The Sign of the Top
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 August 2011 at 12:41 AM Comments(1)

Today was an amazing day. Anila from Liapades brought me to Lakones - the village on the top of the mounting. The view was fantastic - this words are extremely poor to describe the real picture. From the top of the mounting I saw all our seashore,  includes  points I visited yesterday and points much more distant.

Everything was in veil of wet air but details was visible… Although it was far away from us, may be more then 10 km, it seemed as if I could touch white small beaches, and tiny boats  scurried in deep blue water with their tails of waves. I felt the same experience in my dreams and meditation as if I am both in two scales, two places: at the top of the mounting and on the beaches. One time I was the observer from the top saw everything, and also I was involved in movement as the part of the seashore - snorkeling, enjoying waves, playing with fishes. This is very special experience, being in the edge, being both.

But not the strong thing I saw in the entrance of the taverna. Greece is the ortodoxal chourch country but suddenly I meet the sign elder then Koran, elder then Bible, elder then Kabbala. Aumm sign ( ) was the part of the picture designed the window of the taverna:

The same I am wearing.

Deep Blue and winter white: Limni beach
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 August 2011 at 11:14 PM Comments(1)

Last year I crossed our bay with flippers and mask from "La Gotta" bar (point 3) to Limni beach(point 4 - also see post ).

Today I`ve made a trip with flippers from point 1 to 4 directly. The sea was quiet and soft, without waves it  seemed like a silk fabric. As I saw it was a  big shoal of small 5-10 cm fishes flyed in deep blue crystal water. Blue, green-blue and emerald green - this is the colors of that blessed waters I love, healing colors for soul, body and mind. And Limni beach has winter white stones.

I was a little bit indisposition yesterday and today I literay need to found a place which could cure me. Limni is the best, I spent from 12 AM to 7 PM here, absorbed colors, quiet and sun by all cells of my body. No thoughts. No emotions. No movement. Existence itself as it is, liquid harmony in silence. Only healing power of the place, mixed from sea and stones, which power ideal for Capricorns. I receive it in time. Today is my 22-th day here, and 3 days to my departure so I want to feel and absorb everything.

I was back point 1 (Liapades) when sun was hiding behind the mountings and shadows fell to the sea.

Lost words, thoughts and emotions, I was so peaceful then nearly fell to sleep on the dinner. smile

The celestial map
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 August 2011 at 06:06 AM Comments(2)

My friend agan_tang gives me a link to calculate the celestial map of the sky over me It has no name "Cofru" but it is possible to make  calculation for Athene, hopes there is no differencies could be visible by eyes. Also the program could found astronomy objects.

I`ll do it tonight and go to the beach with it! So great!!!

Dark sky, stars flyes
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 August 2011 at 12:49 AM No comments

I`ve just from the seashore where I was lieing looking stars. The star dust of Milky way, smallest stars and big stars forms constellations spreads over our harbor, it is so clear to recognize constellations. I`ve seen 4 metheors, one was so big to fly across all sky with fire, in silence of the sea, misterious, amazing…

Save your Ideas on a table-napkin
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 August 2011 at 10:48 PM No comments

Ideas comes to us suddenly in different places. The best understanding of an idea happens in relaxible places such as shower of dining. The point is you must write it anyway on any matherial.

During my long long pactice I recognize then ideas with it`s full brightness comes in a minute and then it starts to evanescence as a memory of a dream. You could catch a shadows but not a full idea itself. So I use every matherial suitable for writing from a peace of packing paper to my own hands. So long live to table-napkins! I am interesting how many ideas was noted on it?

Fire Trees
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 August 2011 at 12:56 PM No comments

Yesterday everning it was a fire on the top of the mounting near the beach. The fire started suddenly because of dry and olive trees becomed torches. A smell of smoke covered sea, also clouds of smoke.

It was like Moscow last summer. We saw the fire on the top of the mounting tonight, although it was wild beautiful I felt a pity to trees and people. As we know nobody came to harm. Greecs manage the situation and quickly extinguish the fire by helicopters.

Today is no fire and no smoke but I see helicopters flyes all day and brings water from the sea to finish the fire and potect olive forest on the mounting. The sea is calm and only small black pieces of fired wood on the surface reminds me about the big fire last day. The point is the sea is cold today.

We`ve created the new stone-picture “Treasure`s Island”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 July 2011 at 08:21 AM Comments(4)

Yesterday my brother Alex awaked with the idea to create something new  from stones on the beach. Ok, as he have a couage I must support it, so we did a really nice stone picture "Treasure`s Island". Because of different ideas I tryed to make a sketch but as everytime my sketch was far away from the result so I prefer to hide it smile .

(You can see step-by-step pictures below) Last stone-picture we has the experience how to work with stones so that time it was quicker. Fist of all we choose the place. It was more distant from the sea then last picture and the lanscape was different too. It was more big rounded stones and suddenly I realized then here we can easily create more complicated picture because we have no needs to collect stones far away. Alex started to create the border of the future picture.

Sand formed by smallest stones was placed into the border and created the back of future picture. Alex managed this work with a honour and save me from hardwork so I have hands free for fine work.

The point is a big stones formed the landscape devolved from the border so I have to found bigger stones to support the borders of the picture. Oh my god, I realized how hard was the job with Eugiptian piamides!

Alex brought more sand…

... and I made the sand smooth with very special tool:

Then it was the time to make the picture itself so I started with pirate`s chest and the body of the pirate. Alex wanted to make the Pirate with a leg prothesis but I renounced such idea. Therefore our Pirate has both legs and so he was more lucky then a typical pirate.

We decide that typical pirate wasn`t able to have a good dantist and also could have not very good health condition. So I made the teeth of the Pirate with white and black little stones and also the bandage on the left eye.

In the mian time Alex creates the palm tree on the right part of our Island with grass and stones and the Jolly Roger. He insisted me to make the right hand of the Pirate with hook and a parot sitting on it. As I declined his idea about the leg I have to admit the hook ant the Parrot. Ok, he made me to work hard!

It was a problem with hooked nib of the Parot because of stone`s shape so we have to accept the idea our parrot is unusual and may be needs some plastic surgery. As it made no complains we let it be as it is.

Then Alex started to make the title of the picture with small white stones.

The picture was big so we have to step inside it duing the pocess. I desided to make some details so it was a fish skeleton and a staff to the Pirate for the case he could lost his leg.

As we discussed the main idea of our picture Alex had the brilliant idea to put some coins to the chest. Of course it was mine coins and thanks god he had no ideas to use my own decoration to make the picture really Treasure Island to somebody.

I asked Alex to fullfill the chest with black stones to create for the coins the best background.

Several details:

...And this is the whole picture! Congratulations! smile smile smile

Ok, the pocess takes about 2,5-3 hours with several breaks to swim and made the heads cool. We enjoyed it at all although it was a bit hard work. Many paople pictured it and several tourists made atempts to create something on the beach so we should felt guilty fo our influence.

That picture was more complicated and much more interesting then the first one so we both was satisfied with such investment of our creativity ant our treasuress time and also have nice pictures to show it. smile

Playing with food
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 July 2011 at 11:09 PM No comments

Well, today we have no ceative mood for the beach but suddenly I did something with my brother`s meal smile smile smile

Wow! 8-)

Our 1 stone picture here, in Liapades
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 July 2011 at 10:19 AM No comments

This summer I took my holidayes with my brother Alex. Alex has creative character so every time he turns me to do something on the seashore (our Bulgaia sculptures here ) That time he also wants to create! smile

The point is there in no sand. Corfu has sand beaches but here we have stones only. So it was a kind of challenge for us to think what exactly we can do with that matherials: small, middle and big stones.

Alex found something like sand - a mix from tiny stones so he bring it to the plase of middle stones we chose for our picture. Then I did the frame from big stones with a "sand" of little stones inside. We wet it with sea water to make the differencies in shadows, you can see it on the picture. Wet part looks more dark.

Alex wants to create something with fishes, human and sun. So I did it.

A person in the picture seemed not very happy so we decided it was because of scary fishes. Alex wanted to make a secret how many fishes pictured here.

Really impressive face! smile smile smile

This is the reason for impression! smile smile smile

The full picture was about 110 X 180 cm and pay attention from tourists of our beach. I have no ideas did they find all 9 fishes or not.

At the end I used my brush to make a sign on the stone.

While we created the stone-picture the sea become choppy, and I drew it.

More and more waves was coming that everning.

At the rest of the day big waves licked our picture and intermixed it with sea water, sand and stones as it was before our action.

So it was the full cycle of creation, from chaos to order and back. What a nice day it was!

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