#7 2012 Gallery:Great Silk Road-4: Acting with Hope
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 April 2012 at 08:05 PM

Hello everybody! That week I have troubles with computers and then my coder FeeCat resolved it so today it`s a good time to present your my next AB Painting named "Acting with Hope".

We all need hope to resolve our problems, to be brave to move ahead with our projects and to remain our spirit during trials life tests us. Sometimes hope is the one thing helps us to survive, especially if we are forced to be passive and wait for a help. Also we need hope to be our compas in life-ocean as we can`t see waymarks , star constellation and be close to fall.

Hope is divine energy helps us to be calm and clear to understand situation, also to keep moving right way. So Action with hope is the thing everyone ones understand, treasure thing in all part of our life - business, relationships, love, wisdom and realization. Keep it, feel it, enjoy it!





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