A cup of tea before last spurt
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 June 2013 at 07:40 AM No comments

Hello dear friends, I`ve finished another 3 paintings illustrates Dr.Adizes`s LifeCyrcle Curve. It`s not the last painting to the subject, I plane the last 4 in July, before my Corfu trip. But I decide don`t rush and have 1 day out of painting. Today my students have a graduation ceremony, I have my tea and go to it.

I want to work with TED
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 June 2013 at 07:29 PM No comments

Looking to TED I realized my desire to work with it. It`s thing covers my wish to keep in touch with science, because it`s still values for me. And I want to develope my knowledge in collaboration with people has ideas worth to spread. Let it be!

Conquer enthropy, maintain things you love
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 June 2013 at 07:57 AM No comments

Through changes the enthropy rules. So we need to fix and maintain things we love in order to keep it healthy and fresh.

Does it concern everything? Not everything. Pure matherial things like our bodies, gardens, cars, pets are more vulnerable for changing. Enthropy growth every breath, things from outside make influence over it. Sometimes the influence is generally good and works for health, such as sunlight make a garden growth. But all systems has sub-systems normally in different stages of life, every living system has errors in reproduction and also has wastes.

The job to fix errors and help a system works in healthy way includes feeding in right time and evacuating waster in right time too and also maintin the processes between such two points of the beginning and the end… It`s really the Job. Sometimes we are lazy to do it. As I am typically lazy to made my work place tidy, even if I like it tidy.

Our time is limited. Energy limited too. So we all making decisions how to use it right way and also how to cut expences. Sometimes we made decisions right opposit, so waste the energy to temporary things and don`t make nesessity maintaining.  So that`s a priority scale.

The question is what`s worth to fix it and what`s not. And what is the core which never change but still fresh.

So the more matherial things involve in a process the more work we should do to keep it functional?
It seems ideas concerns the flow of matherial things will be changed too. But ideas concerns internal spiritual laws isn`t change, because it touches the base of everything. Gravity, physical laws, lifecycle. If it change we can`t be a witness of such desaster.
The same way we should maintain our friendship, partnership, every relationship we feel important while the core idea of it is still fresh and could support matherial changes.

We could maintain it sending just good feedback, or our hello without a reason, something nice and unusual - or nice and usual, it doesn`t matter what. The base is the same - we need to do something to keep treasures alive.

It turns us to idea what changes is changeble and what isn`t. Sometimes the core idea still live but we changed so that can`t keep in touch with it.

Also you can read Dr.Ichak Adizes article "Maintaining a Marriage" here www.ichakadizes.com/maintaining-a-marriage/

How to be sure the Projects Growth
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 June 2013 at 05:49 PM No comments

Today, ladies and gentlemen, I should present you the hidden part one of the most personal thing in my place. Yes, it`s my fridge. As you saw it`s door is my motivator. And this is the right side of it - I use it for monitor how my projects growth. Because I have 4 current projects simultaneously.

Well, as you see even my fridge have to work hard to my goals! For sure it do the duty as a good soldier and never ask me for additional support or make application to raise the salary. Good boy! As big as it possible it represents trustworthiness to all guarantee period as I hope! Sometimes I think about it`s ribbons, magnets etc as a merits for it smile

Oh, This is my admiration about the fridge as an exellent ideas support system (both mentally, spiritually and physically too because it`s not empty!). But be sure, I`d never be so crazy to talk with it!


This racurs shows how careful I should be opening the door because the text is near my hands. That`s why the letters about CyberWar Section 2 is partly erased.

IN addition to pics I would like to note how it`s important to make things done and be supported with good tools. Right tools should be customed to your personality the same way as a good suite. So my fridge is something to suite my ideas then smile

The secret of effectiveness: Refregirator-Motivator-and-even-more
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 June 2013 at 10:57 AM No comments

All we really have is our time. You could buy many things, but time is unstretchable one and all we could do is to use it more effective. My kithen is the place I cook, make tea ceremonies, meet friends, listen music and so I try to organize everything to work for the best. Even my refregirator has the additional function!

The front side with door in something like iconostasis. Because things I love I want to have in fromt of me, near my eyes to browse across. Being a Buddhist I draw, paint and even made sculptures of Buddha, his statues and images made me calm, meditative and so more productive. Indians gods are attractivebecause I know their symbolism, meanings and also the images is so beautiful I prefer traditional forms because it represents deep equilibrium, but modern interpretations is not bad sometimes.

The bead-roll at the left side was put here because it made something in ahmosphere to the picture in total.( It`s anothers I use for meditations and pranayama practice.) I hanged the bead-roll on Capricorn magnet so it`s a massage itself, because Capricorn has long planing and gain everything making step by step up to the top of a mounting, and never give up. It`s about me.

Also I put here several magnets from Rerich museum because I love how he paint mountings. Tiger is my favourite animal so it`s several here. My painting "The Ideal Manager (PAEI)", now belongs to Dr.Ichak Adizes, has another name "Integration". Integration is the function of God. So here is the right place for it!

Also I put on the door one magnet poster with China style painted mountings and picture of tea. Because I like that poste and could see it while I drink my own tea.

On the bottom you can see a plastic with peony, my friend presented it. I love peony and it`s symbol in China culture so put it here to have a glance from time to time.

And now you can ask me: what is the function of so different things?

Yes, the function exists. I put everything in right order so I can started to think by images while I browse through it. It`s a message and motivator, so my refregirator works with me smile !


Starting to use Instagram
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 June 2013 at 12:51 PM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve started to use Instagram, Twitter and also more use my Facebook page. Be my friends and follow me to all of hot news!

Instagram: Anna Chudnovskaya

Facebook www.facebook.com/anna.chudnovsky.5

Twitter twitter.com/AnnamaindotOrg

Dr.Ichak Adizes has met Russian Governors
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 June 2013 at 03:47 AM No comments

Dr.Adizes was busy thet week consulting Russian Government. As he share in his Facebook status:

"Dear friends,

Yesterday I was invited to speak at a Governors Seminar in Moscow. In the audience were 80 governors of Russia, President Putin’s staff and Putin himself, opening the seminar. After almost missing my flight from Paris due to a strike at the airport, I arrived on Moscow on time and gave a 3 hour lecture.

Tomorrow I am Flying to Mexico City and from there back to Santa Barbara, CA.

This round in Europe was very successful and full of energy.

Thank you all.
— in Moscow City, Russia." www.facebook.com/ichak.adizes

How to learn and investigate
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 June 2013 at 08:10 AM No comments

It is easy to fall in love because it happens by itself. Sometimes this is the same in arts - just allow something happens and it`s enough. The best comes easily. But this is the visible part of the art process as a top of an iceberg. Most work, as a biggest part of an iceberg,  is typically hidden.


That time I would like to show you that hidden part. Because technigues I use is good tools for thinking, develop ideas in any field you want. I use it in business, in management, in all of my investigations. Because we have a choice to make things in typical way (and loose most possibilities in future) or to growth with every task you have in your life. I choose the second way. Life is a challenge. You will gain power if you growth in knowledge, found new possibilities and new ways. So life chenges will be constructive to you.

That`s why I started to learn the system of Dr.I.Adizes being charming by it completeness, beauty, even poetry, internal balance. It describes all processes because the base is the same - a lifecycle.

So I make several Mindmaps and also conspect lectures in style made my left and right brains work together. How to make your right brain works with gentle touching? And how to maintain it`s work with the left brain, it`s analysis possibilities? I will show it in my next posts, because my methods is good and then you could apply it in your activities.

Now I have to have a rest. My body feel weak now, but I can`t allow it to be ill, I don`t want it at all so… may be to sleep alittle. Creation brings power but our human bodies has own limitation sometimes. Thank you for being with me, see you!




Dr.I.Adizes diagnosed problems of Greece
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 June 2013 at 01:15 PM No comments

Every time I read Dr.Adizes`s analyses I wonder how effective and full it is with so small numbers words. It`s amazing, because it is complicated to write shortly without any loss. He wrote:

"This weekend of June 2, 2013, I was invited to meet  with a group of businessmen, politicians, and media people to diagnose the problems of the country and to express my opinion of what needs to be done…" Read his article here  www.ichakadizes.com/greece/

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