadership, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt

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#takeaction, #artprocess,  #newart, #SustainableArt, #ArtGlobal, #GlobalArt,
#NewGenerationArt,  #Science, #Art&Science, #PoweroofArt, #ArtforEducation,
#CulturaGlobal,  #CulturaMovement, #CultureClimate, #ArtforDevelopment,
#Education,  #GlobalEducation, #SustainableEducation, #NewStyleEducation,
#ArtBusiness,  #ArtGalleryNew, #SocialEducation, #ClimateEducation,
#SustainableEducation,  #NewMovementEducation,
#Calligraphy,  #Painting, #Acrylic, #NewTechniquePainting, #NewArtStyle,
#ArtPlusScience,  #ArtProves, #ArtWitness, #OnlineArt,  #ModernTrendArt,
#SustainableBrainWork, #Effective,  #Efficient, #Lifecycle, #Information,
#Image, #ShapetheWorld, #ArtIsTool,  #IdeasToRelity, #IdeasWork,
#WorldNetwork, #WorldArtNetwork,
#Management,  #ManageChanges, #Leadership, #WorldLeader, #ActualEvent,
#Event,  #GlobalEvent, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt,


Climate Change 2014 project: The Gallery 2014 is opened for Public
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 October 2014 at 01:57 PM No comments

Today, the first day of October 2014, Climate Change 2014 project is opened for public.

Every art object has own history, step-by-step protocols, every moment of creation is proved with video matherials.

Everything was arranged according to the general planing.

In next weeks you will be the witness of how  it was created, and the meaning of each painting, even of particular details of the paintings.

This is the start of new direction, Visual narrative reportage which put into human culture great ideas and important events of modern world.

IN next several weeks you will witness the last step of creation process.

Stay with me!

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