We`ve created the new stone-picture “Treasure`s Island”
ANNAmain • Date: 30 July 2011 at 08:21 AM
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Yesterday my brother Alex awaked with the idea to create something new from stones on the beach. Ok, as he have a couage I must support it, so we did a really nice stone picture "Treasure`s Island". Because of different ideas I tryed to make a sketch but as everytime my sketch was far away from the result so I prefer to hide it

(You can see step-by-step pictures below) Last stone-picture we has the experience how to work with stones so that time it was quicker. Fist of all we choose the place. It was more distant from the sea then last picture and the lanscape was different too. It was more big rounded stones and suddenly I realized then here we can easily create more complicated picture because we have no needs to collect stones far away. Alex started to create the border of the future picture.

Sand formed by smallest stones was placed into the border and created the back of future picture. Alex managed this work with a honour and save me from hardwork so I have hands free for fine work.

The point is a big stones formed the landscape devolved from the border so I have to found bigger stones to support the borders of the picture. Oh my god, I realized how hard was the job with Eugiptian piamides!

Alex brought more sand…

... and I made the sand smooth with very special tool:

Then it was the time to make the picture itself so I started with pirate`s chest and the body of the pirate. Alex wanted to make the Pirate with a leg prothesis but I renounced such idea. Therefore our Pirate has both legs and so he was more lucky then a typical pirate.

We decide that typical pirate wasn`t able to have a good dantist and also could have not very good health condition. So I made the teeth of the Pirate with white and black little stones and also the bandage on the left eye.
In the mian time Alex creates the palm tree on the right part of our Island with grass and stones and the Jolly Roger. He insisted me to make the right hand of the Pirate with hook and a parot sitting on it. As I declined his idea about the leg I have to admit the hook ant the Parrot. Ok, he made me to work hard!

It was a problem with hooked nib of the Parot because of stone`s shape so we have to accept the idea our parrot is unusual and may be needs some plastic surgery. As it made no complains we let it be as it is.
Then Alex started to make the title of the picture with small white stones.
The picture was big so we have to step inside it duing the pocess. I desided to make some details so it was a fish skeleton and a staff to the Pirate for the case he could lost his leg.

As we discussed the main idea of our picture Alex had the brilliant idea to put some coins to the chest. Of course it was mine coins and thanks god he had no ideas to use my own decoration to make the picture really Treasure Island to somebody.
I asked Alex to fullfill the chest with black stones to create for the coins the best background.

Several details:

...And this is the whole picture! Congratulations!

Ok, the pocess takes about 2,5-3 hours with several breaks to swim and made the heads cool. We enjoyed it at all although it was a bit hard work. Many paople pictured it and several tourists made atempts to create something on the beach so we should felt guilty fo our influence.
That picture was more complicated and much more interesting then the first one so we both was satisfied with such investment of our creativity ant our treasuress time and also have nice pictures to show it.