ANNAmain • Date: 04 February 2015 at 11:29 AM
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Dear friends, that morning is remarcale for me because I`ve just finished the second video for upcoming Lunar New Year. Slipless nights, and the final sound design. And everything fits well.
I am happy. I am really happy!

I am very-very happy! Everyone who create a project from many details, from zero, from an ideal idea into real product, everyone can understand what I am feeling right now. This is happiness close to mother`s feelings when a new baby comes eventually. This is the end of waiting, of the long run process of construction, the end of doubts and changes, and adaptations, and some compromisses as well. Now, then an idea became real, with full features as it was designed, it is so great feeling so nothing could compare with it. Really. I am very happy now.
This is the last frames from the classical video dedicates Chinese New Year. I am writing about is with so many details because it is important to enjoy it, to congratulate people with it, but more important to use it and take all benefits to the upcoming Year of Goat. I want you take everything I carefully code in that video. Use it. Be happy, Link to your happiness, drink the positive power to overcome challenge and to keep harmony, to bring your own dreams real. This is important. This is the essense of United Nation`s World Happiness Report I am supporting now. This is the global process to grow from biological laws of competition to the real position of Homo Sapience who should use their potantial to design and gain own future, individually, in families, in groups.

We can have more while we are doing more being synchronized with energy of growth, health, prosperous life, more sexy, more joyful, with more possibilities, with our own place in the world. I want it so for everyone.
So shis is a lot of symbols of health and joy, prosperity and wealth, success and personal growth. This is Happiness, a complex system of our wishes and features.
At the end of the film is is a big gold hierogliph "Happiness" which will be written at the front of your eyes as a great symbol how we are constructing our happiness by our deeds and wills.

The quality of the oriinal video is 720i. so you can see everything. When it will be downloaded ( I will post the link) the public video services provide several different qualities in different sizes to serve your needs.
That first film is made in two languages: Chinese and English, it will be different videos. The English version has an additional text to point out the important moments coded in the symbols.
One word about the sound design. The main theme of the film in popular Chinese New Year song with best wishes and congratulations. It is in Chinese. The treasure of music is, it comes into hearts even if you don`t understand words. This is the best way to get everything from the film. The music itself has slow flow so it is the best to make our brain slowly to catch the natural benefits of positive energy, relaxation, beditation, acceptance, while the video is energizing by colors, symbol and the whole dynamics. This is carefully designed effect. You should be a little bit slowed down to feel the pleasures of life by your deepest subconsciousness to drink it, to absorb it, to use the happines energy as your own.
To make this classical song lively, I made a rich background sound design. So the whole sounds will work to initiate diferent brain rhitms in harmony.

The whole video designed in Classical style, so it makes it suitable to congratulate a wide audience, includes business partners, elders, people who want to feel the positive energy for the upcoming year, especially who practice Feng Shui. Sense of humor is gentle so it plays the same role as spices. The duratiion of the video is 3 min 7 sec.
The news is, yesterday my focuse-group asked me to make the short version of the video for mobile devices, may be several different versions about 40 sec each. So, I am going to make it.
In addition I would like to announce you the second Happy-New-Lunar-Year project, rather different in style. It is more lively and funny, with the same message, designed in modern style, funny, lively, joyful, good for young people and kids and for everyone who want to louth. The duration of the whole video is 1 min 22 sec, and according to the wish of the focuse group I will make some 45 secund versions for mobile devices. Just to introduce it for you now, I will post some screens next time.
Now I am going to finish the projects and the most important task is not to drop asleep right on my working place.
Keep calm and hug a panda, dear friends!
Sincerely, very happy Anna
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