Sleepy Saree
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 May 2012 at 04:18 AM No comments

I was so tired yesterday and fell to sleep in saree, and slept well over 12 hours! May be saree better then pijamas? smile

It`s cool at home so I wear socks, hopes it will be warmer soon!

My new AB Seria: Marketing
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 April 2012 at 04:09 PM No comments

I started my new AB seria deducate Marketing. Marketing covers most part of our life anyway. But marketing has many branches so I want to show it with both sides: as an artist and as a specialist because of my PhD.



Insticktively people understand differencies between levels of marketing, it`s evolution and feel how to plan their activity in different situation. As a lecturer and scientist I would like to make images informationally correct in order ppl could use it as a mnemonic codes to understand situation. As an artist I want to make different images full of energy and could tuns us to feel more, to learn more and to imagine how it works.

#7 2012 Gallery:Great Silk Road-4: Acting with Hope
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 April 2012 at 04:05 PM No comments

Hello everybody! That week I have troubles with computers and then my coder FeeCat resolved it so today it`s a good time to present your my next AB Painting named "Acting with Hope".

We all need hope to resolve our problems, to be brave to move ahead with our projects and to remain our spirit during trials life tests us. Sometimes hope is the one thing helps us to survive, especially if we are forced to be passive and wait for a help. Also we need hope to be our compas in life-ocean as we can`t see waymarks , star constellation and be close to fall.

Hope is divine energy helps us to be calm and clear to understand situation, also to keep moving right way. So Action with hope is the thing everyone ones understand, treasure thing in all part of our life - business, relationships, love, wisdom and realization. Keep it, feel it, enjoy it!

Tomorrow I will leave Shanghai
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 April 2012 at 04:38 PM No comments

Tomorow I`ll leave Shanghai and fly to Moscow. Last two weeks was the best holidays in my life and could be compared only with Corfu.

I am happy to recognize Shanghai as the city I love with culture I deeply respect from my childhood, and my dear friends Maria Terekhina and Ilya Mikhasenko is the people who open me that gate and support me every moment I was here, among flowers and clouds, waters and mountings.

I am happy here and hopes visit the city more, may be live here one day and have more time for my fiends.

So this is the time to sleep, it will be hard day tomorrow with my heavy laggage full of ideas, tea and Chinese things, with my heart full with rememberance.

2 weeks in Shanghai
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 April 2012 at 11:50 PM Comments(2)

Hello everybody! I am in Shanghai now, actually it`s my 7th day here.

It`s a paradise exactly!

Iam visiting my dear friends Maria Terekhina and Ilya Michasenko here.many trees starting to blossom, tulip trees are amazing, especially pink.

I spent in TianTai Mountings 3 days. This is important place for a Buddist because this is  the Tiantai school - one of the leading schools of Chinese Buddhism

The temples situates among mountings and trees, near waterfalls and seems as a piece of cinece traditional painting. Mountings is amazing zo it was so sad to leave it and I hope visit it next year and stay here more time.

Jade green waters stoled my heart forever.

I would like to leave near here a part of an year and feel such divinity more and more.


Close to finish my new seria: Marketing. Very tired but happy
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 March 2012 at 09:03 AM No comments

From yesterday India selebates spring 9-dayes festival Navaratri deducates to Divine Creative Power Female principal. Creation power is native mine so I like that dayes.


Yesterday I`ve finished 2 paintings from my new seria "Maketing", started next 2 and now feel very tired. And happy with the result. So tired I have no words to describe it but here it is pictures about the process.


Creation process feed me with power but my body want to fall asleep so I must do it now and then to do yoga or my hands would trembling. I am loss with phisical energy now… Sleep! Sleep! Ahhh! smile

Of course I`ll publish the final paintings later, with descriptions why and what and how, welcome to my blog, and Happy selebration! To learn more about the Festival read

#6 2012 Gallery:Great Silk Road-3: Serving Beauty
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 March 2012 at 12:49 PM Comments(2)

Let me to introduce my 6th painting of that year from The Great Silk Road seria. It names "Serving Beauty" because silk first associats wit it.

This painting is deducated to the sea part of the Great Silk Road and as you see sea and desert are putting together that place. Just imagine how strong it could be, desire for beauty, wich made people to found new ways through thousands kilomites, to keep goods from storms and bandits, to count money and keep dials, remains hope anyway… At the end people pay fortune for goods from silk and it was the last point of the great movement which started evolution of sosieties and turned mankind the way we have now.

Beauty turns  world move, dreams made people overcom borders. Just imagine it. Keep it in mind. Found beauty in yourself, in nearest place, in nearest time, and you will gain God`s power.

Thank you fo sharin that moment with me, as I made this post I have to return to my next 4 painting, so I am serving Beauty with all of my hard smile .


1 1/2 Weeks of Troubles
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 March 2012 at 07:50 AM Comments(1)

Last 10 dayes was full of computer`s troubles. First my working comp said "Oops!" and was off. Reason? I don`t know! It was off with monitor so I was forced to open it and check why it did it. 

I`m not familiar with computers inside so it was stress to open it, to find a way to disconnect both vinchesters and to put it into external rider to save information I worked. Fortunately I gained it, but then my printer said "Good bye". I failed to research why and tryed to use my reserve comp with reserve monitor. Both didn`t work. It was a little bit strange and I wasted about a day trying to make it work. No result. Then I realized my laptop could work with Skype only but no internet search and no mail service. Oh my God! Why? Why it was in the same time?.. I wasn`t turned grey because of strong nervous, yoga and hope to survive somehow. So my cabinet seems as a cave of coder with vinchesters, monitors and others computer details lying everywhere. Thanks God my comp-master FreeCat helped me to bring to life the laptop so I remains strong respect to Samsung products. In painting it was a progress so I count lats 10 dayes fruitful in off-line projects and other real activities such as using 6 screw-drivers to tear vinchesters etc. smile

#5 2012 Gallery:Great Silk Road-2: Manage or Death
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 March 2012 at 04:03 PM No comments

The second AB Painting about Great Silk Road describes a point of risk and how to manage it. Risks in such business was sharp and quick and people had to manage it in time… Manage or be dead. 

Dinamics of the situation is the point of that painting.

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