Happy New Lunar year!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 February 2011 at 10:16 PM No comments

Wow, today is the first day of Lunar New year!

Be happy, be creative, be free! smile

Anna`s INpainting technigue: why I did it
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 January 2011 at 01:30 PM Comments(2)

I was born with art, as I remember myself I feel energies, things I couldn`t designate and term, things behind the stream of matherial things. From my childhood I tryed to understand what exactly is it, what it means. But there was no true words to explane, and no ways to show it. So I deducated more then 20 years to do it.  For such purposes I created my Inpainting technigue.

It was not easy to understand things I can`t even to name. I started with the question what is a sound and deducated 9 years for violin. Then I spent 1 year in medical colledge to learn human body, then it was mathematics in school. Next step it was 5 years in University to study physics of many branches, from atomic to quantum and many othes subjects (you can see the facts here http://annamain.org/site/facts/ ). Why  I did it? Because I desired to learn how the Universe works. Why I didn`t continue a physicist career? Because it was no true answers.

Then it was business, economy and Ph.D, also I stidyed psychology and religions. It was more details but not  the clear answer. All that time I used my intuition and painting, made sketches because it was the true way our subconsciousness shows the basic symbols. It was the hard period because every art technigue I used wasn`t ideal for the things I saw and wanted to show. Watercolours, oil on canvas, pastel, graphics - everything has strong limitations conditioned both by matherials and technigue. It wasn`t the art answer I desired, then I started to work more, tryed many matherials and instruments, also polished up my mind and my soul to support clear view and prevent myself from being crazy.  It means I made myself to use both right and left brains to make balance and to dip more in the Rio abajo Rio, World-under-Words.

It was hard, and I won.



I`ve started 3 new paintings
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 January 2011 at 02:21 PM Comments(3)

Well, I`ve started 3 new paintings in my invented technigue ‘Inpainting".

I suspect all of it will be finished next week, also plan to start several next I prepared.  I want to do everything hatched by sketches and ideas during last several months in intensive temp before 9-10 of Febriary. So now it is reasonable to have a walk, special "ink" smells like turpentine so I need some fresh air to continue the work. The weather is cold about -10 degrees, Moscow have covered with deep snow and it will be dark in an hour.

A Hidden weakness we have to know
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 January 2011 at 12:32 PM Comments(10)

Many persons accustom themselves  to act, to realize many projects non-stop and to feel their business as the main part of the life usially don`t recognize ilnesses until they fill a strong signals of their bodies. As a typical workagolic I forget about everything during I work and so usially fill a disease only by pain, or temperature, or if it is injure (tipically in gym or in the kitchen).  Now I stant in front of the fact this is not the right way and so I must change my mind about the bodycare.

It was a big tideness, sometime felt as a body depression and loss of enegry prevented me from start of my new projects I considered. It was no refreshness after the rest or sleeping and no enthusiasm even for yoga and of course for big painting. I`ve realized the reason in my blood test  and this is the real thing I need to correct. My thyroid gland has an ideal structure but doesn`t produce enough hormone and this is the answer for everything. Now I learned that the ilnesses could creep quietly and show itself not directly but by implication. AS I desire to paint all of my thoughts I need to learn how to care the body and be responsive with it.

Well, today is the second day I have my medicine, have a lazy morning and now I`ve started a new seria of paintings. Long live health!

Long live arts!


Happy birsday, Anna!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 January 2011 at 11:24 PM Comments(1)

This is my birthday 8 of January and the middle of the life. I will wright about it later. and now want only to say “Thank you a lot!” to all my friends congratulated me hat day.
Thank you, my dear friends! With love,
                                            Anna, Capricorn, from today 40 y.o.

Hidden Country of Waterfalls (my GOhua #7, 1 Album)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 January 2011 at 04:46 PM Comments(4)

Theoretically  practice could allow us to feel a subject deeper. It`s true if we do it carefully, watchfully and prevent ourselves from automatism. I gained it.

That picture is #7 in my first Gohua album and it is the first I truly understand how rocks grows and forms mountings, how water founds a way to form waterfall and what is the right place forms trees. I felt it so clear, more then i could feel a real landscape. That feelings is something  as reator of a world can feel during figuration of a real place.

I was captured by such feeling so much then  forget about everything. It was the first time I have to mix colors in the palette because I had no free attention to think about. This  thing is obvious for many painters but really new for me; so it was an interesting lesson too. Mountings dictate me how to help them to grow and to develope it, it was so dense concentration of time then I have to prepare all matherials before.

If you remember a real mountings it consists from different rocks. Sharp and smooth, triangular and square, vertical and nearly horizontal - every shapes are presented. Deep dark shadows and lines separates one shape from another… so I painted it.

Trees in the mountings are situated in hollows.

Water seeks fissures and falls down on the vertical parts of the rocks. When something accumulates on a highter place it collect all of it`s energy still and then in one moment all potencial energy becames kinetic and water falls down free, dividing into many streams and drops, down and down until is lost all energy and be calm in the next hollow.

When the picture was finished in general I started with the details using black ink. Details marks objects as more distant or closer to an observer but the most important thig is to make marks of attention. Black ink in the picture playes the same role as a director in orchesrtra: makes temp, impressions and the individuality of the performance.

The last thing for that picture was to paint mist and clouds. It means a morning time and a bit of cold but more it links us with something semi-visible and unvisible of our perception. Mist and clouds is the border between our mind and subconsciouness. The same border separates our own subconsciousness from collective one… and if we could gain that place all  mist disappears and opens a shining brilliant place of illuminate mind - place of infinity, consciousness, freedom and love.

We all want it and the first step is to see our own clouds and to overcome it. Ok, let`s see the clouds and mist!

Well, this is the final accord of the story. I was satisfied with this work itself  and it`s ne things I learned during the work.

I can refeel my first feelings when I see the picture therefore it is the window to something more I like and I would like to share it with you!

The Sun Eclipse
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 04 January 2011 at 11:21 AM No comments

I`ve observed the sun eclipse here, in Moscow. This is the first time I see it. Sun was bigger and the shadow partly covered it. Through the curtains of my cabinet I could see how the shadow impended slowly, not in one direction, it collided with the disc of Sun and then a bit went back. At the main point of the eclipse Sun seemed as a half moon lying horns up. During the eclipse all clouds disappeared and now we have a clear sky and sunshine. smile smile smile

IceQueen conquers Moscow
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 January 2011 at 04:35 PM Comments(2)

Several days we hawe a strange and beautiful situation here in Moscow. It seems as IceQueen conquers all city.

A week ago it was a sharp snow became a rain and strong cold wing together. During several hours snow became cold water covered all trees and froze immideately. It seemes as trees was prepared for a celebration of the New Year and ready to be beautify by lampions and Xmas garlands.

Every bruch of every tree was covered by strong ice package about 1,5-2 cm around, so every stick was overburdened.

Sticks and brunches is too heavy that the most part of trees and bushes in my district bent nearly horizontal position!

Just see that tree closer! It`s the state of every stick!

Several kind of the bushes are strong and it`s stiks are still vertical.

3-coloures ‘happy cat’  as we calls 3-colours cats takes cover here because nobody could find  way through iced bushes.

Most part of our trees  formed something like a tent. As a dog could find a way inside such ice- tent the master can`t do the same so our dogs are happy to have a place to hide. When  somebody  tryes to   insinuate here trees make a sound like crystal chandelier/

This is our new view. Have you ever see the same?

Well, tonight it is beautiful more than artificial decorations. Thay say trees will be alive in spring.

Old Year becames New one
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 31 December 2010 at 01:52 PM Comments(1)

This is the strange period beween final hours of an Old Year and moment a New one starts. Just imagine: more then 6 milliards people accumulates their energy!

Collective unconsciousness of our Earth  is finalizing previous period and preparing to open a new one exectly that moment. I wish to everyone to do the same, because really new period should be clean from old things and stands on the strong base of you own progress. Something new grows from a previous, prepared by past, and we all want it to be fresh and full of a new energy and new hopes. I wish everyone be ready for it and enjoy it as a gift!

Happy New Year! smile

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