Happy Wise wallpaper with PG Cat
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 March 2015 at 09:13 AM No comments

Hello everybody, today I would like to introduce you new wallpaper by PG Cat about books:
Download Happy Wise wallpaper directly pgcat.com/wallpaper/download.php

Books are essential to structurise our mind and so to gain our aims in our time of fast changes.

In our times technology can do many things, includes reading aloud texts and put oral speach into text. It is so convenient in

Japanese music everning: Sounds of Silence
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 March 2015 at 10:33 PM No comments

Being full-size artist, attended in early age of 5, I tend to be crazy. Being a scientist, I tend to be too much logical. That two wings need to be controled, well harnessed and managed to fly. The same way as a bird catch wind streams, I catch ideas, colors, sounds. It needs to be very stable at the centre to rule all of it. Not an easy thing.

It can`t be achieved by simple pressure or

Just finished: 2015 climate Change Pro
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 March 2015 at 09:53 AM No comments

I`ve just finished 2 big size paintings for 2015 ClimateChange Pro project.

One everning for relax after big part of work :)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 March 2015 at 07:36 PM No comments

Today I`ve finished a big part of work. Everything arranged and sent, so I have one everning witn normal relax. Funny how the picture looks like! smile

Seems like a normal #weekend  #simple #relaxation , just it is not bear, it is  #milk #oolong #chinesetea from thermos i bought in my first visit in #shanghai

Watching #savelyevmozg about brainwork, instead of sport . Ah, so lovely!

Sustainability is wisdom, wisdom is sustainability
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 February 2015 at 08:37 AM No comments

If we ask ourselves, what is really sustainable things produced  by mankind, you can see: it is culture, wisdom carefully preserved in proverbs, arts. All of this things became stronger with time passing. Click the picture below:

Today I would like present you Chinese proverb about education: "Jade must be carved and polished before it becomes an ornament, man must be educated before he can

A Meeting with True Friends
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 February 2015 at 04:14 PM No comments

Hello everybody! While I am working on two project simultaneously it is so important to keep some moments of life which is so sweet. This is my meeting with friends.

Today the word "friend" is so frequently used, starting from Facebook and social network, so it is not so clear how to call our true friends. Definitely it needs a new words, close to "soulmates" with less sexy shade.

So, my true

2015 Happy wallpaper for Growth
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 February 2015 at 08:19 AM No comments

Hello everybody, today I would like to present you the second concepf of happiness: growth. Click the image to download:

Everything changes. All living processes aregoing in two directions, up and down. We are changing with time, having our aims gained and overcoming challenges on the roads we choose. Everything is in dynamics, even if we want to stabilize it, sometimes to freeze. So the most

2015 Happy Wallpaper
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 February 2015 at 08:41 AM No comments

Hello everybody! Do you know the meaning of red color in most human cultural all over the globe& it is the same:  from ancient times, red color recognized as color of life, joy, happiness, energy, new start. At the first several days of new year it is good to attach ourselves to it. Click the image below to download:

Here it is a new wallpaper, especially for Happy-New-Year period. Symbols of

Happy New Lunar Year! Be happy! Be Lucky! Be Healthy! Be Successful!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 February 2015 at 11:02 PM No comments

Dear friends! My sincere greetings with New Lunar Year, with wishes of strong health, prosperity and good fortune for everyone! Be stable in your positions, sustainable in your aims and gain more in upcoming New ywar with Good Fortune!

Happiness anf Joy to you, your family, colleagues and friends!

... and the same in light modern style for youth and kids! smile

The best warm wishes to everyone!

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