CyberWar: the Hidden History
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 05 May 2013 at 09:00 PM No comments

My CyberWar project will be presented widely later so I shoudn`t reveal it`s purpose and particular arts. But here it is a mosaic, fragments to show how the process is going on and on, each day.

CyberWar Art project covers two areas of our activity vulnerable to CyberWar - personal and public fields. That`s why I include many human figures represents human senses and desires in both sections. We all needs love, understanding, warm, friendly hugs ans passion. Everything concerns human personality is vulnerabl in Cyber War. So have a glance what is it - things voluable for each of us all times, tomorrow, today and past.

CyberWar Art Project: 19 from 40 made in April
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 May 2013 at 04:14 PM No comments

Today is the right time to make list of tasks to the May. During April I did 19 art objects for CyberWas project, mostly in big size. Actually it`s 17 for Section 1 and 2 for Section 2, so I prefer to reccognize it as a good result.

Also I did i painting to Dr. Ichak Adizes , having my plan to make about 20 painting deducates to his great system of management. I will start it for tomorrow because my imagination don`t allow me to sleep well until I do it at least 2-4 painting. So when Dr.Adizes will be here in Moscow it could be interesting to him to see the System visualized.

Also I did 1 painting deducates to my late grandma, Riva Chudnovsky, I`ll show it next post. I will continue that historical paintings later so it was the moment to point on it, observing her last gift to me - a candle to Shabbat. So it was the painting about Shabbat. So it is 21 painting during April. Really good result shows how productive I can be being concentrating to several concepts simultaneously and having no gaps in the process.

..And I made an additional planing to several subjects will starts just after my CyberWar project so I feel myself satisfied and full of driving force til my holidays smile

It`s a kind of feelings as you prepare to drive a spaceship, being unlimited in speed and space. So grate pleasant feeling to feel my wings flattering to winds, heopes winds of changes. I prepare everything well so now should have a rest, reading old good science-fiction, after new good 3D IronMan-3 film.



AB Painting #6, 2013: The Ideal Manager, by Dr.Adizes theory
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 25 April 2013 at 01:28 PM Comments(1)

Last year I was lucky to learn Dr.Ichak Adizes lidership theory. You can see his well known institute here  . It is not easy to collect all information about management exists to the present moment and then clean it from mass, and summarise the core elements into system.

Dr.Adizes provides leaders with the tools, resources and support to accelerate strategic change and deliver exceptional sustainable results.  Since 1971 Adizes Associates around the world have worked to transform organizations in over 50 countries that range from the Global 100 to start-ups. I learnt the system by his video lectures, being hypnotized by it`s exceptional beauty. The same beauty I learnt in Physics! The same divine beauty of core things, the base of our livings, equal to everything from life cycle of an organization to human life.

I was so excited by it. And now I started to accumulate both knowledge and image into one art.

Dr.Adizes extract 4 base functions of managment: Produce - doing things; Administration - made the order to all processes; Enterpreneur - to found new things and future creation; and the last one - Integration - the art of listening, putting together, making the fabric from many threads. Dr.Adizes told, the Ideal Manager with all 100% functions doesn`t exist, because nobody could perform all full function in one time. Because functions undermined each others.

It was the base I started to see something in my mind. Because an Ideal Manager, Ideal Leader with full code PAEI actually Exists.

...And I started to paint.

Such question - from what source everything comes? How everything works? What a purpose? What is an ideal result? How it comes from an Idea to many things? - I have from my childhood. I dedicated about 20 years investigating sacred books of many religions, practicing mortial arts (now just Yoga) and meditation, concentration and even my physics study based on that questions.

I founded the answer. That `s why when I saw Dr.Adizes`s lectures I felt the fragrant of the Answer in it. It works. The theory was so beautiful and correct by it`s construction, then I fall in love with it.

As you feel once what is it - the great Idea which comes to your heart and mind in it`s basic natural form - you feel it`s lighting. The core lights as a sun and many cases comes just from the Main Reason, Main Law. Adizes`s methodology has is - such lighting.

...Because it describes in one formulas all things around - from human relationships to life of an organization. That`s why on my painting you can see two human figures and also Adizes`s Ideal Structure to an Organization (for a family or personal growth it is the same). You can see the structure here. In bases on Mutual Trust and Respect culture, and Dr.Adizes told the basic elements to construct such Cultura: right people, Right process, Right structure and Common Values and Vision. It seems so simple. But remember - the Hydrogen atom seems also simple, and it forms a huge part of our Universe.

Such a beauty! The same beauty as Maxwell equation in physics. My heart was dancing while I felt it. That`s the voice of truth.

As Human figures and Ideal Organization formula takes plase between palms of the Ideal Manager.

All broken, disstructured things, details without purpose, particular parts of who knows what - such things is on the periphery of the Ideal Manager. It`s a kind of raw matherial to a new universe, or old parts to be recycled. Everything turns into Life Cycle here, and the Ideal Manager manage it.

I was excited painting that Art. I turn on TV to relearn Dr.Adizes`s lectures. And I realized thet all of his system could be put into painting to point people right decision, and to support the process of education with imagination. This it the core things to my mission. That`s why I did the first painting even being hald-sleeping during current CyberWar project.

So this is the result. I showed it to Dr.Ichak Adizes before present it here for you. So he was the first who saw it.

Because I think about him as a kind of co`author, the Narrator of that story, and it will be on the title of that painting. Just realize it. People, politicians, systems, idols, ideas - everything is forgetable in our world. But Art objects with all of it`s attributes has alwayr kept by collectors, museums etc. Once created it starts to live. Forewer!

That`s why I want to use my Art to maintain great Ideas of great people. I want such Ideas spread more and more, and be voluable more by it`s Art representation.

Great people who has great Ideas to mankind, I hope they will be my co-authors, narrators to my painting.

Yes, I have so many ideas by myself. But also I want to support with my power for such ideas which really helps. Better never paint stupid still life paintings, but spent the precious life time to support and make visual such Great Ideas. This is the honor. This is the Target. A do it as the co-author of the Ideal Manager, so the power will growth each time I will finish a project. I see it. And I do it.


This is The Ideal Manager who actually exists. Feel Him or Her. Breath such Energy. Imagine how core formulas turns our world, and how your knowledge allow you to be a co-author of thet great Manager.

The painting is big size 80X100 cm in my unique technigue and it`s lighting from inside.

So beautiful then I love it by myself…

Long happy live! smile

CyberWar Art Project: Next Step is ready
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 April 2013 at 12:19 PM No comments

OK, Now I have 14 AB objects ready to CyberWar Art project, 12 paintings for Section 1 and 2 for Section 2. Also I did 2 additional paintings deducates to another subjects… Multiple choice is the way multiple brai works! smile

Actually I feel a kind of pressure inside when I avoid to gain additional goals while I have a small rest from the general project. Making multiple choice that was means my subconsciousness work together with consciousness, making additional projects done in my mind before I have a time to realize it alive. It was a pain when many years ago I tryed to act as many people do - to do just one thing one time. But our brain has more, much more natural possibilities! As an additional project`s finished in my mind I feel a pause in current work, have a break and then, feeling refreshed, start to do the ready just from subconsciousness new one.

Sometimes I think about how it could be to see how exactly such processes works on MRT or something like that. May be I`ll be offered to take part in science brain investigation, it will be interesting for sure. Because as I feel something is ready I never do detailed sketches, or write a text without corrections. And without noisy thoughts too. Just clear crystal mind and my movement. Just move in divine balance, doesn`t matter whatever it is - painting, drawinf, ink sketches or text writing. No thoughts. Only movement of fingers and hands. Only keep breathing (sometimes I stop breath for 1-2 min). And feel divine equilibrium whet everything goes pretty perfect and just in time.

This divinity I feel in my painting. Nothing desturb me. Nothing could interrupt or make mass. Everything works in the same divine order as gravitation make things drops obeying beautiful natural order, represents by formulas.

How I love it!

Among all things in the worls, just three is always divine perfect: painting, dancing and sea.

CyberWar Art Project: From the Core to Periphery and Back
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 April 2013 at 06:54 AM No comments

Doing such big project I feel myself a kind of total, broadminded, sometimes enlighting by so many things comes together. One flash moment it was several nodes of the project I saw inside. It`s amazing. But how to produce it?..

A work alone so one pair of hands and obviously one head make me an annoying limitation in possibilities. While I`ve just started to make one, I feel several anothers much more better then in the sketches with planing. That`s why I have to organize my mind in the best way human mind could work. Thanks god it is a natural way too so I have no headache after it! smile

Seriously our brain possibilities it much more then we acustom to use. Using just a little bit more I can gain all results I want. It needs to keep mind control, of course, because of the nature of the project. Also health control so I do yoga and try to walk every day. Also a thing I call "project development controle". Because actually I have 3 current projects in my mind and the nature of my way to think is to allow it to manifestate itself any time. That`s why among CyberWar art objects I do anothers. Yesterday it was painting deducated to my late grandma, it needs to be polished and than I`ll publish it.

So many things raises while I am flying, excited by broadmind possibilities! So I can`t avoid to paint it. It seems to make my work harder, because needs time. But actually it makes me feel freedom of choice.

Oh such freedom! I breath it. I love it! I fly and swim in it!

How I am happy being able to express every thing in so different wayes!


CyberWar: The Project Growth
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 April 2013 at 07:19 AM No comments

Today I can claim the fact: my CyberWar Art Project growth healthy and quickly. It contains 2 section deducated to different aspects to CyberWar. Each section includes 20 Art objects (my painting in innovative technigue).

...and one additional section deducated

to my own experience in CyberWar.Today is the middle of the first section, so I can claim 10 art objects is ready to it. Even One new painting for the Section 2 has already done.

And in addition to it I did one big painting inspired by Ichak Adizes system which will be another project in nearest future.  Yes, my holidays is actully the changing of subject to work. That`s why I keep several projects one time, to put everything to my subconsciousness to prepare details while my consciousness works on the current tasks. I invented such mental technique to myself being oversnowed by many things needed to do simultaneously during business. The mental treaning was so good so I spent time to develop it and now could use in different directions, such is my current projects. Hopes everything will growth in calculated time and then I will present you all of it, plus introduction to my mental trening how to do several things in one time. Welcome! smile

CyberWar: Human feelings blows
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 15 April 2013 at 07:57 AM No comments

Although any war have an economy, political or another purposes, it has a projection to human beings. What a war changes? How it influences not only people involved, but a whole generations? Human feelings is the arena to show what`s the result.

The nature of human subconsciousness is so fine then many scientists spend a lot of time trying to investigate how it works. Is is many possibilities to share energy in human society, amongs human beings, and human feelings spreads much more wider then we custom to think. For that we have a kind of strange radio just in our heads. Our neuronetwork formes a message and then by subthreshold stimulus could transmitt our feelings to all persons around. And the process doesn`t stop at that stage. Being accepted by subconsciousness of others, such subthreshold stimulus could be transmitted around second time, and more, and more… Like a underground nuclear shot produces oscillations, the same way human feelings produces waves of current mood as an information. Changes causes and accepts.

This is a part of real war and a part of Cyber War too. Because sitting near own monitors we are typically relaxable, watching texts and pictures, listening music we open our subconsciousness much more because it`s a kind of real trance. Our brain works in such mood having close, intimate connection with all of our internal programs. So if a damage of Cyber War happens it touches us deeply inside. But it`s not so bad. If a damage exists, a cure exists too, the same way. Online therapy could goes the same way. We all was created with both possibilities - to be injured and to be cured by such possibilities of our subconsciousness. So how we could use it? How to decrease post effects and feel more secure? What a safety means in our century of informationak wars, in CyberWars?

CyberWar: Creating Simple-in-Multiplex
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 12 April 2013 at 09:33 PM No comments

The main point of such big project (40 art objects for 2 excibitions) is to make correct mixture of simplisity and multiplexity.  As the message is clear I need to use all possibilities of humand mind to create full picture of the problem and make educational effect during people observe the exibition emotionally.

Knowledge how human brain works helps me to create the true line of paintings, from simple static look to complicated dynamics to make the cultural-educational process growth natural way. Although the CyberWar Art Project will be shown at all later, when I finish everything, I can make you a chance to glance how it growth and what principals covers every details.

From my first physics education I learned how neuronetwork works (it was about 6 equalization described it, but for sure I can`t use it now), so the basic principals will be covered by that project step by step. Also I pay my attention to all details allowed an observer to make each painting work for his or her favour turning mind to think with full support of emotional intelligence. So this is on of my target in thet project - to educate, to protect and to make the massage useful for people, covering one of the most important problems of novadayes.

That time I have to stop typing because it`s deep night and I am still working with my last painting, polishing it, dreaming about good healthy dreams after it!


CyberWar: Make line to the Massage
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 April 2013 at 08:42 AM No comments

That project covers both Art and Social education fields. Although  paintings are separated all of them form the message, clear message to people on exibition. That`s why I thought about CyberWar in total before I did the first painting.

It starts from seemes simple subjects and then transformes it into more global message so I need to keep the plan strong and don`t  input another subjects into the main. However now I have one another project and the first big painting for it nearly finished. Why I did it and so made my job harder? Because more easy to give birth to the art object occupied the place of your mind, then turn it back. So as I did it it was like a relief and also I have one painting extra to diversify the results smile smile smile

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