Adizes Corporate Lifecycle: Energies which Shape our Life
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 May 2014 at 11:01 AM

All of our life we are influenced by natural powers. Invisible, indivertible it penetrate through our bodies as well as it shapes proceses in companies and societies. It make changes bases of natural rules and laws.

Should we deny it? It seems out of sense, the same as to deny gravitation and aging. Should we use it? Yes! As we know such forces we can use for progress the same way sailors of 17 century used power of wind to shape the world as we know it in novadays.

We can use natural energies for our purposes in predictable way. Our intelligence is the power which can use more mighty powers of nature and gains it`s benefits.

What is the base to manage it?


(See the books on Goodreads )

As we have knowledge, we can overcome obstacles and think out of box, we can found new ways to use power of nature in better way. So knowledge should be melted with experience. That`s why detailed descriptions how forces works help us in our practical purposes.

As I am doing my Art project abour how Adizes Corporate Lifecycle represents in energies, I do my additional investigation. This is no way to paint something abstract. I deby that was as uncorrect, lack of knowledge. Being qualified by my double professional skills, both in art and management, I want to explain what exectly relresents a painting, why it`s so and how to use it. Yes, exectly: how to use it.

How to be applied, useful for a purpose, with proved result? This is the matter of the experience. "Every organization grows and develops according to a natural lifecycle, facing predictable problems at each stage along the way. Knowing where your organization is at on the corporate lifecycle can be critical to its success. " "

At each stage of an organization’s development, it is faced with a unique set of challenges. How well or poorly leadership addresses these issues, and makes changes that are necessary for a healthy transition from one stage to the next, determines the ultimate success or failure of that organization."  Adizes methodology is proved for many companies all over the world  Adizes specializes in aiding CEOs, top management teams, boards and owners of companies to quickly and effectively resolve issues. 

The good news is the method works in individual scale the same way as it workd for companies.

We live in so interesting time that technologies allows us to extend our feelings and knowledge. We can use images to take information from it. We can meditate (i.e. to switch on our subconsciousness computer) to gain more results in our quick decisions times.

That`s why I made investigation and consultation in every of my painting to reflect a business correctly.

So the result painting, being a piece of art, also play a role of carriers of information for business as well as personal life being a useful tool.

Investigating every subject I made my notes about it in order to enrich science, practice and arts with new direction, the base for practical thinking. It takes time, of course, and needs all of my professional skills.

Sometimes I delay a painting process to search for additional skills. For example, I`ve finished The Age of sustainable development course to understand how things goe on in planetary scale and what we, human beings, are going to do with our life. Now I want ome additional knowledge and take Neurobiology course. All of it additionally comes into an art project with practical recommendation how to use information encoded in a piece of arts. This is new direction in arts in general so I am the first in it. I plan to develop it into a world trend and prepared everything for it, to maintain such business process.

Now I am working with the Adizes Corporate Lifecycle, reread the book with marks and notes, with direct consultation by dr.Ichak Adizes.

I hope the result will be presented soon.





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