Japanese Strategist Miyamoto Musasi
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 July 2013 at 08:12 AM

Now I reread the great book "Miyamoto Musashi" by en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiji_Yoshikawa  . Miyamoto Musashi en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miyamoto_Musashi is the great Japanese strategist, swords master who invented his school of swords with new idea to use both swords simultaneously.

I like that book although it`s a fiction book, because it`s a lot of details, very well organized and full of interesting characters to analize human behaviour. Use two swords simultaneously was natural idea to Chinese mortial arts, for example our Wing Chun short swords, but for Japan it was a revolutionary idea.

Somebody from a publish house printed that book in Russian was so stupid to change the title of the book, because here it`s a few people only who knows the name of the hero. So the book was titled "10 Swordsmen" and I was wondered all time I read it why they use that title, it`s a couple times to all book to call as a "10 swordsmen" 10 best students of one swords school… Nevetheless this is the cover of the book.

Miyamoto Musasi is the hero of middle ages in Japan, also an author of 2 books. I like the movie about him too, because it`s very well done to feel the spirit. The movie consists of 3 parts.

It`s just a note to myself to remember several things I want to actualize. 





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