Anna in Winter Monochrome, Today
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 December 2012 at 02:44 PM

Today snow covers everythng, the wnter comes close and everythng becames monochrome. No colours, light comes about 12:30 PM, shadows everywhere, no sun till March… Seems depressive. Today I found the way to utilize it.

I`ve started to make tryes to paint in Chinese monochrome style. Of course my favourite subject s mountings and waterfalls! It was a stange feelings of vails when I  started. In colours I feel a picture in total and then do it. In monochrome it started from unpredictable lines.

I feel some mountings as it is through shadows and mists. Like a blind trying to touch the right way I made strokes and water wth ink.

On this stage I felt annoying untidy strokes and no feelngs of perspective. It wasn`t exciting and also I lost the sense of freedom, just paint it in order to curious result.

Fom time to time I made a glance to Chinese paintings in the book I bought in Shanghai that April. It consolate me and make me courage to practice more in hope ones I could feel it at all.

My feelings grown durng painting details and that was the true result. Suddenly I realized that I felt how my mountings gowth, what rocks it forms, where trees could settled. It was the moment I lost my depressive feelings about winter colours. Shadows opens me depth, live interest and new possibilties.

It isn`t finished yet but I want to learn more about ink, soft water colours and monochrome in hope to improve my feelings of winter.







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