Planing`s made. The Time to Go On!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 August 2013 at 08:08 AM No comments

Waiting to start. Ready to do great!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 August 2013 at 11:47 AM No comments


Departure, Arrival
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 August 2013 at 08:05 PM No comments

Today I had my fly from Corfu back to Moscow. Departure started from early morning when I finished to pack my laggage, then I was in Kerkira airport:

It was too much people and much more tension around then I ajust in last 4 weeks so it was an unpleasant moment. Many people about, changes in procedures, checking, laggage…

Too many things in too much hot atmosphere. However I made several notes to raise my ideas in future.

But that time I made the procedure of parting with the sea as clear as it possible, also all of my projects call me back to be realized so it was much more easier then in all previous year.

And after succesfull easy fly I am here, at home! Really I am glad to it!

Next day I plan to start several things and let projects growth.



Last day, last night
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 August 2013 at 07:47 PM No comments

Last day was successful with several new ideas and also business possibilities. I kept everything in mind and now feel satisfaction so can make last glance to things being close a whole month. This is my balcony-bed.

This is the lemon I stole from a tree near the hotel because I was ill several days and need extra vitamins. I put tiny slices of the stole lemon into honey and the best cure was prepared! It was much more testy then honey or lemon separately so I recommend it to cure cold and fever as well.

This is the tree I drew for an hour with my left hand fingers affected by sea-urchin (I made it departured that morning the third time, so such a stubborn creature has no chance to attack my ex Office rock).

This is my private secret bay I shot my film about Corfu. It was funny when my bra suddenly broke so the film seems to be a little bit erotic.

Water with jade colours.

And with green colurs as well:

The view to our bay:

The secret road across the mountings:

... and unknown Greek cat:

And the road ahead. Always a road ahead.

That season is blessed by many insights and new possibilities revealed just from simple things. Our photosession with my friend Anila payes great attention and from my point of view has a lot of new possibilities mind-maped in my head.  I even started to plan new season with several new photosessions!

So I am finishing because my battery is law and I have many things to do before I have my fat chance to fall asleep at my balcomy, with a desire to see a shoot-star. I saw 4 last night and made my wishes so new working year will be bright!

One day and half before departure
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 August 2013 at 07:50 PM No comments

So, I have only tomorrow and about a hald of Wednesday before my departure. Rather stressful moment but we managed last several days to peform our best!

Yesterday I and my friend Anila went to Paradise beach and I made for her an exellent photosession among streams, waves and rocks… it was an amazing day I`d never forget because the pictures was exellent and waves in deep blue water too. I don`t want to show you the pictures because she will do it first in her Facebook. I also shot a film, it will be shown later.  Hopes all films I did here will be ok.

Now, sitting under the olive tree in Cricketer Taverna, in hope Greek intenet will be well while I am typing, I found many of pictures unpublished.

For example one day I realized a big olive tree like a golden column carring night sky and people sitting under it seemed so peaceful… I started to draw right the moment I felt it, having my usual salad at the same time.

It was the first time I was interesting to draw a group of people and things they did. I gained a portret similarity here. Especially to the tree! smile

It was several steps to finish the picture. One was that everning…

Then on my Office Rock next morning…

And I finished it in my balcony where I prefer to sleep having my sky view.

I think about a seria paintings about Corfu, partly private, in nearest future.

Well, it seems Greek internet did it`s duty and now I am going to see shouting stars on the seashore. Today the Perseids metheor stream comes across the sky so I want to see it by my own eyes and make my wishes to each star I will see.

Ecological Story
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 August 2013 at 04:30 AM No comments

Hello friends, today here it is a story about ecological changes and interventions. That season at Corfu the sea is so calm, sometimes waveless, uncredibly clear, so I see several changes in it.

For example I saw at least 3 kinds of fishes new for me, I`d never seen it before although I swam every day every one Corfu-month from last 5 years and every time try to check what happens in the water. Usually I visit Corfu that time so I can see news and changes in compare with other seasons. Fish growth faster, now schols of different kinds of fishes swim close to our seashore. Sometimes it seems as I swim in aquarium because fishes seems familiar to the ones in pet shops. Different sizes, from smallest about 2 cm to well-fed 30 cm everyone looks wonderful, elegant, beautiful colours reveals when sunlight touches it. Ones sunlight view bright yellow with gentle blue stripes colour of fishes I used to think just easy grey. It is so wonderful, so magic! Once I was inside a school of fish from 20 to 30 cm length. It was exciting and a little bit strange when the school started to turn direction. As I saw it from the side it was so unusual to see fish`s faces starring at me all together. They loocked at me for a while, then turned right and started their tavel forming a chain of fishes.

Many rocks here have holes, and sea creatures like it to make a safe place to live. It is many sea-urchins here, and thet season it was my competitors for my rock.

You can see it here, sitting comfortably on the pier of my Office Rock, making me troubles. I was tolerant for them and tryed don`t disturb it but once I touched and had several injures in my left hand, rather painfil. I couldn`t use my left hand for drawing about two days because it was too much painful. Ionically my previous hurt in left hand started be better, may be because of poison of sea-urchin which my body tryed to handle.

So I decided to emove several sea-urchins from my pier with all care using an appopriate tool from that place. I founded a long shell and tryed to remove a sea-urchin by it. Then I was a witness how the system works and how a light touch to such creatures produced pain for several days.

I`ve just touch a sea-urchin by the shell then it seems the sea-urchin moved forward quickly and stuck it`s needles to the soft inside of the shell. Needles broke and see it? A lot of needl`s peaces now is in the shell! I imagined such needles in my hand or feet and became untolerant to such creatures on my pier.

I removed several. The fist was stubborn and froze on the ock. But I was persistant and then it falls to the deep water. No doubts it made a kind of bad words on it`s sea-urchin language addressed to me. Next 4 sea-urchins accepted their fate and was removed easily. So they had theit chance to make a comission for their rights after my departure. Who knows may be next summer it will be a meeting of sea-urchins here, on my rock? I will take a big spoon to clean my territory from them.


There are many rocks around my Office Rock, with many holes in it to hide my equipment in order don`t carry it evey time. IN my last day I will swim for it and remove it to my laggage I drop here.

The rocks are everywhere so I have zero risk to reveal your my secret place!

Green water colour in the afternoon…

...and then I have to remain my healthy life and finish my presence on the rock, swim to the seashore and found shadow to continue my project work.

P.S. Then season here it is much more insects biting, also more birds. As I sleep at my balcony one small bird bothers me in the early morning with it`s attempts to stole my chokolate coockies. I would like to provide it with whole pack of coockies in oder it stop to pop noisily among my things near my head when I trying to keep my sweetest rest at 6 AM. But the bird is so good alarm so I can`t sleep after it and now I wake up helthy at 7 AM. smile

Countdown: last 5 days
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 August 2013 at 04:52 AM No comments

Everytime I visit Corfu I have the hard moments just to recognize my time is near over. It was intolerably at my first visit 5 years ago, very bad at my second visit. But then I realized everything is in my hands.

IN my third visit it was pretty ok, painful but I adjusted for it. It was a kind of stress everyone has after holidays finish but in addition to it I was starving to the sea and open space. The fourth time, last yea, it was a kind of relief, unplesant but acceptable. Because my Greek friends ancouage me and greet. I dropped all of my laggage here, in Liapades, to my friend Anila who halped me whith it. So I felt a kind of satisfaction t have my things still here as a guaranty of my return.

Now at my fifth time I started to plan my depature making downcount of days at my iPhone app. It is s unpleasant so helpful, so now I am nearly ready to it. It is good. I plan how to pack everything so it will not be a hurry, making a big stress in last night. I started to wake up ealier so have a good everyday siesta and early night sleeping so fiil much less nevous about it.

Also my projects call me all time, it needs my presence in Moscow to produce it so I feel importance of my move and… so it better.

That post is a kind of nostalgy and then I will be ready to nomal function. I have a lot to tell about here and also a lot things to do, for example I plan to swim with my camera to my Office rock and shot a film. So the life is good!


The Third point of the Adizes`s Corporation Lifecycle: the Infancy
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 August 2013 at 09:58 PM No comments

Hello everybody, here we have a special kind of connection, I mean Greek Internet. So mostly I have no access. So today I would like to introduce you the third painting from the LifeCycle line, from Adizes Project, represent the Infancy point.

That stage of the Lifecycle means everything goes with problems of synchronization. IN a company when one department growth quickly, such as sales, anothers can be unable to gain an appropiate service for it because it growth in different speed.  So the situation is the same as a new baby born and first several months parents are in hurry. It was described by Dr.Adizes in his book so clear so I imagined the scream and mass clearly, based on babies and companies I know.
Then I was curious about a mental experiment: could a business be free of such problems at all if we have minimum persons involved?

For example typically I work alone so it is one peson involved and so no mass. As soon as I have my project totally understood I can do it completely. It seems the third point of Lifecycle doesn`t exist. This is the part of creation but not a business. 
 For business I need another one, may be an agent, in the case of success it can be shortage of time, may be matherials, misundestanding etc.  And then it could be screams, mass and others normal troubles of the Infancy point.
So the Infancy stage exists even for super small company: 2 persons + 1 client.

Then I turned to an idea that number of roles also important.  I tryed to decrease number of people to minimum (just one peson represents by me) but increase number of roles and put it in wrong sequence. Such things causes if I don`t understand clearly what a project could be, especially in technical terms, so roles of management start to take place in my mind and even struggle for more priority. For example A role could make something seems a good planing but E role avoid everything A created, having nothing instead. Then I lost Integration and, being unsure what to do, can do something uncorrectly or do nothing (because in such situation everything drops from my hands so it`s impossible to perform P-role).
Such process causes the same  troubles and normal problems as it was described about Infancy.

Then I tryed to think about post-industrial business where all roles are clear, only good professionals involved so everyone perform an appropriate role in right sequense. What it could be if such business have no matherial product, for example produces soft or another intellectual product? It seems the Infancy doesn`t exist in such schema.
It looks ideal.
But then I realized it could be competitors creates problems from outside, such as DDOS attacks and another troubles for which e-business is still vulneable. I`ve just recalled examples how servers crushed and what it caused to ideal post-industial businesses.

So the mental experiment shows the Infancy stage exists in any cases so it will be good to acept it and be ready to overcome.

Thank you fo being with me, thanks to Greek intenet which starts to work now, hello from the sea!

Just for fun
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 August 2013 at 02:02 PM No comments

Hello everybody,

today I have nothing to say about my projects just to notice all 7 growth healthy!

Here it is hot so I swim till 12 AM then run to my apartment to have some work till 6 PM and then swim to my office rock. Yesterday was so sweet sea, totally quiet, without any waves like a liquid glass or a piece of beautiful silk. I swam inside it and felt like being inside a kind of jelly because there was no sun waves in the everning so water seemed homogeneous jade green.

Yesterday I had one funny fear. When sun was gone I prepared to leave my rock and swam to the seashore. So I began to take my flippers and suddenly a big crab run out of it. I hardly Shouted!


The crab was flat and with the same surface as the stone so I felt it as a glitch after too much sun! And it moved so quickly!

After the accident I saw a school of fishes feeding something among stones. It was funny to saw it because they  pecked as a chicken trying to eat something from a stone suface.

When I swam back it was so amazing feeling so I stayed at the seashore until dark came. Also I swam in night, about 2 AM, and inside the sea was something like glow-worms invisible but shining when I made waves by my hands. I want to extand such experience and make pictures but it`s too dark to my camera. I will keep it in my mind.

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