ANNAmain • Date: 11 July 2014 at 08:30 PM
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Information forms our world. Sometimes you can physically feel how it comes in and out, flows around, forms new clasters of data. My UK trip was deducated to the project work with the purpose to open my mind and feelings as wide as it possible to absorb all available information around. What kind of information I sought? It wasn`t determined: as much as it possible.

(See many pictures below)
It was just 7 days for so many tasks. So I allowed my intuition did the job and worked by my feets walking many kilometers per day, and used my eyes to have 360 degrees observation.
It was no consciousness analysis (except one case in Birmingham museum I`ll tell later). In such mind mode information flows in but not out. That`s why I didn`t make posts during my UK visit. The matter of subconsciousness intuitive work needs time to reconstruct information in clasters and conglomerates avaliable for quickly access.
The matter ofintuition is hidden work systematizing so huge amount of information. To proceed that process clear it needs to make a small observation about the trip in general without concrete conclusions. Sometimes it remind me theater of shadows in which we can`t touch figures. This is the reason you see such a strange images in that post.

One of the most important places I visited in Birmingham was Art Museum. Not so big, but full of surprises!

It was a sunny day for it, when the air was so light so archs of the Museum reminded me a building of Elfs.

Once it was a group of children, pupils actually, who took their lesson here. I was very pleased by their attention to the teachers, by discipline and how comfortable they set on the floor.

(I did it too).

I spent about two hours of meditation to the sculpture at the centre of the first hall. It is significant and really treasure from my point of view, so I will tell about it later with detailed pictures and with detailed story. (Actually I force myself not to tell the story in that post.)

The Museum is for free but if you want you can make donation. They will provide you with document to make the donation`s sum out of your taxes.

This is the Museum from outside:

I spent about an hour sitting outside the museum, letting my thoughts and insights flow peacefully inside my mind. The technigue of Empty Mind allows internal programs to do all job while you can sit without any worry having your rest.
At the everning of my last day I saw several door-plates with different texts. Some of it was wise, some funny. Sometimes it was so funny so I louthed aloud and the stuff was looking to me with curiosity. 

Then my 7th day was finished and I was back to Moscow. No time for painting yet, because so many things to do while everything around was in changes and mess.
I spent a week with hard work, making some upgrade to my computers and soft. Freecat the Wise, my old good friend and IT specialist, spent 5 days doing that job, preventing me from crushing mistakes and listening my "Gosh" and "Wow" about new possibilities of my two tablets and two laptops, plus some care to my mobile phone. (He removed the bloodcurdling meoww I used as the ringtone to check my calls so I didn`t hear calls and people missed me. Now I restore the terrible sound of hungry cat and hope to hear calls as easy as usual).).
After it, for today, I have my first free day to check what exectly was done and to make new MindMap with new branches to test several new approaches I designed during UK trip.
So… the time to try the first:

As I had posted, our subconsciousness has several autonomous processes to recombine information for future purposes. It is not good to interrupt or to interfere to that process, but we can gently manage it by several external tools.
One of the tools is visualization.
In short words, when you put your information in an image contains the most important details it turns subconsciousness to work in a kind of dialog with your consciousness. That`s why I permanently make my autobiographic drawings.
So I did it for my UK trip.
As you see, the main subject was Kondratieff waves which started in UK in 1870.

Informatiionally everything is here: the purpose of the trip, conditions, colors code, even my laggage and clothes are correct to the trip.
I`ve used my new method making new kind of reportage with drawings. I love the result!
So I feel myself much easier now, doing that post.
So here it is: my UK trip deducated for the Sustainable development Project, Climat Change Section.

In fact this picture is the introduction for the next several paintings I will do, hopefuly, at the end of August.
Now I feel much better, just want to sleep. I should do it to be refreshed for tomorrow actions .Thank you for your attention, have a nice night, have a nice day!