New Graphics: “The Rising-II”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 October 2010 at 11:01 PM

I`ve finished the next picture in seria of graphics work named "The Rising".

That seria represents the way we growth our personality and soul - by ourselves or as circumstances dictate. Even if it is hard (usially it is!) there is several points to have a rest. After mountings it will be a plateau. We fill it as not a paradise and not a final point, but something misty, unclear and afflictable… but also standing. After a hard ascent without any point for rest a plateau feels different.

One of the hardest moments is the time you top the border from flank to plateau.  That time eveyone feels exhausted and all feelings and intellection are unclear. Thet time seems as the last night hour before  sunrise, and sometimes we feels hopelessness. It`s the effects of  transformation inside so… We have to make an effort to feel the power helps us.

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