CyberWar Art Project: From the Core to Periphery and Back
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 April 2013 at 10:54 AM

Doing such big project I feel myself a kind of total, broadminded, sometimes enlighting by so many things comes together. One flash moment it was several nodes of the project I saw inside. It`s amazing. But how to produce it?..

A work alone so one pair of hands and obviously one head make me an annoying limitation in possibilities. While I`ve just started to make one, I feel several anothers much more better then in the sketches with planing. That`s why I have to organize my mind in the best way human mind could work. Thanks god it is a natural way too so I have no headache after it! smile

Seriously our brain possibilities it much more then we acustom to use. Using just a little bit more I can gain all results I want. It needs to keep mind control, of course, because of the nature of the project. Also health control so I do yoga and try to walk every day. Also a thing I call "project development controle". Because actually I have 3 current projects in my mind and the nature of my way to think is to allow it to manifestate itself any time. That`s why among CyberWar art objects I do anothers. Yesterday it was painting deducated to my late grandma, it needs to be polished and than I`ll publish it.

So many things raises while I am flying, excited by broadmind possibilities! So I can`t avoid to paint it. It seems to make my work harder, because needs time. But actually it makes me feel freedom of choice.

Oh such freedom! I breath it. I love it! I fly and swim in it!

How I am happy being able to express every thing in so different wayes!






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