Colours, Black and White
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 December 2012 at 08:13 PM No comments

Winter comes to us with minus 15-20 degrees, I practice black ink paintings and suddenly realize how black shadows covers fine colours.

If you see small stones and pebels at Lapades it seems grey, white, shadows of black. But as you feel it more it reveals very fine beauty of violet, pink, rose, also blue…

Many colours layes just near my foots, gentle veils above stone`s structure… Being pastel it changed when sun turns more.

As water hugs stones, colours becames bright. So living beauty.



Anna in Winter Monochrome, Today
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 December 2012 at 10:44 AM No comments

Today snow covers everythng, the wnter comes close and everythng becames monochrome. No colours, light comes about 12:30 PM, shadows everywhere, no sun till March… Seems depressive. Today I found the way to utilize it.

I`ve started to make tryes to paint in Chinese monochrome style. Of course my favourite subject s mountings and waterfalls! It was a stange feelings of vails when I  started. In colours I feel a picture in total and then do it. In monochrome it started from unpredictable lines.

I feel some mountings as it is through shadows and mists. Like a blind trying to touch the right way I made strokes and water wth ink.

On this stage I felt annoying untidy strokes and no feelngs of perspective. It wasn`t exciting and also I lost the sense of freedom, just paint it in order to curious result.

Fom time to time I made a glance to Chinese paintings in the book I bought in Shanghai that April. It consolate me and make me courage to practice more in hope ones I could feel it at all.

My feelings grown durng painting details and that was the true result. Suddenly I realized that I felt how my mountings gowth, what rocks it forms, where trees could settled. It was the moment I lost my depressive feelings about winter colours. Shadows opens me depth, live interest and new possibilties.

It isn`t finished yet but I want to learn more about ink, soft water colours and monochrome in hope to improve my feelings of winter.



I`ve just play violn after more then 20 years delay
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 November 2012 at 09:22 PM No comments

As I learned violin since I was 5 yeas old it associated with not pleasant things. But today suddenly I opened my old-old violin`s box, took my old-bold bow and…

Suddenly I realized a strange thing: I missed it. I missed the violine and the bow and the sounds and the way it borns. However my left hand fingers doesn`t work poperly and many techngues seems lost it was a strong feeling of energy, additional to colours flow in painting. Right hand feels as an opeating manipulator, very sensitive, also strong. The left hand feels as a Gate to the music flow, a tube from unwritten, unborn music to a solid world of realized processes.

It was a moment I didn`t remember the true thones to the strings. I made a wrong tuning the first time (it sounded beautiful anyway) and then tryed to manage it with internet tuning.

I feel this is the time to be back to music. It was hard not to listen the unwrote music, than it was not easy to listen it back. I still have small skills to music writing and still afraid to do it, afraid to be committed with unborned music, comitted to take it to life. Because the process is not a short-time. May be I do it in future.

To the rest of the day I desided to keep my attempts in order the painting must be the first and the music could take place next. I feel satisfied with the day blessed with new Skype friend, new plans and new-in-old experience, I think my mom wll like as she kept me to violine, I`ll tell it to her next day, next day, actually that day!




Earth becames white
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 November 2012 at 11:10 PM No comments

Snow… Snow covers everything. About two dayes of snow and now we have a beautiful country of diamonds on white, if you see it tonight. In the morning time this is about 35 cm layer of snow near roads. I feel cold just having a glance through the window. They said the winter will be enourmously cold and snowy, may be it`ll be true. I feel demotivated at the day time because of no colours, no sun, and start to work just near the everning so it seems the winter really comes, good bye everything green, blue, pink, see you in April.

Stone by stone; step by step, wave by wave
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 November 2012 at 12:36 PM Comments(1)

Sometmes a road we have s a long one. As long as we feel the target it remains interesting, but it takes a lot of efforts to overcome it. All steps is important as all stones in a wall.

Ones I was attracted by fine beauty of dancing shadows and stones and then started to paint it - just on the road. Left hand to make scetch with right shape and angles: then change the hand to colour it. It was not easy to put into memory every stone… I mean to make an effort to do it!

Brave Greecs-drivers! smile smile They tryed to understand what could do a tourist sitting on the road because here it was nothing interesting for them. With stone faces (except several Greecs I knew before) they stratched necks to have a glance. It was so funny, but the wall has so many stones so I had to pay all attention to it. Actually it was an exhousting exercise because I don`t like to concentrate to many small different objects. It occupies my memory with thousands small characteristics input simultaneously and I feel tired with it. But that time I wanted to understand how that wall live, all stones, tht`s why I literary said hello and how are you to everything.

It wasn`t easy, sun was going just above my head. I concentrated to stones and directions, and shape, and gaps between it. As I understand one piece it seemed it opened more operative memory and suddenly I realized something new straight on the place I starred an hour. For example the brics inside round "window" in the wall surprized me much, because I didn`t realized it before.

One of the exciting things of the wall was the fact it flows to the seashore. It seemed every brick, every stone wanted to gain green water, it`s so symbolically important to Capricorns so I wanted to realize everything at all… but it was more venicles here and there so I desided to finish the picture in another place.

One of the most interesting things was the road and bottom of the wall has the angle about 25-30 degee, but the upper part of the wall was strictly horizontal. I spent half an hour to investigate how it was constucted. So small things invisible to many people could keep a secret.

As it was nearly 1:00 PM the shadows became darker and I felt a desire to run to green waters. Last glance:

Running down and down, feeling how dry the stones is…

Back to the paradise!

That was stone by stone, step by step and then wave by wave we gain our results, sometimes producing it, sometimes making a road to things simply being not far away.





Winter`s Mood
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 22 November 2012 at 09:51 AM No comments

November is nearly finish, this is something magnetic storms because of sun protuberans and everyone here wants to sleep. Me too. It`s not cold, about zero, no snow and internet is good but why I feel so tired and demotivated? I can`t force myself to paint. If I do I will be happy to paint but I cant, need some friendly nudge for it. Long-long winter is coming, warm green sea is somwhere far-far away…

Caramel mountings, clouds and stars
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 November 2012 at 10:58 PM No comments

This is a little bit strange automn, it started snowing, then raining, then it was cold, snow and rain again and now it is a little bit cold. It becames dark at 5 PM, and then I turne to recall my summer with stars, green waters and stones.

This picture I did at Corfu from my balcony, mounting view. It was so georgeous to see how it bacomes soft pink and red at sunrise, grey-sand-mist at the daytime and blue in everning.

It was the first time I painted mountings after my Shanghai trip. Differencies between two mountings was obvious but it was something light similar between it, covered by environment, very light sence of similarity, something on perriferal side of a brain we can`t catch at the moment.

I made a bed on the balcony to enjoy nights with all stars on the sky, with felings open, and sometimes moon was my guest. This is important to have right place to sleep, even the room was beautiful it was much more better to have a chance to see night sky and mountings breathing in the dark, especially at 4 AM when everyone falled to sleep and it was no light and no people and no sounds around.

Tha target was to catch the moment of sweetness of the daytime, when tha air became like a caramel and vanilla, and the sea sounded not far away, unvisible because of several big trees, and the mountings seemed so close to me.

No camera could feel it…

but the scetch can save the feelings of the place better then words.

Caramel mountings from sweet place, near the green-blue-green waters of dreams.

Swimmimg in work
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 November 2012 at 04:53 PM No comments

Ok, I`ve finished redisign of my cabinet and several another rooms but things are still everywhere, also unfinished paintings.

The reason is I want to construct a new system of storage making more of my place free of small thinfs with beautiful design but all things should be inside wall closets. The point is to organize everything to make it visible in case I need something so it`s delay finishing. Nevetheless I am glad with changes and innovations, automn seems not so nasty as it is and the winter will be good with my friends as my guests here. One week, one more week and then it will be finished new look! smile

2 unfinished desire to born
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 November 2012 at 09:06 PM No comments

Although I started 5 big pictures in October a lot of extra work prevented me from finishing all of it. First two was started by rememberence of happy place I love to be.

As I recalled it into my feelings I felt it so close, then became relaxable and started to paint using both hands. It is easy as I want to put both hands into the green water, honestly said I wanted to jump imto the sea that moment. smile

The second one is still at the first stage:

When I finish the third from next seria I`ll do several experiments with colours and technigue to fulfill the idea of both pictures, hopes it will be soon, I want to touch it by painting, to recall splashes of waves, gentle green waters and sun, rocks and shining, clouds and grass, recall everything.

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