ANNAmain • Date: 27 July 2015 at 10:15 AM
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Hello everybody, today our black monday with new PG Cat`s motivator about "Pope Francis: the Encyclical" video and it`s influence to the world. Our question for today is why religions are so important, even for atheists. Let`s discover it.

The scientific reseachs show why people have so great struggle between right behaviour and the another one, which is more pleasant, easy and causes so many problems in short and long run. This is the exect story how human brain works, bases on it`s morphology. Morphology means everything. You can move your arms healthy with exect proper movement, or hurt it because this is the structure of bones to provide you with possible movements. The same about himan brain: we have what`s it`s structure provides.
Human brain consist of two general parts. One is the old, which developed from reptiles. It is cheap and costs us not more then 10% of our body`s energy budget. Really cheap, because it processes just three kinds of biological issues: food (money), sex and domination. All of this costs so less energy and so easy to do just because it`s instinctive sphere.
No humanity here. Zero care. No tomorrow because animals have no tomorrow. In short run it may works to provide an individual with biological benefits, typically by other`s account as it goes on in monkey`s communities. Remember, it is always payed by somebody else.
People use that kind of thinking to behaive in animal way just because it`s really cheap. Instincts. Propriotary. Completely selfish.
So, when you see somebody performs just food, sexy or domination behaviour, no matter what do they say, it works the animal part of their brain and all of their actions will be payed by another`s account. That`s how it works. Today in global scale it costs us our tomorrow.
Another, really human part of human brain is neo cortex. The most insulting fact is, that part was developed from the system of sexual nasal organs of reptiles. So, unfortunately, it`s easy to be influent by the reptils`s part. Neo-cortex is the source of all above animal instinctive level. Our culture with art and science, technical progress and spiritual insights of any kind, all of this belongs to human part. No animal could perform it, even to imagine it. That`s why every new generation of animals have the same or less, but human youth inherits much more then previous generations. That`s how human brain works: neo-cortex creates better tomorrow. Religions typically speaks in terms of humanity in order to support Human part of the brain from influence of destructive animal part.
The last point of our today interest is why it is so hard to use human part of the brain instead of animal`s one? Why it is so hard to avoid some seducing actions today in order to get better tomorrow?
Because human brain costs more then 25% of the whole body`s energy budget. Being untrained in thinking, it strongly resists from using because of danger of energy losses which meant death in prehistoric times.
To create something new by neo-cortex, it needs so much energy and time. But to stole it needs just a couple of instints and a small traitory: to pretend to be a human by words, being an animal by actions.
That`s how lie works.
In addition neo-cortex`s work is not an instinctive sphere. It needs to be trained and practiced to develop some skills of information analysis and making decisions. Practice makes perfection, and as we see, that practice costs. That`s why many people have potential, but less then 20% really pay attention and make constant efforts to develop own talents and so create new things to drive our common culture. That`s why an educated and experienced specialist must be payed in high price.
That`s why it is so hard to develop truly human skills like fidelity, love, courage, keep promises and own words, to restrict yourself in seducing animal`s behaviour to keep high principals and create truly human communication.
That`s why sex and love is not the same, and actually never been. Sex itself, a simple act with hormones stream belongs to animal brain, easy, without any human issues except lie. Any word is lie here having function to couse easy sex and not more, because this is how animal`s brain works. No matter what words sound, it always the same.
Love contains mutual trust and respect, support and the high quality of being together in order to create something new to the world, and that`s why it needs honesty, respect and sincerelity from the beginning. Now, having that information, you could analyse what`s going on in human behaviour.
No matter if you believe in God or not. No matter if you are an atheist. Also it is less matter then religions institutes became a kind of political orders, sometimes managed by doubtful leaders who performs completely animal behaviour and tasks. In the core religions are trying to provide human with some basic rules to separate them from influence of animal part of the brain. That`s why, despite of all crimes religions did and still are doing, in the big scale it is better for the whole human race to keep religions.
"Pope Francis: the Encyclical" video proves how shoud humanity works:
To create our better future, even just to stay with our not so bad toady, it is vital to avoid animal`s behaviour and force yourself to think as Human. It means to be active somehow, to keep your feeling of tomorrow so this is the Antifragile way we all should take. Here it is new Wallpaper and the list of hash tags below. Use it, share images in order to make more people just to tru to think by human brain. It is so powerful, then climate issues have scalable solutions and the future will be better then past.
You can found all posts dedicated to the Encyclical here
Thank you for being with me, in Wednesday it will be news from Real Greece. Stay with me, win with me!

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