Snow in Moscow next time!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 19 April 2011 at 04:54 PM Comments(1)

The weather that year is more then strange and today we`ve got snow. Oh my god! Why it`s not a volcano or meteorite???

The strongest wind blows near horizontal direction and snow flakes flyes thick and fast.  Sharp ice pricks skin, the wind  penetrates into people`s clothes and even dogs aren`t happy to have an everning walk.

As I see it from my 21 floor I am happy to be in safe and have no business outside.

#5 2011 Gallery: “Total Control”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 April 2011 at 08:15 AM Comments(1)

Total Control is one of the greatest illusions among human`s mastakes. A wife wants to control a husband, a husband wants to control a wife, they both wantd to control children…

  *big picture below

...Governments  desires to make total control to citizens, and business marketing also wants to control wishes and behavior of customers. Scientists claimes an absolute safe and secure and total control under the power such as nuclear. Everyone who try to make total control face the inconclusive problem of loss resources for control management and also loss of own understanding the whole situation.

Total control is the task ruins common law and secure by itself, pretends to make an image of absolute success in everything and loss it immideately. Life much more wise and has more ways to stream. So if somebidy claims he\she gained total control look deeper and you could found stressful, nervous, bad managed processes and unhappy life.

#3-4 2011 Gallery: diptych “Couples”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 March 2011 at 08:48 AM Comments(1)

Well, I`ve realized I made no post since 9 of March because of business, tideness etc. How great it would be to lazy one time! But "drop such dreams and work!" - said my subconsciousness and i have to do so smile.  I would like to present your my 2 next paintings. 

  *big pictures below

 This is a diptich I named "Couples". It represents the modern state of feelings, energetic balance and social realization of  human sexes. As lond as anscient legends exists it represents ideas of partnership, equality and  irreplaceable of each contribution in life itself. A harmony between woman and man is our best expectation, both cultural and bioenergetic. But in the real human history that balance was broken. Although woman energetic deposit (biological, mental, cultural) in human cilization was great the social position was low. But we can`t change natural balance without a payment, so collective unconscious got perverted programs determined behavior of millions people. Today this is the great time to expose such perversions, to help people to understand the losses it made and help to correct it. This is the hard and essential work for a person - and also for mankind itself.
In my paintings I mirror the modern situation of energetic balance between sexes. Female overcomes the old regressive social and psychological programs and gains new confines in everything, but this is the struggle,  intensions and efforts. 

Man try to do the same but historically previous programs brought him social advantages the same way as slavocracy brought the best choice for owner for account of slaves. Everyone knows how hard is it to drop bad habits such as smoking etc. It needs to understand disadvantages of slavery to avoid it is privat life. And of course the best people of both sexes reject the idea of slavery itself.

I deducate that painting for the great movement of modern dayes - the movement to growth personality, to develop and keep the deep balance of life.

#2 2011 Gallery: “The End of Waiting”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 March 2011 at 09:35 AM Comments(1)

My painting #2 2011 Gallery is "The End of Waiting". It means the moment situation has started to move want you or not,  and a process is happening independently.

***The big picture below

Everyone knows how intolerably a waiting can be. Sometimes it seems as somebody screw yours arm, sometimes waiting means a gap between future and past and you can feel lose of now. However when we suffered from inability to change situation something behind our understanding growth, maturates, fills out of  preparedness. And then it will be the start.

Analogously a baby need 9 months to be ready to be born healthy. This is nine long-long months of waiting for parents and billions seconds of  cells transformation for baby, with natural rhitm and pulse, day by day, and then it will be ready for birth and normally the process will start. Nobody could interrupt it, nobody wants to stop it despite of fear and pain. This is the End of Waiting - the moment internal and external processes becomes resonance and it starts.

From finished past to unknown,  frightens, attractive brilliant future

                                      From narrow space to infinity

                                                                       in the right time

                                                                              End of Waiting becomes

                                                                                                       For everyone

Wow, I`ve a Twins next time! :)
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 March 2011 at 10:51 AM Comments(1)

Well, it was Ekadashi fiest yesterday and I have started new diptych - 2 paintings together one time. So I should be congratulated with the second twins that 2011 year! smile

N1 2011: “The Rising: Plato”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 22 February 2011 at 06:26 PM Comments(2)

The first work I would like to present is painting in my technigue named "The Rising: Plato". That painting is the one of serial about The Rising - a hero of novadayes.  There is the idea how we growth and how that process happens.

This is easy to devolve down, to degradate, but it is more complicated even to keep the same position. If we desire to develop a new idea or project or ourselves we have to growth over yesterday customs, relationships and tiredness.  We need to overcome  circumstances and rubs, and such actions symbolically equal  to raising.  That painting represents the moment we have finished the vertical part of the way and are close to have a rest. Think about it…  When we have seen the plato our tiredeness growth and we desire to relax exectly that moment. But we stiil on the edge of the vertical part, still in dangerous,  still close to impedimental and prohibitory forces from inside and outside.  Being so assailable we need help d balance ... and if we are wakeful we could feel care, attention and soft support from somewhere not far away.

This is not easy to keep the feel of care among chaos and everyday informational stream. As we keep the feeling of care in our last intention, the power safe us from inaccuracy faults. This is the main idea of that painting "The Rising: Plato"

See also  - my graphics with the same chapter. 

Six paintings has finished!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 February 2011 at 08:46 PM Comments(3)

Well, I am glad to say that my new 2011 art gallery has opened with 6 pantings. Oh my god, how tired my back! But I did it! Here it is the list of it and next day I will show each with it`s description. 1- "The End of Waiting" ; 2- "The Rising: Plato"


3,4- Diptych "The Couples"


5,6- "Total Control" and  "Loss of Control"


The Life Codes
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 February 2011 at 04:42 PM Comments(1)

Scientists and soul investigators both spent hundreds years to investigate what is the things determines our life. It it DNA? Or strings of our spirit? Psychical structures and complexes? What is a structure behind-beyond visible surface of life? I spent more then 20 years trying to learn their positions and to make own investigations.

There are several natural laws for nature and it`s analogue for our life line, development of character and spiritual growth. The laws of quantum machanics stands behind sacred life of matheria, the principle of universal gravitation covers our movement on the surface of our Earth, and the Law of life-cycle manage a huge amount of processes, from human life to an  product or an organizational processes. 

Similarity of such laws allows to predict situations and it`s movement, to feel how the world  and our life moves. I feel it and can calculate so it was important to reate a base and to fix the idea in painting. I designed the appropriate style "PowerLines" especially for such purposes lond ago so use it  in paintings; exactly it suitable for Active Base 8-10.0 Inpainting as I call it.  Well, now I must to continue my painting until the colours are wet.

To Rub with a God`s Dreams
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 February 2011 at 12:31 PM Comments(1)

As long as I feel energis in colours I fell myself inside God`s dreams about billions worls going round in space, swimmimg in space rayes, dancing in solar wind.  Splashing or energy as a divine thoughts produces all oscillations, bearth of worlds, death of creatures, transformes one mental matheria into another.

I could compare it with such feelings people   feel keenly on a big  flip-flap but of course such example doesn`t cover all things. Just imagine what could you feel as your mind, soul and feelings have expansion includes many far and different things one time, as your brain  starts to light with more possibilities your have in everyday life. Some people fell it as orgasm, yes it seems like that… but as you limit orgaistic feelings with body only this is not the same.

Splash of colours and light, zero-gravity and freedom, eternity and timeless - but also time is compressed; millions years and things in one moment, this is it. Process never stops with all metamorphosis, and what do you feel as you have possibility to see it in general and in all details synchronously, as a part of you is the witness, and a part is a creator, another part is a treveller?

Such things is more then every human could relive. I have to make meditation and to do yoga and also to make a balance between left and right part of my brain to keep such state but not to be totally involved in it.

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