Corfu: sun, rain and waves
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 July 2014 at 11:23 AM No comments

Today morning was rain. I jumped up in early morning in order to shoot it but it had stopped before I did it. SO I run to the beach:

It was pity I didn`t shoot the rain on the sea, but the colours of the water was rainy. Leaden, heavy waves, with sand and water plants, it seems cold. It wasn`t cold actually, even more wam as in the day time yesterday.

YOu can see, the sea as dark and wavy. Different stones on the left side of the beach formes waves in different direction:

Waves comes fo a long distance:

One by one:

Sometimes I wasn`t able to keep my feets dry, just to keep 3 cameras safe:

Sometimes cameras weren`t in safe:

Near the rocks waves become unpredictable:

About 4 hours of shooting made me pleased with the matherials, and then sun comes through the clouds and said me hello:

Climate Change Project: about 70% of shooting has done
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 July 2014 at 08:10 PM No comments

Today I checked what was done for the project. Thanks god, that time I did all protokols so I can just make marks and don`t check every movie. Actually it is more then 60 Gb of raw matherials, about 70% of subjects in 4,5 days.

I was in hurry trying to make as much as it possible before my brother Alex arrive so I will be able to spend time with him without annoying cameras.

It seems the plan is succeeded.

My travel laptop isn`t strong enough to play such a hi quality video as I did, I even tryed some blue ray quality for the best parts of the sea. So I can`t check every part of raw matherial, may be it is for good otherwise I would be tired much more. So I have my orientation by protokols I did for every shooting 1/2 day. Hopes everything will be ok.

I have so many adventures and mesmerising pictures during that 4,5 days so I will blog about it for months. It was so sweet to be so concentrated to the sea, feeling lights and colors play beautiful pictures. Now when I make the pause before the second stage of the project I feel myself empty and a little bit sad. Such pause is vital to change the mind set for analitics needs for the next stage. So I do it.

For this I didn`t visit the sea today, even force myself not to think about it. If I did, I would like to swim to my stone in the sea and spent hours glancing to the sea instead.

No time for it, I must make the transition for the second part. WIll be ready in a day, I hope.

Now I am sitting in Cricketer Taverna, Liapades beach hotel, nicely fed with vegetarian food, partly sleepy.

As I have to do some more job and organize several things for tomorrow, I put earphones with "The Game of Thrones" soundtrack in order to make me work. Lol, the same as drums for oars of galleys, of for soldiers. Anyway it works. I feel myself better and diferent.

Just to finish the post… bye for now, dear friends! smile

Many things to do, many beauty around
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 July 2014 at 09:09 PM No comments

Hello everybody, this is nice days here at Corfu, I have my plan what to shoot for the raw matherials for Climat change project and do it in time.

The whole list consists of 27 positions at present time.  Everything needs several approachs and just one week to make all tryes of different tools like GoPro garniture I want to use for full HD camera. I have some doubts about but it needs to be tryed and proved then I will make opinion about.

So… I have the list, the growing one.

OMG, how luxury this picture looks like! In fact I am sitting on the sharp surface of my stone in the sea, in about 500 m from the seashore, having a big plan what to do, mesmerising by incredible beauty of the sea. During today filming I burned my skin on the back and another place I don`t point now, because it was several hours in completely uncomfortable position. I  was quiet as a stone, trying to shoot several different frames, in different styles.

I tryed GoPro garniture and founded it useful. About an hour I climbed on the rock trying to shoot some special frames. Two seamens in boats came to ask if I am a Damsel in Distress then saw the camera on  my forehead and had fun with that idea.

After the most part of the day in body position very close to yoga but on sharp stones I was ganted with several seagulls and one big cab who came to my camera. And with 32 Gigabites of film about clean sea. Now I am too much tired to tell more, some funny cases caused, some unexpectable beauty revealed, but now I want to copy all mico SD to the hard drive and charge all batteries for tomorrow.

Yawn, yawn, hrrr!



That picture should be the first to my 2014 Corfu adventure
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 18 July 2014 at 09:31 PM No comments

smile The rain at my first day chenge my plans, but I want to publish that picturebefore eveything anothers.

Pictures speaks bette then words so this is the message. Hello from Greece, hello from the sea!

Climate change: the first day in Greece
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 July 2014 at 09:16 PM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve arrived to Liapades,Corfu that morning. The first post from here should be about beauty of the bay and happiness, however this is about climate change. Real experience from real life.

just in half an hour it was 15-min heavy rain. My friends, Greecs, say this is incredible. Rain in the middle of July? In Corfu?

Normally it should be hot, hot and very hot.

(It was hot at the daytime actually, so I took my chance to brown my skin sleeping on my favourite rock in the sea.

Now it is wet, a little bit cold and definitely not the lovely time to swim. This is lovely time to found a good blanket.)

So back to the rain.

From my own Greece experience this is the first time too. Pity I can`t picture the sea, because it is dark night here. I will listen to the waves to found if the sea calm or not.

However this is the best hello to my Climate Change project for which I am working right now instead of sweet sleeping.

The air is wet so I save my camera, iPhone, video camera and laptop instead of my body so now I have  the snuffles and sneeze. Such an irony! Just yesterday, preparing the trip, I dropped out warm things and umbrella to save place for canvas.

Nevetherless, the second part of the project comes healthy, God payes attention for the blogging matherials and I now have my right to go to sleep.


Climat Change project: I am going to Corfu
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 July 2014 at 06:32 AM No comments

Hello everybody, I`ve prepared the first part of the project about technology progress and visited UK for it. The second part is about Ocean and I am going to the best place in the world for it. I will be working for a month at Corfu so it needs much more preparation. Everything is in chaos!

Would you like to see the most chaotic working place in the world?

Definitely, I don`t but I have it now!

Last year I was trying to get some control under my talent to create chaos on the work place so I demonted one section of my table in hope to make the space less. It doesn`t work. The practice shown, I can produce much more using less surface.

Normally it`s ok, because everything is functional and the more important thing is don`t allow things to droop. Today, making preparations for 1 month trip, I am burdened with the great task to decide what`s the less important. Not an easy trick!

Definitely all of that pens-pencils-brushes,stickers-things isn`t so vital. It seems, I can bring one portable hard drive, or may be two, but 4 anothers isn`t so nesessity.

Alboms for illustrations, tablet, organizer, laptop, portable hard drives…

Small camera, big camera, portable movie camera… stands for all of it…

...microSD memory cards (since my last China trip I prefer to take it from home so never depend from local supplier).

I was trying to put my special ink into small bottles when founded it is not so much ink, actually.

So this is the most squizzed and dried ink tube in the world.

I would like to say this is my kung fu skills to do it.

But the true is, this is my kung fu skills plus pliers.

Several drops of treasured ink occasionally placed on the table.

I hope I will not put here my fingers of hard drives…

...of course, I put here the pliers!..

Gosh! Very black!

And some drops on my white keyboard!...

In such situation it is better to becalm myself and meditate on some pleasant subject, such as rose flowers I pictured last saturday:

Just feel how slowly a flower going to blossom. This is the same hard learning subject as slow cooking, as my friend Tony Toledo told me.

Be calm, Anna, before you create much more chaos as you really need.

Remember Saturday water flow.

Remember light walking with friends and soft feeling of creation around.

Then go to buy more colors for painting and finish with the laggage in sustainable way.

I will go to Corfu and touch the essence of my soul, the green sea and rocks, so soon.

Let`s do it!

The Stream of Information: how to make it work
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 July 2014 at 08:30 PM No comments

Information forms our world. Sometimes you can physically feel how it comes in and out, flows around, forms new clasters of data. My UK trip was deducated to the project work with the purpose to open my mind and feelings as wide as it possible to absorb all available information around. What kind of information I sought? It wasn`t determined: as much as it possible.

(See many pictures below) 

It was just 7 days for so many tasks. So I allowed my intuition did the job and worked by my feets walking many kilometers per day, and used my eyes to have 360 degrees observation.

It was no consciousness analysis (except one case in Birmingham museum I`ll tell later). In such mind mode information flows in but not out. That`s why I didn`t make posts during my UK visit. The matter of subconsciousness intuitive work needs time to reconstruct information in clasters and conglomerates avaliable for quickly access.

The matter ofintuition is hidden work systematizing so huge amount of information. To proceed that process clear it needs to make a small observation about the trip in general without concrete conclusions. Sometimes it remind me theater of shadows in which we can`t touch figures. This is the reason you see such a strange images in that post.

One of the most important places I visited in Birmingham was Art Museum. Not so big, but full of surprises!

It was a sunny day for it, when the air was so light so archs of the Museum reminded me a building of Elfs.

Once it was a group of children, pupils actually, who took their lesson here. I was very pleased by their attention to the teachers, by discipline and how comfortable they set on the floor.

(I did it too).

I spent about two hours of meditation to the sculpture at the centre of the first hall. It is significant and really treasure from my point of view, so I will tell about it later with detailed pictures and with detailed story. (Actually I force myself not to tell the story in that post.)

The Museum is for free but if you want you can make donation. They will provide you with document to make the donation`s sum out of your taxes.

This is the Museum from outside:

I spent about an hour sitting outside the museum, letting my thoughts and insights flow peacefully  inside my mind. The technigue of Empty Mind allows internal programs to do all job while you can sit without any worry having your rest.

At the everning of my last day I saw several door-plates with different texts. Some of it was wise, some funny. Sometimes it was so funny so I louthed aloud and the stuff was looking to me with curiosity. smile

Then my 7th day was finished and I was back to Moscow.  No time for painting yet, because so many things to do while everything around was in changes and mess.

I spent a week with hard work, making some upgrade to my computers and soft. Freecat the Wise, my old good friend and IT specialist,  spent 5 days doing that job, preventing me from crushing mistakes and listening my "Gosh" and "Wow" about new possibilities of my two tablets and two laptops, plus some care to my mobile phone. (He removed the bloodcurdling meoww I used as the ringtone to check my calls so I didn`t hear calls and people missed me. Now I restore the terrible sound of hungry cat and hope to hear calls as easy as usual).).

After it, for today, I have my first free day to check what exectly was done and to make new MindMap with new branches to test several new approaches I designed during UK trip.

So… the time to try the first:

As I had posted, our subconsciousness has several autonomous processes to recombine information for future purposes. It is not good to interrupt or to interfere to that process, but we can gently manage it by several external tools.

One of the tools is visualization.

In short words, when you put your information in an image contains the most important details it turns subconsciousness to work in a kind of dialog with your consciousness. That`s why I permanently make my autobiographic drawings.

So I did it for my UK trip.

As you see, the main subject was Kondratieff waves which started in UK in 1870.

Informatiionally everything is here: the purpose of the trip, conditions, colors code, even my laggage and clothes are correct to the trip.

I`ve used my new method making new kind of reportage with drawings. I love the result!

So I feel myself much easier now, doing that post.

So here it is: my UK trip deducated for the Sustainable development Project, Climat Change Section.

In fact this picture is the introduction for the next several paintings I will do, hopefuly, at the end of August.

Now I feel much better, just want to sleep. I should do it to be refreshed for tomorrow actions .Thank you for your attention, have a nice night, have a nice day!


I`ve Visited England for the project work
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 July 2014 at 08:18 PM No comments

I`ve visited England for my project work to gather some important information, to have some meetings and to touch the special essense of the country which started changes in the world as it is shown by Kondratieff waves.

Although I can`t publish my project matherials, I can tell about several insights and things which forms a lively background to the project work.

Birmingham is the second city in England so it contains all moments important to feel some fine things about how human history goes on and on. For example it shows rationality of place using which includes modern buildings:

...and old temples and castles. One of the most important feelings was my insight about the style of thinking. Innovations and national spirit enrich each others forming harmony.

Really old buildings like that church, with mossed stones, so green so the walls turnes to a kind of velvet. And modern notifications.

Beauty is a harmony of many special kinds, and here at the cantre of Birmingham I`ve seen the balance of times and events, mixture of divine silence and human activity. Everything take the right place and forms the special atmosphere. I was so busy to open my perception as wide as it possible to absorb all of smallest things around, so I didn`t make drawings or MindMaps till the last day. The point is to create so good model of existence inside my mind so I will be able to decode it using pictures by camera. Hopes it will be soon.

Now I have to sleep. Next day I will work hard to finish the detailed structure for the future work and test the most important elements.

Next week I will move to Corfu and to continue my project work for Climat Changing branch concerns ocean acidification, Sustainable Development project.

Sustainable Development News: The Message
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 July 2014 at 05:28 PM No comments

News from the field I am working with my new project: Sustainable Development Solutions Network has published the Message on Climate Change to World Leaders. The site of SDSN is and this is the screen with the message:

It explains the reasons why "human-induced climate change is an issue beyond politics" and needs to pay attention today.  The introduction of the message explains what it will be as the result: "The message will be presented to world leaders on the occasion of the Climate Leaders’ Summit, convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the United Nations, New York City, on September 23, 2014."

You can read the Message here and make your own impact that way.

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