Step by step and we are near the gate!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 December 2014 at 09:22 AM No comments

Hello everybody! I want to express my deep gratitude for those friends who like my new Facebook page

The difference between people who do things and other is not so big at the beginning. Just make small things for support, small steps which actually costs nothing but help the wheel of changes turns, overcoming inertia… this is the deeds which drive the world.

I remember everyone who do it that days, the first days. It is the real support to help to reach the first milestone in public activity.

Now I can concentrate to another nesessities and move things right.

The point is to support several branches which drive the project in total, in different ways.

The first film is a quick report what was done, the unique circumstances which can`t be repeated, that`s why everything in the ClimateChange Project in total belongs to the ubique period of human history.

The first 11 paintings forms the Section I represents facts of our history.  HUman race is still young, we are growing. And to grow in good health we need to touch the basics of our development. To recognize our child deseases and to evaluate it right way. The Keeling Curve shows how quick our devepolment is comparing with long history of the Earth.

Rising Carbon Empire represents how much we did raising from caves to space.

And the seed of future disasters, our today challenges. All is here, side effects which was ignoring and now became visible.

Although you can see a simple smooth line of Lifecycle in the books, the real lifecycle is full of challenges. it is not smooth. Adizes`s theory of development concerns what exectly happens durin development, normal and abnormal problems and how to avoid pathological.

This is the core idea: any development, any growth has own problems. It looks smooth just an abstract picture to make explanation simple. However the simplicity doesn`help us, it covers the fact everyone in every activity has challenges of development.

Knowing that idea we learn how to predict and overcome it.

This is so important to have right model, that`s why I put the right wing of the Lifecycle to that seria.

Next post I will continue the explanation, then it will be the first film and the next steps. Thank you for beibg with me, and don`t hesitate to like my Facebook page

Facebook page: the next stage of ClimateChange project. Welcome!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 December 2014 at 10:07 AM No comments

Hello everybody,  here it the next step of Climate Change Project: the Facebook page. I would be very appreciate you to like the page

I would like to know you more so you are welcome to be my Facebook  friends

Thank you for your attention and kind support which keeps me going. See you!

Creating Sustainable System: energy costs
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 December 2014 at 06:55 AM No comments

Hello everybody, last week was full of movements and things need to be done and eventually I gained all positions n my todo list. Such a releaf! The most important event was one I can`t reveal now, so for today I feel much free having all instruments and investigations in my hands. So, this is the next frame from the film:

This is the core difference between a pioneer in a business and a person who is educated to perform skills. (I plan to make a seria of educational films with scientific explanation how it comes to make people shure what exectly happens and how to manage it, because in post-industrial world the prime idea means everything while the copying, replication process is typicallt cheap). Here is just several notes about.

First, a pioneer comes into unknown field with ruls nobody know, in total chaos, changing all of the time. This is no system. No regulations. All skills you have is not enough. it needs to be vigilant to shenges and to create a solid spot to base next endeavours, better with a diary what exectly was done. It requires a lot of power. A lot! And more, because after an exhousting period of research it could be a moment of enlighting (we all desire it, struggle for it). Exectly that moment the new stage must be started despite youare overcome all limits, from soul and mental to physical conditions.

If you are a real pioneer in your field, you should be aware about resistance around. People are conservative. Just because they save their energy (in fact, if we count it, they waste much more then it seems from the first glance, but waste isn`t useful,but costs). So, in real progress, a founder have to overcome it, wasting own limited energy to reduce resistance, just because she or he is struggling for the next day after tomorrow, having a vision. It costs us a lot of energy also.

The core thing about pioneers in new fields is we have a part of our energy from tomorrow. Such a kind of energy can`t be taken from today. That`s why it costs a lot of personal time, many sacrifices, the feeling of heavy weight on our shoulders until we arrange everything and make it done. Sometimes it costs tens of years of struggle, because for pioneering solutions, new branches, it needs to create new vocablulary, correct and powerful to be the base to name unknown things.

This is the pure creativity. To do things properly which nobody could do, even imagine. To provide tomorrow, living half in today, half in future. This is the price how to be the first. It requires strong personality to be resistant to uncertainity, to develop new skills, to create new skills also, and to make a solid result from a sketch.

Then, after a pioneer, the system became formalized, new skills defined and more people could be envolved by education.

Then more people became envolved by economic reasons. And then a lot of people make step to their tomorrow,  sometimes having zero ideas about that transition. They just use the prepared next step. Actually, the second generation of creators are preparing the next step for the majority. This is our historical context about our development, from caves to space.

There are several natural reasons why pioneers is more rare. That reasons evolutionary placed in human brain to save the breeding part of population from changes. I works when a population is not so huge and make not so much changes in the environment. But in novadays we can see the price of human activity. It means, pioneering solutions should be started next time to create new sustainable base for our tomorrow.

The main characteristic of the pioneering solution is: it needs a lot of energy to be prepared, formalized, systematized properly, and then it could be scaled for others. We are witnessing how new solutions come, how it needs to overcome inertia of the majority, and how the life is changing. Pioneering solutions in sustainable way lead people from desaster management as they live as usual  to smart way of no-waste. Thats why it needs to think and prepare much more before the process to make sure it will be smoothly performed.

So, I am doing it now. That`s why my blog posts have so many tippo sometimes: I do it when I finish the most things being so tired so I have no energy to control it. But, in our times of false Internet figures covered by payed ghost-authors, I was told it is good to have such an evidence how I am thinking in real time, without edition.

It seems to have a sense.One day it can be good to have such evidencies as that footprints of thoughts.

Hopes, when I finish the most part of current heavy-duty work, I will feel myself with more free energy to edit posts before publication. Just be patient with me please.

Thank you!

Movie should move and makes moves
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 November 2014 at 08:05 AM No comments

One of the reasons I was preparing to make movies long ago is this is a new life in short time. Creating art works I make a print of Ethernity to our flat world. Yes, comparing with the core we live in flat world. Filming is the tool to make that print some more directions. That`s why I am doing it.

Changes and movements in the pure world of ideas, all of this i so powerful. Exectly the way how ideas penetrating into reality, drop by drop, then like a powerful waterfall, that way is amazing. it brings the raw ethernal power to move our world from caves to better future.

The right idea-print starts from handwork like sketches and project books. I love it because here, in raw matherials, I can touch the inicial idea in it`s changing, movement, chemistry.

That`s why I am an artist, painter, who can feel how our world is pulsing, how an event grows and explodes or grow and become muture, or became dry and the initial energy comes into something else.

That`s why my art is a kind of journalistic report. As world events and ideas isn`t a static fact, I can see them as a seria of changes. My original style bases on my talent to catch the moments of movements, key frames of an Idea`s development in our dimension.

I was suffering for many years, being unable to reflect, to mirror things correctly in classical art framework. All in one is uncorrect. even if an artist tryes to put some dynamics inside, this is like a photograph while art have much more power.

Our world is so flat, too much flat to mirror an Idea in total, the aim seemed impossible to gain. Then I realise: my art is not a one single art piece. I should do things I witnessed into seria of works. That`s why I am doing serias instead of just one. I am movie-director in painting, keeping my informational feelings healthy that way.

We all are multi-dimensional creatures. let`s trai it.

This is some frames from my first film. Now it is 4 minutes I want to transform into 3 minutes. I willgain it, making some changes in dynamics, keeping the core feeling how ideas make the world move, and so make my movie to make moves.

Thank you for being with me, keep you multi-dimensional posibilities and touch the power of heaven and earth.

#ActionNotWords  #IWDLeaders #2030NOW, #carbonfree, 
#climate2014, #ClimateChange, #UN, #UnitedNations,  #Sustainability,
#SustainableDevelopment, #Post2015, #MDG,  #SDG,
#AgeofSustainableDevelopment, #WorldChange, #lowcarbon #economy
#Art, #ABArt, #ABPainting, #Cultura, #impact, #active, #proactive, 
#climateneutrality, #climateaction, #Call4Climate , #unfccc,#CWNYC, 
#PeoplesClimate, #business, #UNFCCC #sustdev,
#takeaction, #artprocess,  #newart, #SustainableArt, #ArtGlobal, #GlobalArt,
#NewGenerationArt,  #Science, #Art&Science, #PoweroofArt, #ArtforEducation,
#CulturaGlobal,  #CulturaMovement, #CultureClimate, #ArtforDevelopment,
#Education,  #GlobalEducation, #SustainableEducation, #NewStyleEducation,
#ArtBusiness,  #ArtGalleryNew, #SocialEducation, #ClimateEducation,
#SustainableEducation,  #NewMovementEducation,
#Calligraphy,  #Painting, #Acrylic, #NewTechniquePainting, #NewArtStyle,
#ArtPlusScience,  #ArtProves, #ArtWitness, #OnlineArt,  #ModernTrendArt,
#SustainableBrainWork, #Effective,  #Efficient, #Lifecycle, #Information,
#Image, #ShapetheWorld, #ArtIsTool,  #IdeasToRelity, #IdeasWork,
#WorldNetwork, #WorldArtNetwork,
#Management,  #ManageChanges, #Leadership, #WorldLeader, #ActualEvent,
#Event,  #GlobalEvent, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt,

Sustainabl mind: a quick refreshment for the final run
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 November 2014 at 11:25 PM No comments

Sustainability means knowledge what is important to do right now and how to do it in smart way. The weather has changed here in strange way. It seems this is the next sign of climate change. At the beginning we had snow in September, and now we have minus 12 C degree and zero snow. Could you imagine it?

Magnet storm make noice in my head so it is number one priority to keep calm and move on. So I`ve made one of my favorite meditation: remember the place I love and make Ink painting in Chinese technigue:

This is a small spot of round stones at the right rocks in Liapades bay, Corfu, Greece.

I made many pictures that summer during my Climate Change film process. So I remember it so clear… The painting process let me even to touch water and rocks.

Then I feel myself refreshed, sitting in my Bamboo Cabinet with all comfort, having my precious dream about the next stage of the project work… with my favorite rainbow socks near my small water pool.

And I gain so important mind sustainability.

This is the example how to make a quick recovery by simple meditation. it is so important as our life is full of challenges and plans, so I wish you to try it and to have a good taste of near tomorrow.


Next stage of the film: building strategy
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 November 2014 at 05:58 PM No comments

Although I had my education in film directing years ago, today experience is rather different.

The target is to create at least 4 different formats of movies, from 90 sec inforgaphics to 15 and more minutes, with full documentary, which I will use later according to my plans.

Thinking strategically, it needs to make different tryes in a short time to work out different ideas and then to put everything into the future framework.

Sometimes it is about storytelling.

The target is to put the message in different short frames in order to make it clear:

It needs to use documental matherials also.

Although a single message of a movie could be simple, all of future movies must work for one big target.

Dynamics of video is also important:

Using different approachs I can do much more then in simple methods. Vice versa, sometimes one simple thing could make more work then others. All of this should be experienced.

So I am working not for a one film. I am creating the system which will work for my purposes for a long time. And, step by step, I am succeding the target. Step by step, step by step.

2014 Global Events: Be the First
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 November 2014 at 06:22 PM No comments

Looking to 2014 global events you can see three most important, each of those was the first time in human history. The first was CO2 level surpassed 400 ppm level 15 of June 2014, exectly the day I started Climate Change project. So it comes simultaneously which is also important. The second great event was UN Climate summit catalizing action.

I started my project just after I`d finished Sustainable development education by Columbia University, New York, lead by Jeffrey Sachs. It was 4 months course during which I prepared my neew strategy to put the most important ideas and events of human histiry into unique art project with innovative approach. I succeded the first part of the project and now I am doing the films concerns it in order to turn the process in global scale.

The first part of the project consern our historical conditions and context which causes increase CO2 level and then moved us into new vision what must we do for our future.

Definitely, to choose the future people need to learn the reasons and results. This is Climate Change Project, Section I, is about:

Climate Change Project is growing healthy and now I am making the transition into the Section II: our deeds which we are doing right now to make our impact for the future generations. Of course< i means constructive impact. So the third 2014 event was People Climate March which represents people`s movements and actions all over the globe.

This is important: changes are slow while people remains silence and development in collective subconsciousness starts when people are moving. So this is manifestation of will for tomorrow. People are starting to awake. Step by step. Awake by own will, not by desaster happens. This is great, because in previous human history it was driven by desasters. I hope, that engine will come out of the scene the same way as old fashion fossil fuels.

So, the third great event I mark is People Climate March.

It raises the question how people could contribute own tomorrow consciousness, having new ideas of new possibilities, overcoming typical and untypical problems of development.

Yes, development costs. We are passing the exam to graduate from yesterday for better tomorrow. We are passing exam to make a responsible choice.

In large scale this is the first time in human history and the matter of my Climate Change Project, Section II.

So I am doing the film and planing the selection of subjects for Section II painting. Do you think it is not importat and it needs just to imagine and go? Really? This is an old fashion art, socially unresponsible, represents just imagination of an author. it is so narrow so I feel boring about it.

Now I am working for new art movement, fresh, broadminded, useful for people`s development, skillful, profwssional, innovative, with science and creative approach. I am working on new fine art philosophy, one of those which forms the book of human history and creates art objects for museums, art collections and in wide meaning for the sake of mankind`s development in total.

This is my target. Let`s change the history and make new turn, let`s be the first.

Thank you for being with me!

#ActionNotWords  #IWDLeaders #2030NOW, #carbonfree,
#climate2014,  #ClimateChange, #UN, #UnitedNations,  #Sustainability,
#SustainableDevelopment, #Post2015, #MDG,  #SDG,
#AgeofSustainableDevelopment, #WorldChange, #lowcarbon #economy
#Art, #ABArt, #ABPainting, #Cultura, #impact, #active, #proactive, 
#climateneutrality, #climateaction, #Call4Climate , #unfccc,#CWNYC, 
#PeoplesClimate, #business, #UNFCCC #sustdev,
#takeaction, #artprocess,  #newart, #SustainableArt, #ArtGlobal, #GlobalArt,
#NewGenerationArt,  #Science, #Art&Science, #PoweroofArt, #ArtforEducation,
#CulturaGlobal,  #CulturaMovement, #CultureClimate, #ArtforDevelopment,
#Education,  #GlobalEducation, #SustainableEducation, #NewStyleEducation,
#ArtBusiness,  #ArtGalleryNew, #SocialEducation, #ClimateEducation,
#SustainableEducation,  #NewMovementEducation,
#Calligraphy,  #Painting, #Acrylic, #NewTechniquePainting, #NewArtStyle,
#ArtPlusScience,  #ArtProves, #ArtWitness, #OnlineArt,  #ModernTrendArt,
#SustainableBrainWork, #Effective,  #Efficient, #Lifecycle, #Information,
#Image, #ShapetheWorld, #ArtIsTool,  #IdeasToRelity, #IdeasWork,
#WorldNetwork, #WorldArtNetwork,
#Management,  #ManageChanges, #Leadership, #WorldLeader, #ActualEvent,
#Event,  #GlobalEvent, #EventForEducation, #SustainableDecision,  #InfoArt,

Natural way to reduce stress
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 November 2014 at 03:57 PM No comments

My brother`s just sent me that video. Ingenious!

No more words how nature is important to keep ourselves healthy, all is here, enjoy it!

Step by step method: keep calm and move on
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 November 2014 at 12:17 PM No comments

Have you ever experienced different styles of cooking? For example, to cook something quick  (a soup) requires diferend mind set then slow cooking (baking, for example). Definitely, small slowly steps isn`t so easy. It needs to keep calm and control the whole process in every detail. So I made myself calm during my preparation for the first film.

Not so easy! I felt it done in so bright insight so it was strange it  wasn`t appear from Universe ready to be downloaded to my YouTube channel!

I remember how hard was my knitting stude. I made it because I fe,t the same as with filming: can`t wait, want everything ready and hate such a boring small movements to make thousands of loops just to have about 10% of future model. Oh my god, it was the most hard education in my life! Much harder then quantum mechanics! Why I did it? Because I felt it is the problem I can`t wait. Than I did a kind of personal mazohism and learn knitting for 6 months professiional courses. I wsa really suffering all the time. And I won.

The point is, I learned crocheting and Chinese style satin stitch embroidery by myself. I even wrote 7 books about how to satin stitch. It is the same like drawing by pensils, rather calming activity so I use it when I want just to becalm myself.

It turns me to the idea about principal differencies between two kinds of mind styles. While I am drawing, painting, satin stitching and fast coocking, I can feel the whole picture. As I am good qualified and have a long experience, it needs very small attention to control hands, and zero attention to the single gesture because all of them are different.

In knitting the whole picture doesn`t work properly. It needs to make a huge amount of the same gestures, repeat it and wait even for small proper result (I guess, the same in Chinese calligraphy that`s why I wasn`t able to learn it).

In thousands parameters of film making this is the same. Thanks for my knitting education, I can cope it!

When I am thinking about a project, I can see it in total. Then, when I have a clear vision I can paint everything. This is no tryes,  just one-two sketches to catch the movement of lines, not more. A future painting comes to me as it will be in reality, done, the only gesture which make the general lines.

In filming, like in knitting, it needs to make many attempts to have a choice what`s better. Yes, it is hard because I want to try more and make more samples. Yes, I am struggling just for the first 1,5 min infographics and hope others will be much more easy to do. That hope, for the sake of future realization, allow me to sit still and keep calm while I am ready to scream and want to make something wrong just to steam.

So, I am working. Please, let me to finish it, then I will start to post things!

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