Happy Wise wallpaper with PG Cat
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 March 2015 at 12:13 PM

Hello everybody, today I would like to introduce you new wallpaper by PG Cat about books:
Download Happy Wise wallpaper directly pgcat.com/wallpaper/download.php

Books are essential to structurise our mind and so to gain our aims in our time of fast changes.

In our times technology can do many things, includes reading aloud texts and put oral speach into text. It is so convenient in professional work because save a lot of time. But can you imagine, it is not so good at the point of view concerns brain development? Reading and ability to compose own thoughts to a text is essential to brain development.

So, the subject is about books.

I` m sure, you know from own experience, if something remains to be lazy, it never growth. That thing concerns brain first, and of course the same about the body, emotions and mind. Even when we develop ourselves enough, it needs to have continuously trening to keep it. Just to keep. This is a sadness thing as I realise it after winter when I found my physical shape far from my summer and getting angry about it. The same about brain. people unable to perform things which are not represented in their brain morphology. In such case people could make copy-pasting or imitation, not more. In fact this is not more then monkey are doing. So, as we want to keep our human civilization, unique in animal world, and we want to see our kids growth, not degradate, it needs to evaluate education from strong position of brain work. This is a strong nesessity because of objective reasons.

When a person read book, it involve many part of his or her brain. In low range it involve just centres of recognize images and speech. But what happens when a person accept the essense of a book?

You will see how many fields in the brain became activated! Imagination, centres of associations, logic, emotions, centres of experience and memory. it needs a specific attempts to be activated. It never be when a text are reading by automatic sytem because… words is wind. That`s why we use papers, contract and special gestures when we want to make our speech voluable and make differencies. This is not about something far away, this is about our historical, evolutional, biological and human base.

if you want to develop, it should be procesed, and it should be invested with own atempts, put in own experience.

This is the treasure of books. We have a lot now. the point is to keep it, to keep reading as our system-base. So, I and PG Cat reise our voices for book of any type, from paper to e-books, just it should keep the text which turns our brain work and keep it healthy. This is all about sustainable development, isn`t it?

It needs another voices to vote for it. Use attractive images, download this wallpaper from PG Cat here pgcat.com/wallpaper/index.shtml





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