Today Result
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 July 2013 at 08:53 AM No comments

OK, this is the result of LifeCycle visuzlization. Paintings on the top (Prime and Stable Organization) it the most important, because this is the equilibrium we all want to gain and state in so I investigated all points before and after in order to learn a specific energy of each particular point.

Visualizing the LIfeCycle I gained an interesting insights about what is my own perception in each stage, what is so natural for me so I painted it easy, what`s hard to understand because of what reasons… Each project gives me such opportunities because Arts could turn associations from deep levels of subconscousness. So every Art project becames a joyrney, an exploration for me. That`s why I love it so much!

What is CyberWar: the Story and the Purpose
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 July 2013 at 06:06 PM No comments

That season I was a witness of one crime. When the situation was revealed it was too late for both victims. But I investigated what is the matter of the situation carefully and found a shoking statistics about it.

Such crime costs USA about $ 50 MILLIONS per year according to official reports I read. So many victims! Such a huge loss, and it`s just a money loss, because it`s difficult to count anothers.

The same situation is in another countries. But I am sure the way to make loss less really exists.

It was the reason I used my art to make awareness which is also education process and also social, cultural and art event. Investigating cases and structures of the crime, I founded that official methods can`t prevent it. Actually to prevent such crimes is the same to prevent AIDS - to make people educated well both logically and emotionally. Education is our weapon. When I realized it I postponed all of my current projects and dedicated 5 weeks to CyberWar only. I made 19 big paintings in April and 3 additional in May, so it was 21 paintings in 5 weeks. It is more then I did in a year. It was hard work both physically, mentally and emotionally.

But the aim was prevention, prophylaxy.  Hopes I gained it.

Now you should wonder why I think the art can be effective.

After my reseaches I have strong logical reasons for it.

First of all, Art touches a common heart of human,  our Emotional Intelligence and deep Subconsciousness. So the impact of an Art message could be placed to people so deep and make so long memory as no one official document could produce. When Art objects constructed correctly (be sure I do it correct) the message will be clear, understandable and long working.

The second reason is long term influence of the Art, which is important to cover a  period of time needs to make people aware and so prevent crimes, as in the case of CyberWar project. Such long terms supports what exactly an Art object represents. If it represents the significant problem of human history Art became a voluable part of it, carefullly treasured and well supported by media. Look at the history of Arts, and you will wonder how art historians investigated a smallest circumstance of life which inspired an artist to paint the object. All sketches, small drawings - everything becomes a witness of the real life process, real experience. That`s why Arts is one of the stones of human history, represents collective subconsciousness and events.

The third reason is media process. Look how many films about paintings, both fiction and documental. BBC and National Geographic are the best examples how to make people educated using both mass media and art resourses. I discovered it being a big fan of BBC and NG in all of it`s activities, especially in environmental and science subjects. Look how it makes people educated in simple but so effective way. It`s the great job. I am proud being a witness of how they do it. It`s not really easy, be sure. So…

The forth reason to make the project was my duty as I know it. Being born to be an Artist I spent many years to be educated in many fields, from math to literature, from medicine to martial arts,  from management science to psycholgy. It took all of my time from my 5 y.o. and I was persistant in every part of it. Not an easy thing. A hard thing actually,  with many losses, and it cost… oh yes. Martial arts cost me 2 teeth, once I had a strong kick on the low right rib and was unable to breath normally about a week. So painful it was because of nerve-knot. (So I know the place of such nerve-knot and how to cure it and several times was able to use that knowledge to help my friends). This is just one example. I am trying to say, all of my knowledge and experience is required. No one was a time loss. That`s why being a witness I asked myself what is the reason for it and what I can do to save many people from such process, as statistics shows me the process is dangerously growth every year. My CyberWar project is my answer. It was born from pain and real experience in real time while everything happens. It made it unique evidence, not just an inspiration. Also I made several investigations in psychology to learn what`s the internal reasons and how it work. My knowledge is the answer for why. And I want to make the knowledge as a weapon to protect, to help, to resolve.

In addition to it, I have several advantages in Arts which could be the reason for the CyberWar project to be well spreaded and the message well known. I have 2 strong advantages in arts technically. One is my innovative technigue I call AB Painting. The second is the style and philosophy covering it.  That two advantages produce not only a particular view of my paintings but an additional interest.

As I said before, CyberWar project consists of 2 sections.  Section-I is already finished and dedicated to one part of the crime pointed against persons with English language background, more for US, UK, Australian and Europeans. Actually I have 2 additional painting to Section-I. One is about the second victim, but it has a portret sameness and now I think about should I reveal it or not. The second painting exists just in my mind in order to finish the message of the seria in positive way, which is important to educational process. I will finish it in September.

 Section-II pointed on common CyberWar in wich everyone is vulnerable and I had the plan for painting, but didn`t finish it yet. Because the Section-I is much more important. Also it will shows should I put my own experience in Section-II or not.

Why I tell about it now?

Because the time to open the Project is not today. That`s why all paintings in my 2013 Gallery is shadowed.

Today, in Independance Day of US, which I respect, I want to claim my position.


The treasure of nowadays is correct information. It makes us protected, independant and safe. It can help us to grow without common mistakes using education and knowledge as a power.

So I do my duty and my mission to help and support education and knowledge with all of my power, my possibilities and experience I have right now.

Thank you for being with me.



A day out of work, but still creative :)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 July 2013 at 09:51 AM No comments

Today is so lovely day! I feel free and happy founding my unfinished embroidery and so have my creative rest, free from painting for a while, but still keep in touch with beauty!

“Adolescence” and “Death” has finished!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 July 2013 at 02:26 PM No comments

"Adolescence" and "Death" has lacquer finished! I am happy!!! smile))

Japanese Strategist Miyamoto Musasi
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 July 2013 at 04:12 AM No comments

Now I reread the great book "Miyamoto Musashi" by  . Miyamoto Musashi is the great Japanese strategist, swords master who invented his school of swords with new idea to use both swords simultaneously.

I like that book although it`s a fiction book, because it`s a lot of details, very well organized and full of interesting characters to analize human behaviour. Use two swords simultaneously was natural idea to Chinese mortial arts, for example our Wing Chun short swords, but for Japan it was a revolutionary idea.

Somebody from a publish house printed that book in Russian was so stupid to change the title of the book, because here it`s a few people only who knows the name of the hero. So the book was titled "10 Swordsmen" and I was wondered all time I read it why they use that title, it`s a couple times to all book to call as a "10 swordsmen" 10 best students of one swords school… Nevetheless this is the cover of the book.

Miyamoto Musasi is the hero of middle ages in Japan, also an author of 2 books. I like the movie about him too, because it`s very well done to feel the spirit. The movie consists of 3 parts.

It`s just a note to myself to remember several things I want to actualize. 

Painting “Adolescence”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 July 2013 at 08:55 PM No comments

Ok, It seems I`ll finish it for tomorrow. Feel a little bit ill and tired, with a headache, I should use one day to have a rest. But what`s a rest if my unpainted painting knocked inside my head?.. I want to finish the LifeCyrcle project, I want to go to the sea…

LifeCycle Curve by Dr.Adizes: last 3 points to do
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 June 2013 at 06:31 PM No comments

Oh my god, I planed to finish with the curve in JUne but it seems my lectures and graduation work required more energy. So now, qt the last day of July, I have to confess about 85% of paintings ir ready. It means I have to do 2 new and to finish one dated on July… feel tired. That`s why I painted the Final point (0000) of the Curve before previous two.

Hovewer I am happy to see it ready! That everning we have rain here, it`s getting less hot so I decided to spent the everning without hurry work, just with my tea ceremony and music. Also I realized how long didn`t paint with left hand (because it gives me so deep relaxation so I can`t do it quickly). Want left hand writing, painting, drawing, but be able just to make my small tea ceremony using left hand so feel relax. Next day I will make the final spurt and finish with the curve! Also I think about the task Dr.Adizes offer me to paint Mutual Trust and Respect concept. I have several ideas how to but want to spend more time investigating the base concept of his system just to feel it by myself.

My Weekend
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 June 2013 at 01:55 PM No comments

I am going to finish the LifeCycle Curve by Dr.Ichak Adizes so here it is several pics from my Instagram.

...And Adolescence-1.

According to the book by Dr.Adizes "Corporate Lifecycle" Adolescence is one of the most difficalt period. He told me it`s love-hate relationship between  a founder and a company staff. That`s why I divide it into 2 paintings, one about normal problems and one about patological. What`s that one about you could guess by yourself!

Jump over Gaps, Deal with Walls
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 June 2013 at 04:53 AM No comments

Hello everybody, yesterday it was the Graduation of my students, first hight and second hight education managers, so it was a ceremony with speechs of all leaders of the institute I lecture. I used to be the Head of management department here for 4 years, and that year I drop it to spent more time with my [rojects, so formally I was just a lecturer. But this students is my people, I spent many times resolving their problems, trying to deal with them, invented new style and subjects to lecture them and I was the Head of Menegement club all 5 years, enjoying new subjects to discuss. (I think it will be good to post about our club later.)

they annoyed me, and joyed me sometimes, even I have several good friends from them. 5 years is a lot so I was at Graduation and made a talk. I wanted to encourage them and motivate. But how to do it if they accustomed me as a professional which everything do the best way, and so didn`t associate with me? So I decided to made speech in English. My speaking English is not the best, because 90% of time I am tying and think visually, so I usually make stupid Grammar mistakes etc. It was very helpful. I told them: see, my English isn`t the best and may be never be; I never pretend to be the best in it. But it never stops me from doing my tasks and gain my aims. I told them how it`s important to develope themselves and to jump over gaps could be on their roads. There is a lot of gaps on the roads. Some exists independently, some anothers create, some gaps exists because of our fear, etc. Gaps exists. And we have to found a way to overcome it.

To synchronize my yesterday speech today I read Dr.Adizes article about Walls, in allegory, and what to do with it. He wrote about several solutions, and the first is stop to bang your head to the wall and start to think about better way. He described that ways as stop to bang, try to get around, live whith the wall or get another place without a wall, so here it is 3 decisions.

From my own experience I could add a couple another decisions.

Another decision about the Wall could be to use the Wall, and as a solution to use somebody else, much more mighty, who could broke walls easily – to broke the wall or to take us over it.
It seems as the general solution to realize the Wall is positive, but ih implementation will be different.

Read full Dr`Adizes`s article here

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