ANNAmain • Date: 23 September 2014 at 09:07 AM
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Today, 23 of September 2014, the Climate Sammit 2014 has started in New York. According to the general plan, this is the start of 3d stage of #ClimateChange 2014 project: the first project in the world which combine art, science, journalistic reportage and educational project in advance.

As we know from official sources like , "UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has invited world leaders, from government, finance, business, and civil society to Climate Summit 2014 this 23 September to galvanize and catalyze climate action. He has asked these leaders to bring bold announcements and actions to the Summit that will reduce emissions, strengthen climate resilience, and mobilize political will for a meaningful legal agreement in 2015. Climate Summit 2014 provides a unique opportunity for leaders to champion an ambitious vision, anchored in action that will enable a meaningful global agreement in 2015."
Exectly the right moment to move and be the first with all prepared details, especially because I have the next plans to #post2015 MDG/SDG.
I am happy! The wide field for realization is exectly the thing I want to do.
You know. the history of an art object is the part of the message. All of this was projected 6 months before and now come at the next stage. Let`s have a glance how Climate Change 2014 Project was growing from the beginning till present time.

As the result of that stage this is 8 big size painting in innovative technique and new style, covered by new philosophy of new art I designed during several years.
At the second stage it is additional paintings:

As the result of 1-2 stages of the project 11 big size paintings with logical line for educational purposes. For example to support lectuing, narrative or video style so all of it will be useful. each painting has video matherials about the ideas and how it was done. it will be several video films.
What subject covers by the pieces of visual art I created? Just one glance to the titles:
1 - Keeling curve
2 - Rising Carbon Empire: 1st Kondratieff wave
3 - Development of Human on the Lifecycle
4 - Unsustainable development and changes
5 - Tornado and storms
6 - Drought
7 - Ocean Acidification: the process
8 - Sunset of Carbon Empire
9 - Ocean Accidification-II
10 - Education as a pillar for sustainability
11 - Lifecycle: how to stay on the top
And today, right now, I am starting the new.

All movements and actions just happening behind my eyes will be documented that way.
Are you ready for changes?
I am ready, and ready for work!
@Avaaz @ClimateWeekNYC @HumanImpacts
#ActionNotWords #IWDLeaders
#climate2014, #ClimateChange, #UN, #UnitedNations, #Sustainability,
#SustainableDevelopment, #Post2015, #MDG, #SDG,
#AgeofSustainableDevelopment, #WorldChange, #lowcarbon #economy
#Art, #ABArt, #ABPainting, #Cultura, #impact, #active, #proactive,
#climateneutrality, #climateaction, #Call4Climate , #unfccc,#CWNYC,
#PeoplesClimate, #business, #UNFCCC #sustdev,
#takeaction, #artprocess, #newart, #SustainableArt, #ArtGlobal, #GlobalArt,
#NewGenerationArt, #Science, #Art&Science, #PoweroofArt, #ArtforEducation,
#CulturaGlobal, #CulturaMovement, #CultureClimate, #ArtforDevelopment,
#Education, #GlobalEducation, #SustainableEducation, #NewStyleEducation,
#ArtBusiness, #ArtGalleryNew, #SocialEducation, #ClimateEducation,
#SustainableEducation, #NewMovementEducation,
#Calligraphy, #Painting, #Acrylic, #NewTechniquePainting, #NewArtStyle,
#ArtPlusScience, #ArtProves, #ArtWitness, #OnlineArt, #ModernTrendArt,
#SustainableBrainWork, #Effective, #Efficient, #Lifecycle, #Information,
#Image, #ShapetheWorld, #ArtIsTool, #IdeasToRelity, #IdeasWork,
#WorldNetwork, #WorldArtNetwork,
#Management, #ManageChanges, #Leadership, #WorldLeader, #ActualEvent,
#Event, #GlobalEvent, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision, #InfoArt,