The sea for today
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 July 2011 at 08:20 AM Comments(1)

I am lazy, extremely lazy that summer. Even if I do paintings I am lazy to make posts or downloat the pictures so feel a bit guilty about it. This is my happy life on Corfu so this is clear: to be involve in art and to growth as an artist you have to be unhappy, better suffering or in pain… because in happiness people became relaxible. So I am relaxable here smile

I am on Corfu now
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 July 2011 at 09:52 PM No comments

This is the time to be happy and involve in natural sea life. I am swimming, sleeping on my favourite stones in the sea, listening sounds of nature, doing yoga before the sunrise. I am happy to see the green-geen sea, to make sketches, to feel how rocks growth.

It`s successfully finished! Thanks god!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 June 2011 at 09:26 AM Comments(2)

Well, yesterday semester has finishes, all students successfully presented the graduation works to the Cometee. All of mine has exellent results, I am glad. About 20 students of mine has finished the secon hight education. Most of them are interesting people with strong personality so I am sure we`ll keep in touch and make connections on Facebook. It`s great smile
Nevetherless I am deadly tired and a little bit catch a cold and want to sleep more then a week. But suddenly I realized myself awaked in early morning ready to act and both desired to sleep. It`s many things I want to do today, also many things I have to do so it seemes no time for sliping, well, so I am sitting and typing, dreaming about my pillow and planing new paintings, with temperature and headacke, with curiosity to several new neuroscience books, oh my god.

Deadly tired
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 June 2011 at 08:04 AM Comments(2)

This is one of the hardest period of the semester. Except several works, graduation works are not good enought for presentation. Presentations are not good enough too.
I am deadly tired to communicate with the students and to explane simple things more and more… To control them, to find how they are tricking and check it next time. It seems more easy to do all 35 works by myself! Sure I don`t. I have to teach. How it`s hard.
The power I lost for that month is enough to paint 25 arts and to write several books.
I am tired to be a professor and thinking to finish it. I want to the sea, to Corfu, to lay on my stone…

My Zen-place, 21-th floor
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 May 2011 at 02:40 PM Comments(10)

Recently I realized that every place of my home connects with my projects. It means no empty place to found a rest, peace and it`s effective but not very good. Many painting things, science books and DVDs, yoga accessories, clothes, unclose cases take place around so where is a place for myself? Something must be empty to accept a new possibility in a mind, also to recover.   An I create it at my balcony. The main idea is to make a plece full of energy, with the best Feng Shui and I want it to be very simple. Actually I want to make a special place to meditations and pranayama. I made the condition to use only matherials I have and buy no new things.

The best news was the orientation of my balcony from East to West directly which is great thing for morning and everning meditations and exercises. East means Sunrise, Green color, Spring and China; and I designed it with China painting and green silk. Beadrolls I use for Pranayama and meditations so it`s includes into the design.

West means Sunset, Orange colour and India. I decorated it with orange silk, wood figures and pillows.

This is the best of my ideas about design because suddenly I realized how it`s great to sit on my Zen-balcony, 21-th floor, tonight, with candles and music…

... and to drink tea here…

Tea change it`s taste in such atmosphere, and my tea-pot remains warm on the candle… I could feel every sound, every movement of air, and the fine taste, and beauty of my tea cups, and every time fire dances with shadows.

So peaceful place it is, so useful for yoga practice, so simple to rest me, so high over bustle and so close to my everyday life. I am happy.

And I ask myself why I didn`t design it before?..

Surf artist`s feelings from a witness inside
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 May 2011 at 03:37 PM Comments(4)

The way of art is misterious stream from infinity possibilities into facts. This is no words, no doubts, and no interrupts. Even if an artist stops the process don`t, it is breathing, moving… borning.

*more pictures below…

I feel the seed idea itself, but this is no words to describe it. From one source it flows, it contains colors, movement and sound one time; and this is no differencies between it. We have no true words to describe it in common language, because it needs a special words and language such as Sanscrit. And even in Sanscrit this is no 100% congruence between a word and a heart of idea itself. Light, sound, color and movement exists without a time, without a reason as waves of an ocean. It go on and go on. And then it breaks into small ideas as waves breaks on underwater stones. And it covers me the same way ocean waters covers seashore.

And then I transmit it into different objects. You can see several here:

 Feeling it I can understand many things the same tims, this is my base all time I work. As it floats sometimes I can`t breath and must stop breathing to feel and transmit it better, even to control my body and mind. But this is the moments of soul breathing as I jumpe from a stone into green clear waters of corfian sea… And next moment I can breath and paint, and then the cycle repeats.

That thing made VanGogh and many painters crazy. They was poor guys… and they drowned. In contradistinction from them I use Yoga, Pranayama and logical discipline to keep my mind healthy and live human life… and feel the Universal Source, and then paint. Trying to fix such fine quality, the identity of movement, colors, sounds and light, I invented my style and my new technigue.

After several hours, sometimes 10-16, I can stop and see the result.

#6 2011 Gallery: “Loss of Control”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 May 2011 at 07:53 PM Comments(4)

Here it is my #6 from 2011 Gallery. The picture represents the moment between attempts to make total control and the moment of crash it down.

*big picture below

Have you ever imagine what could feel a computer 1 nano-second after you shut it down? What is the state between loss of support and falling?

Usually it means such moments seemes too short to catch it. But may be inside exists another feeling of time. A vertical time… You could live a long life of happiness or suffer only between two bounds. Why the moment between two states, attempts and losses process, could`n be longer?

The process of lossand wastage mixes with agressive dinamics of avulsion, estrangement  cames together with distruction… May be this is the way of phisical death. May be this is the time to loss chains and be free…

May be this is both things and millions more, more and more in one nano-second before a salute disappeared.

Anna`s Studio
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 May 2011 at 09:15 AM Comments(6)

A working place is so intimate for every professional. As you see it you can imagine how a professional work, his\her style of thinking. Also you can guess what character he\she has and many others things. Well, if you could see my home it`s obvious that every place I use for different work. For example one room is deducated for books and oil\acrilic paintings. Why?..

May be because of light or big table, or the reason is atmosphere of a library, or may be this is the most comfortable place for my easel. Also the true is this room I visit more rare then another, it stands away from another places of my home. May be this is the reason I do oils so rare? Who knows! smile

Sweet weather; lazy girl
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 April 2011 at 10:48 AM Comments(1)

Oh my god, I am happy to live till the weather turns sweet! It was the worst winter I`ve remember which made me depressive, weak and sad. I am a sun-person, a sea-person, I love sunshine and deep blue sky and clouds… I love night too with dark sky shimmers with stars… I physically reject cold and darkness as it was in winter… So when the weather becames +20 degrees with sun and new grass starts, I desire only to enjoy it, to drink light, to absorb it by all of my cells.
It seemes I become lazy, make less posts. Sorry, this is true; I barely sit on the computer to contact with my students. How boring virtual life seemes as I see the clouds and sky! I desire to be wear in sky and sea, not in words!
Nevetheless life never stops, duty never disappeares. I started several new paintings and practice more yoga and pranayama, read several books. Nevetheless the work is the first.

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