Sustainable Project: How to create
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 April 2014 at 05:28 AM No comments

Sustainability is our future as we all want to have a future. That`s why we should pay attention about it while we are creating a project with a good potential. Today so many things comes and disappears in short time, our time itself is so fast so it needs to make right start for the development. I am doing it now.

What is a sustainable base to any project? Of course, resourses available,

Sustainable Development: Knowledge Management
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 April 2014 at 08:22 AM No comments

We live in informational era. This is the blessing, this is the curse because of too many facts, fictions, opinions, declarations, claims, adverts etc are floating around, knocking into our mind. So the most important thing is to divide right from wrong, constructive from destructive.

This is the way of sustainable development: to create new system of knowledge, flexible enough to use

Preparation make at least 30% success: is it right or wrong?
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 16 April 2014 at 07:11 AM No comments

Sometimes I feel furious about delay and want to grab my brushes and start to paint whatever it will be. I want it right now. It is good for new unknown things, for investigations, such a free fly through possibilities. However some projects need to be well prepared in order to make optimisation and clear understanding rather then just an impulse.

I force myself to make several conspects

Great Movie Language: to move projects, to move life
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 April 2014 at 07:09 AM No comments

In my project work I want to do something special. It needs different skills and thinking styles. So today I start to learn the movie language in new Indian saga "Mahabharata". I love the old saga (60 serias) and it seemed so hard to surpass it. However I found the new one exellent done and feel happy about it. Congratulations to the creators of new "Mahabharat"!

The reason why I am

Organizing the future
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 April 2014 at 03:47 AM No comments

So many things are waiting, so much I want to do. Last year I was working hard under 2 big progects "Cyber War, Section I" and "Adizes Corporate Lifecycle" and everything was clear. That year I want to base everything for United Nations Millenium Development Goals.

It`s not so easy because of many things I have to put into one concept. Like a MIndMap allows to change directions keeping the

A Grain of Sand: making Unity
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 08 April 2014 at 07:53 AM Comments(1)

This is the pure mistery how a process comes to the reality from unvisible world.

IN many ways to start, the right one is to make feelings so fine and the mind so silent and sharp just to be a witness how the smallest grain of isea`s sand drops into right media to became a pearl in future.

Sometimes I feel how something happens but have no ideas to what exectly it links. Unable to put things

The first painting: movie in process
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 07 April 2014 at 05:41 AM No comments

Hello everybody, as it was planned I shoot all things I paint in order to make a film. Oh my god, how it is hard! I feel less freedom because I have to think about degree of camera, about hands in  the frame etc the same time as I paint. Sometimes I berely drop the camera onto the wet painting!

So my new gorillapod helps me a lot with different angles and positions. Two times I had fun to

Waiting the moment when lady-bugs will growth to fly
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 03 April 2014 at 05:11 PM No comments

People have own preferencies about what moments feel easy, full of energy, and what moments are hard to live. The most complicated thing for me is to wait. I am waiting now.

The 3-stage Sustainable Development project delayed, so I have to sit and observe how people will behave to check how to arrange future project better way. It is not easy, because I must put half-ready project vision beck

Full picture vs “The Fool Day”
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 01 April 2014 at 07:59 AM No comments

Today is 1 of April and I really afraid of that day. Sometimes I want to lock my door and don`t allow any information bother me, but suddenly I realise an interesting thing: the lie works if a picture shows just a part of something, or if people don`t compare different parts with each others. For example I`ve just received one 1-April joke:

How to determine is it real or not?

That picture is

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