Sustainable Project: How to create
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 April 2014 at 05:28 AM No comments

Sustainability is our future as we all want to have a future. That`s why we should pay attention about it while we are creating a project with a good potential. Today so many things comes and disappears in short time, our time itself is so fast so it needs to make right start for the development. I am doing it now.

What is a sustainable base to any project? Of course, resourses available, includes own skills and time. For sure, a sustainable project needs courage, enthusiasm and knowledge. Some risks should be put under insurance.

The question is: what can be the core to drive everything faster? How to guarantee the project work in different circumstances?

Many things changes, or can change, for sure will change, so how to impart a project with flexibility under control?

The base thing nesessary for such work is a concept.

Our bodies need skeleton with specific features, possibilities of stretching and firm support. The same way a sustainable project needs a concept. Concept is the bones, chords, joints and so flexible structure which make a project alive and normally growth. Flexible and firm, it allows us to react quickly, to be proactive in many situations, to catch a chance and prevent from overuseing a situation to cause the danger of premature aging.

Not an easy thing!


So sustainability needs a concept bases on knowledge, analysis, experience and skills.

Also it needs to be creative to provide something new to the world in order to make it better place.

That`s the reason I delay my painting until the concept will be finished.

The main concept has finished. Surrounding concepts (middle and smaller "bones") are half-finished which is enough to start.

I will write more later, now I have to make post, do my yoga and go on, go on, go on!



Sustainable Development: Knowledge Management
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 April 2014 at 08:22 AM No comments

We live in informational era. This is the blessing, this is the curse because of too many facts, fictions, opinions, declarations, claims, adverts etc are floating around, knocking into our mind. So the most important thing is to divide right from wrong, constructive from destructive.

This is the way of sustainable development: to create new system of knowledge, flexible enough to use information in creative way, protected enough to be safe from destructive forces. So the first task is to gain it is to organize all information in new clusters, new neuro network, suitable to use it in time.

This is ther eason I pay so much attention to organize datas. This is nothing interesting just to read a book in order to spend unexpectable free time. I prefer to create something or just to meditate instead. But choosing a sourse of information I strongly chek it structure: is it a golden mine or a kind of one-moment scrap-heap of common facts, useless tomorrow.

Sometimes I see a strange agglomerates of information which takes my attention. it is no clear from the first view what a trreasure of knowledge can be hidden inside. So I start to make a kind of digging and invest my time to it.

That example show how I investigated Mahabharata teaser. In 2 minutes it was incredible density of information which is unusual so I desided to put everything in a kind of conspect. Plans and scenes, one by one… as I knew the original Mahabharata well enough to understand characters and circumstances, I was charmed with such huge density of information.

I started in order just to sketch some features concerns movie directing, then I realized this is a golden mine of information and drew every scene.

It was 96 different scenes in 2 min tieser.

From less then 1 sec to 10 sec each, full of dynamics. I was charmed how  the information of original saga was packed in special effects, camera movements, color of scenes, movements of characters. I founded how they created new message inside the ancient one. It took from me about 2 hours to make the conspect of 2 min introduction movie and I enjoyed every moment of it.

Now several words how to create sustainable informational clusters in own neuro network using the example of my conspect.

At first I had just the strong feeling this is something worth my attention. No ideas why, except I love Mahabharata and the old movie. Sometimes such feeling is the best compas, the same as captain Jack Sparrow had.

Then I started to make a draft conspect to investigate my own intuition. I was ready to make a part and stop in case the feeling comed down. But I founded much more then expected. It was still no clear idea how to use it, but it is not so nesessary in such cases. So I did the full conspect.

At the first page I wrote just the scene, character and camera movement.

Than I founded much more important information and did some notes. Then I founded the colors of scenes changes so it was a kind of information insode. I made notes about it too.

Then I marked the endurance of scenes because I realized it was important too.

The title of the movie appeared here and there, so I marked it too, with the particular place it occupied at the scene.

This example represents typical development of a project. Starting from deep feeling of perspectives, then collect information. then found better way to collect, then make special notes to analyse, and at the final stage it will be clear what shape the future project can  be.

Some words about the process.

Several times I was so tired, near to drop the conspect. But the feeling of importance drove me.

Now I have 4,5 pages conspect consists of 96 scenes with full description. I realized it as the best support to my future activities with movies.

At the end I made all conspect together and signed it t make sure I didn`t forget the exectly date and several small things around it. So it repreents a kind of self discipline towards drafts, sketches and others work information. This is really good to construct new activities using previous works easy and quick. So I made notes by hand for all progect although I have several laptops and planshets around.

The conclusion: as we want to construct sustainable development, all nesessity information should be organized the same sustainable way.

Thank you for your kind attention, I hope this example can be helpful for you.

Now I am going to paint Adizes Corporate Lifecycle: Energies dance.


Preparation make at least 30% success: is it right or wrong?
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 April 2014 at 07:11 AM No comments

Sometimes I feel furious about delay and want to grab my brushes and start to paint whatever it will be. I want it right now. It is good for new unknown things, for investigations, such a free fly through possibilities. However some projects need to be well prepared in order to make optimisation and clear understanding rather then just an impulse.

I force myself to make several conspects step-by-step descriptions about film directinf. I can`t clear explain why I need it. Because obviously I am not Holliwood and can`t make somethink like Avatar although my imagination force me for it.

Why I don`t start just to do a film with all matherials I already have? Why I don`t try to make something simple and sufficient?

May be because I want to be sure what more I can do. Not something from yesterday but from tomorrow.

I would like to investigate new things in one or more leel above my today possibilities. That`s why I am still on planing of my films, still polishing projects, learnig more, changing concepts.

Sometimes it needs more tricky ideas to overcome natural limitations, such as I have no movie about many previous paintings, only photos. As I don`t want the film boring, it should be think and rethink about possibilities. So I make many preparations trying to catch a liece of general idea here and there.

It seems, in usual things people know professionally this is no needs in long preparations. Having an impulse to create something I need just my tools, not more. Hoever in more lage, long term projects information comes by pieces so long preparation allows it to make better clusters in the brain neuronetwork.

That thoughts made me more tolerant with the delay so I have to analise how films are directed step by step.

Great Movie Language: to move projects, to move life
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 April 2014 at 07:09 AM No comments

In my project work I want to do something special. It needs different skills and thinking styles. So today I start to learn the movie language in new Indian saga "Mahabharata". I love the old saga (60 serias) and it seemed so hard to surpass it. However I found the new one exellent done and feel happy about it. Congratulations to the creators of new "Mahabharat"!

The reason why I am investigating the Title song is to feel deeply the idea of the film director who create new vision of ancient saga. Different life lines, different characters, different passions in one great struggle - all of it I want to know in details for my  projects (especially to "CyberWar, Section I" ) and also for the next activities.

During my previous film directing education I had no such brilliant example to study the cinema language so I feel myself very happy ane exciting to do it now. The movements of energy and absolutely correct story telling together made me pay attention to every single frame. I wished to have more time for it! 8-)

Well, back to the plan.

Today I have to finish my study of the Title song video, take several lectures of Irrational Behaviour course, pass several quizes in Sustainable Development course and force myself to go for a walk. The time to make writing is over, I have to post and go on, go on, go on.

Organizing the future
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 April 2014 at 03:47 AM No comments

So many things are waiting, so much I want to do. Last year I was working hard under 2 big progects "Cyber War, Section I" and "Adizes Corporate Lifecycle" and everything was clear. That year I want to base everything for United Nations Millenium Development Goals.

It`s not so easy because of many things I have to put into one concept. Like a MIndMap allows to change directions keeping the whole purposes, my today activity aimes to make the strong base to 50years future. May be even more… so it needs to be well organized.

After my boiling activities of the beginnning of the week I this is the time to be more quiet and gather my energy. I have to organize my work place well, to get another things out, to prepare everything for the project work in right places. Also to make some aesthetics in my surrounding. So this s the end of the week and quiet small movements, slow, careful shell over the huge energy waiting to the right moment penetrate from tomorrow to today.

A Grain of Sand: making Unity
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 April 2014 at 07:53 AM Comments(1)

This is the pure mistery how a process comes to the reality from unvisible world.

IN many ways to start, the right one is to make feelings so fine and the mind so silent and sharp just to be a witness how the smallest grain of isea`s sand drops into right media to became a pearl in future.

Sometimes I feel how something happens but have no ideas to what exectly it links. Unable to put things into one unity, in right sequence I feel myself burdened with many pieces. Just to survive I make drawings which can show me some hidden additional info. Then I try to combine it with events, circumstances, ideas, projects, time lines, people…

Several different events seems so different so I can`t count for what part of a puzzle it can be applyed. How and when all pieces comes together?

Sometimes a smallest grain make it possible.

Today it happened when I roamed here and there trying to catch the moment of truth and suddenly broke my middle lamp for painting.


No middle lamp any more.

This is the second time I do it with the same lamp and the same circumstances. And this is the second time it becomes the grain of sand.

Revising my project books yesterday I realized about 17 projects ready to be implemented, made in details, but with no right sequence. So it was delayed.

Today, exectly 30 min ago, I realized what to do and how the right sequence should be. Not should… how it must be to give "healthy birth" (the term by Dr.Ichak Adizes   whith whom I work now to visualize ideas into art objects with educational potential) to whole entity I carry.

That vision worth all waiting I suffered from. All small pieces comes together that way.

From the small grain of base concept, through our Coursera course "The Age of Sustainable Development" by Jeffrey Sachs , the course I will have my final exam next week…

All terms and subjects appears as a perls beaded on one string. So beautiful it is.

So rare that exciting feelings when the whole entity  blossoms into lotus of real projects, each petal is a new project which are united in one steam stretching to heaven.

I keep that feeling strong. Now, having it, I realized what my several days drawing means.

So, I see the whole post looks as a kind of puzzle. I made it to celebrate that significant moment, in which uncertain potential drops into future reality. Waiting produce fruits.

My deep gratitude to my friends who accompany me in all of my search.

My special thanks to Natalia Viliaeva , FreeCat the Hidden , Maria Chudina  ,my best offline friends,

and my online friends from many countries all over the world:

Tony Toledo from Philippines , Raven Moondancer from USA , Ilia Alomia from Equador , Anita Venter from South Africa .

I will specify everything and everyone later, in the best moment for each.

For now it is the moment to pay my respect to human spirit who make union possible.

Thank you friends, I am going to work.

The first painting: movie in process
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 April 2014 at 05:41 AM No comments

Hello everybody, as it was planned I shoot all things I paint in order to make a film. Oh my god, how it is hard! I feel less freedom because I have to think about degree of camera, about hands in  the frame etc the same time as I paint. Sometimes I berely drop the camera onto the wet painting!

So my new gorillapod helps me a lot with different angles and positions. Two times I had fun to place the camera with gorillapod on my shoulders and on my head. Lol! It was funny! Hopes I will make the film soon! Next post it will be the description of the fcompleted painting about the 0-1 points in Adizes corporate LifeCycle.

Waiting the moment when lady-bugs will growth to fly
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 April 2014 at 05:11 PM No comments

People have own preferencies about what moments feel easy, full of energy, and what moments are hard to live. The most complicated thing for me is to wait. I am waiting now.

The 3-stage Sustainable Development project delayed, so I have to sit and observe how people will behave to check how to arrange future project better way. It is not easy, because I must put half-ready project vision beck to deep subconsciousness in order not to be burdened by it. So the project is put deep down. I am waiting, having my time to change several things for future life. For example I feel this is the moment to construct new paradigm for normal living for the next periog, about 5 years. The same way I become vegetarian and yogin 8 years ago. Time to change the whole system for the next to prepare restruction carefully in sustainable ecological way.

I am living normal life, no mind mapping, easy.  I am not exciting about such style, but this is the nesessity of time as I can see it.

When lady-bugs will fly, I will know what to do.

Full picture vs “The Fool Day”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 April 2014 at 07:59 AM No comments

Today is 1 of April and I really afraid of that day. Sometimes I want to lock my door and don`t allow any information bother me, but suddenly I realise an interesting thing: the lie works if a picture shows just a part of something, or if people don`t compare different parts with each others. For example I`ve just received one 1-April joke:

How to determine is it real or not?

That picture is wide so you can see how several details don`t fit each others: the front foots are much more heavy and mighty in compare with  the back foots and that one thing proovs the picture is Photoshoped. Real animal can`t be so poor designed and never growth to an adult being so rickety.

Let`s try to reveal how a false picture could work. 

A piece of a picture turns neuronetwork to make an automatic process, a mechanical work in order to make picture more complete in a particular life context.

That process works normally as a part of everyday human life, to put prepared information in deep subconsciousness and to integrate it with other information in it.

People who made "jokes" (unfortunately not so funny and innocence), construct a piece of information with sharp datas, soliciting emotions of an audience. A hint here, a description there, then unexpectable information in strange manner.

So the process to make people involved by emotions, opinions, try to reveal is it true or not, try to compare the new information with previous expectations and knowledge, also expectations to know something secret today… everything turns neuronetwork to work in the context.

The more focus people have to new piece of information, the more they becomes involved.


Because it is not so easy for many people to be focused on something. Focus depends on many reasons with less personal control so it becomes easily manipulated.

"The fool day" is just an allistration how it comes in normal life.

When somebody want to manipulate by lie, he or she make a kind of emotional tension and show just a part of a picture with just several details to attract one single glance.

So the process will starts mechanically and people became involved besides of own will.

Manipulations in many kinds focuses on that method. People easily make "forced choice", sometimes just for fun, then vote just for fun, then the real neuronetwork starts to work, so we have the exectly life we have.

I don`t like the way how it comes.

So I prefer to check such special constructed tesion and to keep the wide picture strong to avoid artificially prepared forced choices.


To sum up, observing the wider picture and how details fits each others you can understand is it right or false.

Now you can wonder why I am posting the analysis with such a pictures.

Actually I forgot today is 1 of April and made post how I have started with my media keyboard.  Then I received the picture with half-tiger and realized, I should pay some attention about the "Fool Day" otherwise everything will be taken as a joke.

So, hello 1st of April, I made my contribution, and let normal life goes on.


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