How to put things into right framework
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 May 2014 at 06:40 AM No comments

When we have something big to do, sometimes it`s complicated to dial with it. Especially in case we can`t change things if a mistake occures. So it needs right framework and right time.

Doing Corporate Lifecycle Art project in energies I found it needs to be done step by step. it needs an appropriate mood also.

How to feel energies if life around goes on in different way? This is not so rare circumstances, Sometimes we plane one thing but others call for our attention. So I designed new framework for it.

First, the project needs good planing and understanding. It was good I made the base researchs last year, painting the first part of the project. So now I`ve made complimentary analysis and compare neighbour points with each others. It needs to put information in visual images so it can be decoded.

Second, I tryes several new things in the technology of the process.

Third, I am waiting to the right time. I guess it`s near. Everything is ready.

What is the matter of right time? Everyone know, things like "Bad hair day" and similar are happens. It comes independently. Sometimes I think, good time and bad time is real forces somehow influence our plans. It seems like wind blows forward and opposit to our sail.

It seems  winds of possibilities blows differently for last two months. So I was waiting, being prepared. Waiting for the right time to continue my work. So I spent last two months doing nesessary things required: finish my Sustainable development course, doing projects and group work. It seems, now it is the right time to move forward with all of it.


Back to the power
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 May 2014 at 04:09 AM No comments

After so many hours of study, after speaking with people and reading books I feel myself dry. I desire be back to the misterious world which flows through words, beyond words and human communication. Liquig colors and light, movement, power and vibration. I desire it freshness. One glance:

The author of the video combines image and music creating a sublime vision. I enjoy every moment of the movie.

Today I will attend to the week of Arts conference. It will take 5 days. The last glance to their problems to prove my inventions.

Then I will go ahead, eventually make rocket-sky start with the top artproject.

Digging 2 books for some more info
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 May 2014 at 04:05 PM No comments

Preparing ideas to the project work I founded several books with my to-read mark and decided to check it. I was really surprised with both and this is number-one news of the last three days.


I like the manner they made research. The world becomes more complicated and needs much more interfield, interdisciplinary approachs to be underctanded. When the authors started with questioning, it is the same as to found points to measure voltage. I`ve finished the book and found   myself with the vision of the subject like channels and points for acupuncture. Invisible connections between so different parts of human body seems so similar with connections demonstrated in the book.

The principle how different things could be logically connected and so informative, and the art of right questioning are well proved in the book. Also I was pleased to read about economics in so pleasant style.  Good book. Also easy to read, 2 days.

The second book "SuperFreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes And Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance"

After the firsf book "Freakonomics" the new "SuperFreaconomics" is expectABLE GOOD. I was surprised and intrigues with Annica-Zelda experiment which make light to human behaviour more then several others books. I would like to add it into management course to show how things works.
It would be nice to read more about experiments with monkeys and Intellectual Venture lab, but I guess it`s enough matherials in internet.

So the book is really good, wonderfully easy to read and so short so I would like to read number three book one day.

So, what`s the conclusion? I founded several pros and cons toward current points for sustainable development. Most of them is scientific, but I am far away from making conclusions by popular reading in so complicated subject as Earth science. 

The books give examples of question development which can be useful for complicated processes. I am gratitude for it. Now both books are behind and after a short holiday it should be the next steps of the project work.

I`ve received my Sustainable Development course certificate
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 May 2014 at 05:35 AM No comments

I`ve received my certificate, with note "You earned 100.0%" in my Coursera profile.

I am happy! smile))))))

Fast growing changes: how can we ask for the better result?
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 10 May 2014 at 04:33 AM No comments

The fresh article by Ichak Adizes "Change and Its Repercussions for The Banking Industry"  tells us about fast changes which concern each part of our life. The domino effect means if one economic field change, many others will be affected and so changes penetrate the whole field of our reality.

 Changes in fast growing industries as Internet trade are expectable: we all want more convenient, modern, simple, pleasant shopping. So it works for good and we can accept the result with pleasure, having own experience to compare with. Education processes are changing too. I love it in the way knowledge comes to each person by MOOC. For example that way I`ve completed "The Age of Sustainable development" course and now waiting for the certificate. The way knowledge develop is new with fresh ideas and fast delivery, so we can touch the benefits by our own.

Another case is for institutions which are expected to be more stable, such as banking and investment. We all want our finance safe and expect from banking system high level of  risks control. So the banking industry expected to be more conservative as it concerns so vital things. However the fast changes affect it drastically. So banks must change just to fulfill our expectations to have access to safe bank products.

Such a contradiction!  Somehow we are living with it.

The question: how to be adjustable for changes and how to remain core values, such as safety of our resourses includes health, finance, social connections, time. We are asking for the best results, isn`t it?

The point is we need smart decision for it. We need smart way to make quick analysis also. Let`s reveal some points for it.

The world is changing with several natural laws which we can understand and apply in order to check what`s going on. Changes are multifaceted and multidisciplinary. Also it runs being interconnected. It needs to be applied as well as it possible. So this is the points to analyse, is changes real and could provide us with future, of changes are just a noisy trembling to gather our attention without solid results. This is the quick analysis about gather or scatter of resourses.

If changes in service or a product became more multifaceted, multidisciplinary, interconnected and applied, it seems more likely to help us to gather our resourses.

If changes became flat, artificially simplified, low connected and outlay resourses without applied result, it seems changes are dissipative and more likely destructive. Such changes happen in several branches of arts.

Another analysis concerns SMM (social media marketing). In that field the result connects with galvanizing of an audience, so the trembling activities with "likes" and fast food content which attracts peoples attention work for profit of the seller who organized it. Such social changes seems to be more targeted to the audience in order to catch it strong and keep it involved. We should analyse content of an activity to reveal what`s the aim, what`s a result.


The whole system are changing without syncronisity. So we need to provide own sustainability in order to have better orientation and so provide ourselves with better results.

Also we can make a quick analysis to check important points of current changes and to make own decisions in better way.

Read the full article by Dr.Adizes in his blog

Change and Its Repercussions for The Banking Industry - See more at:
Adizes Corporate Lifecycle: Energies which Shape our Life
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 May 2014 at 07:01 AM No comments

All of our life we are influenced by natural powers. Invisible, indivertible it penetrate through our bodies as well as it shapes proceses in companies and societies. It make changes bases of natural rules and laws.

Should we deny it? It seems out of sense, the same as to deny gravitation and aging. Should we use it? Yes! As we know such forces we can use for progress the same way sailors of 17 century used power of wind to shape the world as we know it in novadays.

We can use natural energies for our purposes in predictable way. Our intelligence is the power which can use more mighty powers of nature and gains it`s benefits.

What is the base to manage it?


(See the books on Goodreads )

As we have knowledge, we can overcome obstacles and think out of box, we can found new ways to use power of nature in better way. So knowledge should be melted with experience. That`s why detailed descriptions how forces works help us in our practical purposes.

As I am doing my Art project abour how Adizes Corporate Lifecycle represents in energies, I do my additional investigation. This is no way to paint something abstract. I deby that was as uncorrect, lack of knowledge. Being qualified by my double professional skills, both in art and management, I want to explain what exectly relresents a painting, why it`s so and how to use it. Yes, exectly: how to use it.

How to be applied, useful for a purpose, with proved result? This is the matter of the experience. "Every organization grows and develops according to a natural lifecycle, facing predictable problems at each stage along the way. Knowing where your organization is at on the corporate lifecycle can be critical to its success. " "

At each stage of an organization’s development, it is faced with a unique set of challenges. How well or poorly leadership addresses these issues, and makes changes that are necessary for a healthy transition from one stage to the next, determines the ultimate success or failure of that organization."  Adizes methodology is proved for many companies all over the world  Adizes specializes in aiding CEOs, top management teams, boards and owners of companies to quickly and effectively resolve issues. 

The good news is the method works in individual scale the same way as it workd for companies.

We live in so interesting time that technologies allows us to extend our feelings and knowledge. We can use images to take information from it. We can meditate (i.e. to switch on our subconsciousness computer) to gain more results in our quick decisions times.

That`s why I made investigation and consultation in every of my painting to reflect a business correctly.

So the result painting, being a piece of art, also play a role of carriers of information for business as well as personal life being a useful tool.

Investigating every subject I made my notes about it in order to enrich science, practice and arts with new direction, the base for practical thinking. It takes time, of course, and needs all of my professional skills.

Sometimes I delay a painting process to search for additional skills. For example, I`ve finished The Age of sustainable development course to understand how things goe on in planetary scale and what we, human beings, are going to do with our life. Now I want ome additional knowledge and take Neurobiology course. All of it additionally comes into an art project with practical recommendation how to use information encoded in a piece of arts. This is new direction in arts in general so I am the first in it. I plan to develop it into a world trend and prepared everything for it, to maintain such business process.

Now I am working with the Adizes Corporate Lifecycle, reread the book with marks and notes, with direct consultation by dr.Ichak Adizes.

I hope the result will be presented soon.

Thinking Globally, keeping Sustainability
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 May 2014 at 01:19 PM No comments

Today I am thinking about my global project concerns Millenium development Goals by UN and Sustainable Development goals. Touching energy of future such way it is so important to feel sustainability in all details. For me one of the most usual sustainable processes is tea ceremony. I have several sets for it and create new occasionally. Today I use my new tea set in jade green colors.

Small pleasures of tea cerelomy with appropriate tea brings me calm when I am trembling with the winds of ideas floating around. I use Milk Oolong because it`s milk fragrance made me peaceful and transparent.

Today we have cold rainy weeather, with wind, and my home is cold too… I would like to sleep all the day if I could.

But ideas knock into reality through  structures I can maintain by my traning in natural science. It made me more tension so it doesn`t allow to make smooth creation process.

I use my tea ceremony to overcome it.

This is Buddhist`s sculpture in Indonesian style which prey to my tea in jade-like cup.

On the second tea set you can see Sarasvati - Hindu goddess of Knowledge and education which is very close to me because of my professional field.

I love the essense of Hindu philosophy: many particular aspects gathers in one cluster which represents by many hands of Hundu`s gods. For example Sarasvati represents education so she carries all tools for classical education in her hands.

The beautiful statue, full of harmony. And I add the match tea cup to thet tea set.

The tea cup is from China, I bought it in my 3-d Shanghai trip. The technigue to finish the ceramics of the tea cup is very unusual. It reminds me old stones in Buddhists temples of China and Japan.

So, now I`ve finished my tea ceremony, finished some project planing and mind mapping, also some presentational pictures. Should I go to running in rain?

I guess I should force myself for it. Let`s see will I successful in it of I allow my laziness to win in such small things while big things has already done?


The Global Soup: Sustainable and Social Inclusive
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 May 2014 at 08:00 AM No comments

Sometimes the best ideas comes occasilnally while we are relaxing. For example Einstein had many ideas in shower. Small things frequently  turn to bigger ideas so I have my own sustainable practice to follow the life flow in order to see what`s new it brings. Several days I was thinking about global project with social inclusive and so it came smile .

When I`d finished several important things such as SD exam so had my quality time to relax discussing ideas with friends from all over the globe. My Fb friend from India had mentioned his wish…and the project started.

Anna: Do you know how to cook, Larry?

Larry Cooper: my mother taught me…yes…but I want to cook borscht!! I will try to cook borscht someday. With beetroot, cabbage, carrot and dill, beans and potatoes!

Anna: Borscht ? The red russian soup?

Larry: Yes, yes!

Anna: Wow! WOW!!!

I was wondering! My friend from India interested to cook Russian (Ukranian) dish calls "borsch" which my Grandma, Riva Chudnovsky, cooked so frequently! My god, I remembered how my grand ma did it, how my mom do it, I remembered even I am hungry and I haven`t eaten the borsch for ages!

Larry: it’s just the right time to have borscht now!!

Anna: i`ll run and check my fridge! seems some ingredients are available!

 I asked Larry to wait for 5 min, run to my refregerator and checked products. It was a miracle the beetroots was here, ready to use! Because beetroots is the most important thing to borsch, and a rare bird in my fridge. I was enlightened with the idea to cook borsch immedeately, using Instagram and Facebook to share images online!

On the first picture (above) you can see the beetroot and carrot, ready to be cleaned, and the pan with water and other products from the fridge. I`d published it and people started to comment: with cauliflower and Brussels sprouts it is not the RIGHT TRUE borsch, because it needs cabbage. But I had no cabbage at the moment! I was very lucky to have beetroot and one carrot for it! smile

My friend Maria Chudina asked me if the red product in the plate is meat.  She teased me because I am vegetarian so I was forced to make justification it was not meat, it was tomato slices I freezed.

I used the shredder to cut the betroot and carrot into small pieces. While the frozen cauliflower and Brussels sprouts boiled in the pan, I prepared beetroot and carrot to stew.

Here it is!

Put beetroot and carrot in a griddle with warm oil and stew it. Then put some spices and at the the last 5 min put tomatoes.

The most triumphal moment was I shown the image of spices I use.

Anna: beetroot is ready to fry it with some masala.

Larry: Masala ?? you use masala? very indian ...

Anna: kitchen king,  garam and several others

Larry: seriously!! Even we get kitchen king in India. MDH, oh my goodness!!

Yessss!!!! This is Indian masalas - tradition Indian spices. I use it everyday. At that moment new people come to my Facebook to participate the project which became much more global as we expected from the beginning!

Saneet Chakradeo: Try ‘Garam Masala’ instead of Sambar smile

Anna: Hi Saneet , thank you! I will put it! Just check how it`s hot!

I`ve already put Sambar, but I wanted to use the advice and so put Garam masala too. The soup became more global and more Indian because of hot spices inside!


More people from all over the world participated in the one single soup!

Raven Moondancer: Sounds interesting and yummy, Indian/Russian fusion food.

Maria Chudina:

Tatyana Shurtz: What do you mean: we support it from India?

Anna Chudnovsky: Hi Tatyana , it started an hour ago when my FB friend from India told me he wanted to cook Russian borsch. Then I realized I didn`t eat it for ages, so I started to cook immedeately the light vegetarian version of it from food I have in my fridge right now. My Indian friends comment the process so the Borsch becomes international with Indian`s support

Tatyana Shurtz: Oh, I gotcha, THEY support it, ok. Cool idea..))

So spices were put to the stewed beetroots with carrots and tomatoes and stew a little bit more.

It took time to make pictures and run to the laptop to write the experience on Facebook so once it was risk to overcook the soup. I took the beetroot and Co and put it into the pan with boiled green soup ingredients. Everything becomes red which is the main feature of BORSCH, from my point of vegetarian view smile .

In the small jar at the centre top you can see some tomato sauce, it`s without any additional salt etc, just tomato to put it to the pan after stewed beetroot.

 I like some acidic taste so I added several lemon slices into the pan. At the jar on the right you can see laurel leaf to add it in the pan to enrich the soup. My grandma joked, the person who found a laurel leaf in his or her plate will receive a mail so I like it.

At the plate on the left you can see cut green herbs like parsley. It should be added at the end.

My best cook critic, Natalya Vilyaeva: Something to make the angels weep!

Anna Chudnovsky: Angels? It`s so small amount of the soup to invite all of them!  So tasty so hot because of the masalas, I will cry from happiness! 8-)))))

Natalya Heinze:  ??? ????? ? ?????!
Ilona Mikhailenko: ???????????  ???????, ????????? ?? ????! ??? ???????, ??????, ?????????. ??, ????,  ???????!!!))) ????? ??????????? ?????????? ?????????! ? ??????????!

...So the BORSCH was cooked. As unexpected experience: it was great! Many people participated the effort on facebook and Instagram, making comments. Started from India and Russia the soup became much more global than we even expected.

Noha El Sheikh:  Post the recipe so that the globalization reaches Egypt

Nick Horslen: Yummy!! smile
Ari Yahya: Looks good!!! Share me ur recipe!

Cheryl Springer: Global soup! Nice idea Anna Chudnovsky!

Anita Venter: Looks good! you must patent this global recipe wink

Anna Chudnovsky: Anita , I am doing it, all in one post of thet great unexpectable experience! Let`s share it, we definitely are the first in the world!

So what we are meeting in such experience?

We all are here from over the globe to share one personal experience online, just the time it happened. How wonderful is it!

This the Integration process much more powerful and prospective then we can see from the first glance.

I will describe some analysis in the next post, with recipe of course!

Now I would like to express my gratitude!

 Dear friends, thank you to join our unexpected adventure!

We are the first in the world doing it so don`t hesitate to share the post on your Facebook pages to celebrate our union when 5 continents made the one Global Soup!


I mark as my Sustainable development course friends (SD friend), Adizes system friends (Adizes Sys friend), my student I tought management in intstitute (my student), real life and Facebook friends (FB Friend). So you can see, most of us are spreading all over the world but we can meet each others doing things in real time, in real world.

So this is our list:

Larry Cooper, India , who shared with me his wish and so suddenly caused the process (Sus Development friend)

Natalya Vilyaeva, Russia who is my best adviser in cooking (Sus Development friend)

Raven Moondancer , USA (Sus Development friend)

Noha El Sheikh, Egipt  (Sus Development friend)

Cheril Springer, Guyana  (Sus Development friend)

Ari Yahya, Malasia (Sus Development friend)

Anita Venter, South Africa (Sus Development friend)

Ilia Alomia, Ecuador (Sus Development friend)

Saneet Chakradeo, India (Sus Development friend)

Aditi Bhonagiri, India (Sus Development friend)

Emy Eman Tunisia, Tunisia (Sus Development friend)

Nick Horslen, UK (Sus Development friend)

Maria Chudina, Russia (FB Friend)

Miren Olano, France (FB Friend)

Giuseppe DI Palmo II , Italy (Sus Development friend)

Chigeira De la Rosa, Dominican (Sus Development friend)

Natalia Heinze, Germany (FB Friend)

Kasia Krasucka, Europe (Sus Development friend)

Lesego Mosetlheng, Botswana (Sus Development friend)

Liuba Trubitsina-Sukhanova, Russia (my student)

Ilona Mikhailenko, Ukraine (FB Friend)

Tatyana Shurtz , USA (FB Friend)

Sholpan Maralbayeva, Kazakhstan (Adizes Sys friend)

Sílvia Palaia, Brazil (Adizes Sys friend)

Olga Lopatina, Russia (Adizes Sys friend)

Ira Moskvicheva, Israel stud (FB Friend)

Natalya Mozhenkova , Russia (Adizes Sys friend)

Igor Chudnovsky, Australia (FB Friend)

Julia Bartnikiewicz, Poland (FB Friend)

Di Mp, USA (Adizes Sys friend)

Melanie Drury, Australia (Sus Development friend)

Tony Toledo, Philippines  (Sus Development friend)

My special thanks to FreeCat who powered the site with his mighty technogical goetic ritual


I`ve passed Sustainable Development final exam and last quiz! :)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 April 2014 at 08:06 AM No comments

I`ve finished The Age of Sustainable Development course by Jeffrey Sachs  . The chain of changes started when I met Jeffrey Sachs at Gaidar Forum 15 of January 2014, it was the first day of the Forum, Green energy section.  At 21 of January 2014 the course started.

I founded the course  by a chance, having no ideas such course exists. Then I studied it for 14 weeks. 

14 weeks of new experience. I was exciting by the course, so well structured so it made the whole picture. Having my own academical experience, I daresay it is not easy to make the whole picture of so complicated, important subject. Deep involvement by the author, prof.  Sachs, was the best to linkthe knowledge to real processes of our life. So first of all I want to express my deep respect and gratitude to prof.Jeffrey Sachs about that course.

It was several moments when I moaned about quezes,  because such style of education cut my integral vision into small pieces, a painful process sometimes.

One day I`d realized it was helpful so I developed more tolerance to it.

I communicated with many people from the course which becomes my friends.

Several of them became my best friends who shared their experience participating our activities during the course: Natalia Viliaeva from Russia  , Tony Toledo from Philippines Moondancer from USA  , Ilia Alomia from Equador Venter from South Africa   .

I was inspired by my friends who did the education work being persistent and patiend and so with more success. An exellent students! The great lesson for me how to do things in order to make it done in particular way, strict and straight, with full attention, even being busy.

Being a witness how people work with full attention to educational process, I made new atempts to improve my own results.  I studied how to be accurate to small details more (much more) then I used to be before.

Learning Sustainable Development I developed new sustainability within.

Yesterday I passed the final exam. It was the same challenge as I had by quezes to cut my integral vision into pieces and be careful with all of it.

Now I have passed the last 14 quiz. Several new details from it compliment my plans so well so I want to start writing, mind mapping, sketching immideately.

Where is my pens, brushes, my tablet pc for mindmapping?


It was the deep feeling of involvement because many things from the course concerns my life purposes. Many of them represented in the plan I prepared during last 4 years.

I am carrying  the project seems world wide,  concerns many parts of Sustainable development goals in action, with social inclusive, knowledge community, integrated with business and culture life,  changing, challenging.

I observe last 4 month from January to the present moment as one of the most important period in my life. Just 4 month and things becames so clear in natural way, this is a kind of magic I can`t stop wondering.

Now I have to make some yoga trening to adjust myself into more sustainable mind set. A small pause is required.

Then I will start to write mindmaps, draft documents for the project and I hope to go ahead.

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