Digging 2 books for some more info
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 May 2014 at 08:05 PM

Preparing ideas to the project work I founded several books with my to-read mark and decided to check it. I was really surprised with both and this is number-one news of the last three days.


I like the manner they made research. The world becomes more complicated and needs much more interfield, interdisciplinary approachs to be underctanded. When the authors started with questioning, it is the same as to found points to measure voltage. I`ve finished the book and found   myself with the vision of the subject like channels and points for acupuncture. Invisible connections between so different parts of human body seems so similar with connections demonstrated in the book.

The principle how different things could be logically connected and so informative, and the art of right questioning are well proved in the book. Also I was pleased to read about economics in so pleasant style.  Good book. Also easy to read, 2 days.

The second book "SuperFreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes And Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance"

After the firsf book "Freakonomics" the new "SuperFreaconomics" is expectABLE GOOD. I was surprised and intrigues with Annica-Zelda experiment which make light to human behaviour more then several others books. I would like to add it into management course to show how things works.
It would be nice to read more about experiments with monkeys and Intellectual Venture lab, but I guess it`s enough matherials in internet.

So the book is really good, wonderfully easy to read and so short so I would like to read number three book one day.

So, what`s the conclusion? I founded several pros and cons toward current points for sustainable development. Most of them is scientific, but I am far away from making conclusions by popular reading in so complicated subject as Earth science. 

The books give examples of question development which can be useful for complicated processes. I am gratitude for it. Now both books are behind and after a short holiday it should be the next steps of the project work.





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