InkSketch: Anna`s December-12 Mood Flow
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 January 2013 at 05:58 AM No comments

Sometimes mood flow takes us up and this s no chance to evaluate it in total. We need to keep a distance from moods to understand what it means so this is my mood flow diary from December 2012 I was able to fix on paper. It starts unexpectable, just from several strokes, and then I liked it.


In December several things I expected and prepared didn`t happens. But several unexpectable things seemed to be happened out of my wish, so it was a Sadness Mood Flow:

Then I concentrated to handle it so it was the Keep balance mood:

Then it was a stange mix with expectations, curiosity and strong feeling of not so good result. At least not easy, so I started to play with ink and brush trying to understand what the mood flow means and what to do with it:

Then the mood was appeared, I guess it was careful Curiosity, ready to turn back:

Things seemed go on so I started to make preparation to handle it in best way.


I prepared carefully and as the very best result was I reorganized many work things I wanted to do long time but had no motivation. It was really good result of not so good mood so I evaluate it! My libary and all instruments now unbeliveble tidy! smile smile smile

I prepared everything, made planning of all results, kept every good and prepared to avoid poblems, and then… then unexpectable things became expectable and organized.

And at the end of the story it didn`t happenes.

It was  a strange mix of disappointment, last waiting (I hate to wait, of course), lost of my time and expectaions. But the same time I felt easier and also several problems could happens didn`t exists as the main event didn`t come.

So the final mood was a mixture of waiting, relaxation and anxiety what ever could happens and required fo my time.

But the best result was I did many things with reorganization and redesign was finished, it was successful without any bugs. So December-2012 finished positive.

It was snow, snow, snow and everything became new.



InkSketch: LaoZi founds a frog
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 22 January 2013 at 06:21 AM No comments

That funny sketch I did in playful mood thinking about how rediculous things happens. LaoZi is the person who could avaluate it pefectly so I did sketch named "LaoZi founds a frog in his tea cup".

Started from several strokes the sketch put me into dance of lines and ink shadows and brush feelings so it was exciting to make it in case just to see what it will be. SO I like spontanious movement, each different from another, and how paper accept water and ink, and how my bushes ealized it`s possibilities. Eveything looks interesting that way so I prepaed the place for Chinese style painting ready for any time I want to pactice it.

So, what could LaoZi say founding a frog n his cup of good tea? smile smile smile


InkSketch: Drunk Choson Official goes home
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 January 2013 at 04:12 PM Comments(1)

I love that feelings - empty big size paper (the more the best), chinese brushes with bamboo hand and chinese ink. As I have time fo it I enjoy how that things playes together and creates something… actually it is possible I don`t know what it will be!

It starts from just several stokes, then I realized what it could be. I prefer old Chinese style for figures and landscapes so it seems natural and make me happy enjoying both the process and the result. That time it was a Korean official, about Choson dinasty as you can see by thei clothes. The official looks relaxable so I guess he was going from a bar. A little bit drunk, of course! Young woman behind him looks respectful so it seems she is not a servant. But also nor a wife or his doughter (that ladies stayed at home anyway). But her face is scared and a little bit ashame so I deside she is his yangest doughter-in-law forced to accompany drunk father-in-law back home from a pab.

After all I was so excited with picture on the pape and pictures in my imagination so I coloured in  red the nose of the official but lazy to make photo of that stage. So this is the black-and-white result!

My Windows-2013 View
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 January 2013 at 03:54 PM Comments(1)

One of the best thing of my place is my windows vieew. From 21-th floor I can see far far away, being unattainable for everything, safe.

If it`s cold the sunrise is beautiful, with many shadows of pink rouge powdering sky. I like to starring to the sky because so beautiful colours here, so cristal clear, so fine, but I prefer not to see to the bottom. Snow and roads, white and wet black, in my feelings it`s the colours of death, colours of stopping everything, represents the order to sleep for a long time. That`s why I evaluate clean sky with clouds.

In everning time it could be beautiful too. Sky changes colours to deep violet, blue, deep pink and red. It`s about 10-15 minutes of beauty and then darkness coves everything.


Beauty of Shadows, Colours and Shapes
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 January 2013 at 12:00 PM No comments

Beauty hides under the veils of simple everyday life. Colours and shapes shows itself but this is the art to see it, to breath, to undestand, to express… A place people just use to have a rest could be points of wonders.

My last summer I first time realized the deep red, magenta and brown colous of the tree near my morning table in Cricketer taverna, Liapades beach hotel, Corfu. I was really surprized with it but also shocked why I didn`t realize it before.It seemed impossible.

I spent several hours investigating and painting the tree, and saw how it ordinary brown skin dropped and opened the rich colous inside. It was normal brown before that season and became wonderful only that 2012 summer… And the changes flashed the extra brightness of shapes of the two trees.

Hidden things became visible, small changes became into great symphomy of shadows, shapes, sunlights, conquering space up and up…

The same experience was at the the bottom of the trees. Lilac, magenta and red coloures made visible the efforts of the tree to overcome stones. It was exciting.

Of course I painted it. Started from left hand sketch to right I tasted the beauty moment by moment.

Originally I started with colours but wasn`t able to stop and then made ink painting desiring to feel all angles and stretch of branches and how it dance in open space up and up.

After I scetched it I felt myself easy so started to make several details.

Actually  forced myself to continue while my soul wanted to dance with sunlights far away from the place. This is the dilemma of artists: while our bodies make art process, soul is far away and we could feel a little bit confused with it.

...When I finished it I was so full of sences…

... so I had to run to the sea and spend several hours in it to collect parts of myself.

Several hous inside blue and green lights, liquid lights and sounds, inside perfection of that reality.

Happy Birthday, Anna! :)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 January 2013 at 08:49 PM No comments

2012 year has finished and now I stay near the finishing of my personal year. My birthday usually based on observation of the results of the last year. Here it is with some personal pictures below for those friends who will read  the post at all.

That year I finished 19 pictures, all in big size, and 2 is still unfinished. Hopes it will be in nearest future. Also I desided to finish my academic career and focuse on arts and education pocess based on arts as representation.

That year I graduated about 50 students and teached about 30; thats enough for everyone so I satisfied with the result. That semester I  lead Management`club and read about Dr. Adizes methodology (his blog  and .) The funny thing is I made my lectures with pieces of Adizes system and just after I`d finished it one of my students met Dr. Adizes here, in Moscow. She told him that we learned about his metodology in Institute and he was pleased with it so she did picture with him. Oh! How narow that Earth is! So I hope to meet Dr.Adizes one day too smile .

Several changes starts in my professional life, for example I`ll be the author for Science TV. Hopes it will develope.

Also I gained pogress in my social activity and meet several new friends (especially by Skype). I visited China and Greece and will be happy to do it next time.

My home was redesigned and I like it new with trees and lights and shadows; especially with new organization for everything, from meditation place to work cabinet.  Now this is the place of power without a compromise and I am glad to invite my friends here.

Also I made technical renovation with new iPhone, iPad and several another gadgets to make my work more effective. A funny new possibility is to make photos of myself by reverse camera, as I don`t like photographers it was exciting so now I made several pictures of myself being free from others attention:

For the first time I guess it`s enough to my reputation so I should finish with it and publish the post and then go to sleep dreaming about my projects I want to be realized in 2013!

Thank you for your attention!



#19 2012, Business seria: Investment- bottom view
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 December 2012 at 08:18 PM No comments

That painting focused on investment which is one of the most important parts of long term business

As a majority of processes investment can be described from two positions. One is about how projects have competitions to be interesting to investor, how to pay his attention. If it seems as if we observe investment process from the bottom side.That picture is pointed in strong competition and how to recognize what project is prospective, what is just a dream of ego, what project was silently started before and now needs support to grow; what project is too much expensive, or much advertized being a zero in real volue. Sometimes it could be hard to realize in short time what a detail worth to pay attention, what is not even if it became annoying.
From the bottom side investment process could seem pretty hard. Time is important, business like a boiling sea changes all time and an investor should stay strong keeps equilibrium, in consciousness, estimating all possibilities, providing power to support projects with will to change the world.

#18 2012, Business seria: Ideal Politics
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 December 2012 at 04:42 AM Comments(1)

Politics is a built-in part of human social life. Many famous people involved from ancient Aristotel to modern politics gave definitions what exactly politics is

To summarize them I paint that piece of art called "Ideal Politics". It is pointed on a dynamics balance between all resourses involved. As politics binds to the territory it should mean rational using of resourses, it`s advantages and disadvantages, speed of renewal, particular qualities and what it contribute to a budget. Also politics includes arrangement, covered sometimes, tempoary unions based on economy interests of groups.

Also politics includes informational network. And at the end politics based on people. People is not an easy ruled substance. It`s a dynamics of interests, votes, wishes and needs, with their particular qualities. One of particular qualities is mask using. Although people blames politics to wear masks people themselves have masks and intrude upon masks to politics. Why? Because they want to be charmed by own dreams. They want to be operated by a leader they imagine and recognize as trustworthy and the mechanics  of such self-charming by masks is the same as in advertizing pocess. The one could decode people`s internal  looking-for and seemes directly for it with mass-media - that one have the best mask and therefore win. Not a real progam or real qualities but the illusion of masks. So I paint people resouses as a mask-poducers and also they changes masks because no mask could totally cover the reality.

All that things are in dynamic balance. It should be in balance so an Ideal Politcs manage to make it balanced, also be over and keep tries to look fowad to construct better future based on today situations. This is not an easy task even fo an deal one because no one could make balance and look in every directions. Even for an Ideal Politics there is a blind area and the task is to keep in strength and ready to be protected. Even an Ideal Politcs have vulnerable points because when he/she points on one direction anothers seems underminded. It`s a risk so Ideal Politics should be better protected and keeps efforts to make balance of powers described and simultaneously be able to look forward. This is the point of that AB painting.

#17 2012, Business seria: OutSourcing`s coming
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 December 2012 at 11:11 AM No comments

We live in the period of postindustrial phase of Economy and sosiety  and many parts of life are changing. That painting is pointed on a new phenomena - Outsourcing.

Internet brokes barriers of distance and informational barriers too. Suddenly we realize then it s possible to work in one project with people far away from us. As they are the best pofessionals or has another advantages to do a job we can gain better results with them then with people in our surrounding. Outsourcing becames the part of business and makes things done better, faster, cheaper, more creative. Our world develops that way as far as Internet drops barriars.

But the process doesn`t comes easily. Barriers of political borders, laws of diffrent countries and different living styles, resistance exists on own territory - everything makes interception to outsourcing development. Even if it is corect documents and proves, a really good inventions and business planing, resistance and interceptions seems like a laser guard lines covers space between current position of outsourcing and the place somebody needs it.

It`s not simple because we can`t simply ruin barriers. Sometimes we must wait to the better moment, sometimes it neds more flexibility then we expected to penetrate into a project. Sometimes time loss is so huge then becomes dengerous and unable to make correct action in poject management. Sometimes nobody is responsible for a project`s delay but circumstances exists behind our willings.

So we have a painful process of birth. Better connections makes it more easy. Resistance makes it more complicated. Differencies makes it more unclear then we expect. But the process`s coming, nevetheless one`s resist it or want it, because the world has changed and this is the only way business processes gowth.

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