Seasonal Things I Like
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 June 2012 at 07:59 PM No comments

Strawberry! Cream! Sugar too! 8-)))))

Tired Anna needs to recharge
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 June 2012 at 01:45 PM No comments

OK, the season is nearly close and I feel myself so axosting then forget things I like. I wish nothing, feel nothing. That time I have to control the state with remembering. So I try to remember…

This is my beloved place in TianTai mounting. Today I`ve lost my feelings but I can remember how it was, remember it just frim the picture I did a few dayes after I returned. How silet the water was and how sweet was the ocks, really strange to call rocks "sweet" but it was.

This is my meditation - to re-feel and re-member the place make me recharged.

Then as I feel myself pretty alive I have to finish my new AB Painting, hope it will be soon.

#13 2012, LifeHack Seria: “Time to Hatch”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 June 2012 at 08:47 AM Comments(1)

This painting is fucused on the moment a creature abandon a cocoon. This is the remarcable process takes time and it needs to be just in time to keep a ceature healhy and completely formed.


Butterfly gets out from a cocoon, a chicken - from an egg, it`s objective natural processes. A birth of a human child is more complicated because a mother is the active participant of the process, but a child typically not. But as a child growth she\he starts to ceate and then to broke own cocoon - habits, typical psychology, abilities and diabilities. When we are ready to drop old narrow clothes it`s the time to hatch, time to be free and also a moment of unsecure, may be painful at first.

But we do it as we gains growth enough to start new period of life.


Step by step, from a scetch to draw. from a draw to first colours and then to the finishing, just in time.

My #12 2012, LifeHack Seria: “Commitments”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 June 2012 at 09:10 AM No comments

Commitments is the part of our life. Sometimes you commit for one job and then it started to growth in an unexpectable size, or people starts to make troubles or extra obligations. Even if they like you, commitments could increase. So have your ever feel yourself fixed?

It seems as Gulliver bounded by Lilliputians with his hair. Even if one hair strand isn`t strong here it is thousands strands. Even if one cord isn`t thick there are hundreds of cords. And even if you are strong you could suddenly realize compassion doesn`t allow you to force the situation and give your freedom back.

What is the colours of our commitments? Dark or lite? Once I knew a guy who was totally committed with hundreds people and literary hadn`t time to breath. His life was extremely dependant to my point of view but he feels light and as I heared was satisfied. So the question how to feel about unexpected commitments depends on a personality.

My own personality made me to be straight in my obligations but also personal freedom is the base of my life. So if I have unexpected commitments I strongly check the time how to complete it perfectly and then never be back. Not easy thing because people wants me to be among them and to live their life, if you are satifly with it it`s OK. But for me  often it means too much slow timeline.

Sometimes I feel myself inprison even being at a selebration. Time never stops, a clock ticking and my projects screams for my attention. But I can`t run. I can`t insult them, so i count how long it could be before my agreements will be completed and contract will be finished. Waiting as a samurai to the end.

So the painting represents the period April-May-June I work with my graduate students. They do nothing in time and ignore any warnings. They send me their graduation works in extremely poor condition 1 week after the deadline and then moans in Skype (sometimes at 1:00 AM or later) beseeching to help them. They try to think only when I tell them to stay in a form for a second year. So they start to do something not bad I could admit as a graduation work and sign it as their advisor.

As other people works to increase their productivity that students practice to shrinks from their professional obligations trying to lie and trick. So foolish it is! I`d never sign a poor work by my advisory. They know it. But they want to try out hopes to win, win what?

Tired with so stupid waste of time. But as a Buddhist I don`t want to drop it uncompleted. So I am working to complete.

I want to say nothing more.

My commitment is nearly close. I want to finish my academic career.

I want to be free from stupid commitment for moe productive bright life.

My #11 2012; AB Marketing seria #4 “Marketing: Promotion”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 May 2012 at 06:01 AM No comments

We all live in informational century so the point of delivery mentioned in previous painting is not so important. Promotion important more so that AB painting focused on it.

Nobody knows who was the first understood how dependent people are from their wishes, emotions etc. If they want something emotionally they pay less attention about the nature of desired thing, if it too expensive or have by-effects or not good, or have another qualities. Investigations by dr. Kahneman described in his book Thinking, Fast and Slow,_Fast_and_Slow  shows it clearly. So it was the idea to make things easy using such particular qualities in business.

So it was considered to influence people to make sale easily. Promotion do it perfectly by two ways: make the illusion of extra-attraction of a product and focused people wants it by mass media. That way perception was separated from a product and pointed on something cover product with images, movement, emotions etc. It was reasonable. In informational century we live in the stream information, sometimes feel ideas more then real things. So the evolution fron delivery real product to possibility promote any product is reasonable.

The dark part is any bad product could be promoted that way, and people carried away with beautiful pictures don`t interesting is it good or bad fo them. Bad product could be promoted well and poisons people with romantic images such as smoking ads (I love film ‘Thank you for smoking’ shows how deep such influence is). It is more easy and sale-effecting to make adverts then to develop a product. It is more easy to seduce then to make something real. But life is real. Rapture of common sense always has by-effects. Under extra-attractive images we could found dr.Evil gloating and you will soon get used to it. This is the hidden part of Promotion I try to show by the painting.

Learning languages Scientific and Fast
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 May 2012 at 02:28 PM No comments

I am learning English and Chinese at the great project , how I like it! The great idea how to make learning process scientifically clear and effective and also fun and pleasant. I wasn`t be able to stop and choose 25 courses to study. Oh how it`s supernally! It really works using naturally brain rules and neuroscience so my subconsciousness feel itself free as if it enjoy freedom of sun, deep green sea and rocks. It proof the progress well; after 2 weeks of not exhousting leaning I know about 250 chinese characters or may be more. I like it. I enjoy it even if I couldn`t remember the characters clear, remembrance is the same pleasure as to recognise friends among crowd.

The most interesting thing I realized just 10 minutes ago: several words is so strong against my life gospels so my subconsciousness rejects it time by time. The words i can`t remember from my English Vocabulay course is: intrusive; lament; compel; outrage; atrocity. I can`t learn it till now although I checked it three times and want to continue the course. May be it needs a new look for such terms as for something I don`t allow, don`t accept, something as a sharp shadow edged life?.. Hopes as I checked it I could remember and pass the test! smile




My #10 2012; AB Marketing seria #3 “Marketing: Poduct, Price, Place”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 May 2012 at 08:57 AM No comments

The next stage of Marketing development was 4P marketing-mix. I devided it into 2 different paintings because the senior stage (Product, Place, Price) is completely different from the juniour (Promotion).

So here you can see "Marketing: Poduct, Price, Place". That stage grewn fron new abilities of technology allowed to produce more Product for more cheap Price and provides it in different distant Places in shortest time. It was the beginning of logistic and time management, management of delivery and stores. It was the target and a challenge - to be more productive in shortest time, to be quicker and safe, and to cover more places, as more as it`s possible. I recognized it as Man characteristics. So at the painting you can see a man who trying to outrun competitors and may be outrun Time, trying to deliver in time intil products in his bag remains fresh.

It is a question of speed in short distance but a question of Management in a long one with optimization of all procedures. At that stage of Marketing they started to think how to do things better, how to assess it, how to optimize and how to reach more distant customers and be first here, much more before competitors.

Look, it seems as a Formula-1 race! With additional option to remain product and venicle safe 8-) .

So this is a man-face Marketing. The painting focused on that side and represents a mnemonic code to understand the process, and also to think more about it.

#9 2012 Gallery; New AB Marketing seria #2 “Marketing Before Kotler”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 May 2012 at 12:24 AM No comments

The second painting from my Marketing seria names "Maketing Before Kotler". What is it? This is the point wild instinctive marketing (like Ice Age Marketing  ) starts changing into mental activity with targeting.

This is the same period as in animal`s evolution when first fishes started to digest earth territories. The same moment is a baby starts to srawl, the same whan a teenager questioned life about his/her place. Symbolically this is the period of trials, mistakes, trying to recondition old habits into new qualities, attempts to live easy but gain,  contradictions with previous style of living, and first attempts to get mental models of life.

All of us once felt it, sometimes such periods was unpleasant because of mistakes, sometimes it was unclear. Such times could be longer then we want, especially in new project starting. Young writers meet that period when they create a new novel, with strong feeling of importance but also in obscure about how benefit it would be.

Disbalance between potencial and reality is an important part of our life, we growth from our past to best (as we hope) future both by our physical  attempts and mental understanding, from chaos to order, from instincts to discipline, from mass to predictable targets. That AB Painting deducates for that hard period of gowth we all pass on.

#8 2012 Gallery; New AB Marketing seria #1 “Ice Age Marketing”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 May 2012 at 05:00 PM No comments

Hello everybody! Today I would like to present your my new AB seria "Marketing" deducated to intuitive and brain development method to learn how does it works. Maketing growth from the first steps in Ice Age but today we can see the same in several points of our life so it`s the reason to be able to detect it.

Being professional in Management I feel a strong need to spread it`s ideas to another pats of our life in order to make it more clear and allow people to have tools to understand situations using own intuition in short time. That`s why I started my new seria about business, management and marketing.

Ice Age Marketing is the process between persons or groups moved by great needs for living but also poor interest to each other and poor understanding if it could be better method to negociate or better way to make dials. This is no thoughts but more instinctive movements and desires, more readiness to strugle without mind about backwash, and this is no feeling of time. Emotional and instinctive part of our collective unconsciousness have no time, no tomorrow therefore the prise for a deals could be too much the same way as Jacob offered to give Esau a bowl of stew in exchange for his birthright (the right to be recognized as firstborn), and Esau agreed. Thus Jacob fairly buys/exchanges Esau’s birthright. This is believed to be the origin of the English phrase "mess of pottage".

If you think this example concened an ancient times only you would be surprised the fact it is actual for our dayes. Such things is covered by our emotional life but advertisments use it. Also it  exists in relationship if one side is emotionally addicted and another side has a strong desires to rule etc. Such way Ice Age Marketing exists and we should be ready to recognize it.

To sum up that essay I would like to describe several signs of an old situations you could involve in such IceAge Maketing games:

1. Needs and desires rules the process;

2. You couldn`t feel the time and tomorrow doesn`t exist for your feelings;

3. Information is poor and unclear;

4. Nobody want to understand if a better way exists;

5. Ancient parts of our psycho such as old customs (like sexism, machism etc.) rules conversations and thoughts.

I could type more signs but for sure it`s enough to remember a situation your involved or observed. The marks, signs is the same in all situations so this AB Painting is my attempt to help people to recognize it.

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