CyberWar: The Project Growth
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 17 April 2013 at 11:19 AM

Today I can claim the fact: my CyberWar Art Project growth healthy and quickly. It contains 2 section deducated to different aspects to CyberWar. Each section includes 20 Art objects (my painting in innovative technigue).

...and one additional section deducated

to my own experience in CyberWar.Today is the middle of the first section, so I can claim 10 art objects is ready to it. Even One new painting for the Section 2 has already done.

And in addition to it I did one big painting inspired by Ichak Adizes system which will be another project in nearest future.  Yes, my holidays is actully the changing of subject to work. That`s why I keep several projects one time, to put everything to my subconsciousness to prepare details while my consciousness works on the current tasks. I invented such mental technique to myself being oversnowed by many things needed to do simultaneously during business. The mental treaning was so good so I spent time to develop it and now could use in different directions, such is my current projects. Hopes everything will growth in calculated time and then I will present you all of it, plus introduction to my mental trening how to do several things in one time. Welcome! smile





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