Between Future and Past
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 02 February 2014 at 10:57 PM Comments(1)

Last year I was fired by ideas, sometimes enslaved by it. I did more then 40 big size paintings in order to create new possibilities to educate, to aware, then to develop new line in arts. It was a period without any thoughts how to, just go and do it. Now I am standing near decision what the right order should be.

Adizes system project mostly is in my head so it seems no problem to paint next 10 paintings. Next 3 about Mutual Trust and Respect system seems more complicating, I have several ideas to make experiments. And now I faces the new possibilities to continue my general strategy. My new projects will be concern Sustainabl development system. I plan to work with United Nations too.  Adizes system is great and I stay with the idea to make it more known as a part of normal human tools for own life.  The question is what a right sequence to the creation flows I should make.

Just needs the time to be cleared. I force myself not to paint that week. May be next week too. Now I concentrate to the new mind mapping to Sustainable development and to understand what exactly  Jeffrey Sachs did till that moment and what people are doing during his course. Then I will be ready to offer them several ideas and so on, and so on.

Happy New Lunar Year!
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 30 January 2014 at 01:14 PM No comments

Today is the great Asian celebration of New Year - the Year of Horse!

Congratulations for everyone, health, happyness, prosperity, new tasks, new achievements and insights!

Layers inside
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 29 January 2014 at 11:14 AM No comments

A process of thinking and insight is complicated. Sometimes we can catch the moment of the result which is the top of an iceberg. What do you think about a challenge to observe a little bit more?

I have it. This is happiness of freedom, creation and knowledge.

I am a witness how mindmapping process goes on in my mind.

I am a witness how my future paintings, sometimes more then 15 simultaneously, comes to me in details.

No pain of creation.

In my writer`s past I was awakened in deep night with strong vision how my next several books will be look like. Such vision is extremely bright, with all links to details. The rule of the game is to wright  a sketch briefly the same moment I felt it. It was my work kits (paper, pad and pens) in every place in my home.

Later I learned how to send projects back to nonentity because my surrounding didn`t call for it. It was a big sad on the beginning. Than I learned how to avoid bitterness about things which will never be. Then started to investigate what projects I could do independantly.

I was sucessful in it.

Now I have to learn a new thing. How to hide the power of creation and just stand near before a situation calls to it.

There are two reasons for it.

1 - Even when I have a strong vision how the future project will looks like, now I am unable to do everything by myself.

I realized it yesterday, trying to make CyberWar-I film. My vision was like a "Hobbit" movie with camera movements and changes. If I were a director of the film to transfer my vision to assistants it would be possible. By my own work it was 6 sec of unimportant episode per whole day.

Too much precious time. And I lost vision trying to catch bugs.

Today I decided to give up from it.

2 - Today the culture demands simplisity.


Why not?

Actually, everything exists in the Source before we, immortal souls in mortal bodies, make our attempts to channel it into the world.

The world will call for projects it`s ready to accept.

“Green power” and Sustainable development
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 27 January 2014 at 06:14 PM No comments

Now I am preparing new plans to the year and check some metherials from places and events I attended. One of them is documentary from my 15 of January  visit to the expert discussion "Green Growth" and Sustainable development, Gaidar Forum, 15 of January 2014.

Energy is the source of life. Sustainable development is thing everyone wants.


Sometimes it`s a local task, for example sustainable development of myself, my family and perhaps a couple of my friends and my pets.


Sometimes this term covers a country.

For sure everyone wants own country to be stable and developed in a sustainable way.


Some people think about the sustainable development  to the whole planet.

About one year ago, I have the exectly date in my diary when I realized it first time, I had an idea to work with United Nations.

Now without any moves from my side, without a plan and agenda I am nearly it.


It starts from the report of Jeffrey Sachs  on the Green Growth section.

After the event, last week I suddenly found "Sustainable Development" course on Coursera  .


It was too much to feel it as a eventuality, so I attended to it.

The course is by Prof.Jeffrey Sachs.


Why I didn`t wondered?..


So about today.

Many students all over the world attend to that course. It`‘s great. And we realized we are strong enough to do something together. We run the group at Facebook from the students of the course to have the environment with the same background.


Preparations to Start
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 24 January 2014 at 06:37 AM No comments

After so busy week I have my pleasure to get enough sleep. Once in my life I had an experience of 4-hours sleeping per day during 10 days. It seems like a life but without any wish to live at the end. So my first step for the start is to sleep well and then to take 2 big glasses of water for painting.

Nobody knows why I need 2 big glasses and why cold water must be taken from the bathroom, not from the kitchen. Why the shape of glasses is so important. But all time I pay attention to such small things in order to make the start right way.

For sure everyone has own mistery, small rituals of starting and finishing, special tools so friendly to hands. Such things are helpful to concentrate and to focus our power to a task.

So…This is the end of Snake year, next week will be the celebration of Horse year. I feel it really starts with good speed of changes, new contacts and new projects. I am finishing my preparation to New Year art process, prepare everything, and then let it comes. I desire to finish small things and just to be the channel for pure energy flows from space to the canvas, from mind to heart.

Two Different Ways to combine Business and Arts
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 21 January 2014 at 07:08 PM No comments
All round tables and expert discussions I’ve attended at Gaidar Forum were really interesting. I made a brief conspect using mind maps, now it will take some time to reflect on each of these events. Now I’m thinking about different approaches to solve problems that were discussed.  For example the problem how to integrage Business and Arts.

It seems the are two ways to carry out this integration.

First is to educate artists in business language so arts and design will be the part of  business. It’s a natural combination, and everyone likes to see user-friendly designed tools and make business processes more creative while they are using creative techniques from arts. From outside to inside, from an idea to a product. I did it in my business practice and later, in my lectures.

The second way is vice versa, from inside to outside. A business process bases on ruls, similar to the laws of nature. We can use our senses to feel such rules and how they change from one level into another,  and how the whole situation changes. Sometimes to encorporate new vision, new philosophy is needed. This is not a final product, but a kind of media which will produce energy. Energy and will are two starting powers for business. Business as a materialization of ideas. Then as result appear products or something else. It’s travelling from one mind state to another in order to find something new to nourish current activity. Or to choose one decision out our several. Something beyond words, powerful, thought provoking. 

This way needs another kind of art. I am currently on this way, wondering what insights will be revealed.

Important things come in time
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 January 2014 at 01:09 PM No comments

Hello friends, last week I was running here in there trying to visit 5 round tables simultaneously at Gaidar Forum 2014. Eventually I confessed it`s impossible and choose 3 big meetings. One was Green Energy expert meeting, the second was “Shaping the Future of Business Education” Panel discussion. You can see at the picture a brief glance to the speakers:

From the left to right you can see:

Sir Poul Judge, President, ???? International

Sir Paul Judge holds the post of President of the Association of MBAs (AMBA), Chairman of Schroder Income Growth Fund plc, Teachers TV, the Enterprise Education Trust, Digital Links International and the British-North American Committee and Deputy Chairman of the American Management Association.

Sergei  Myasoedov, Vice Rector, RANEPA

Since 1993, Sergei Myasoedov has been working as lecturer and consultant in Russia and abroad. He gives lectures on Russian economy and cross-cultural management in universities and business schools in the USA, Canada, Europe, Africa and Latin America. 

Sergei Myasoedov founded one of the first private business schools in Russia (International Business School)  and was its director. He is founder and director of one of the largest and prestigious public business schools in Russia. (Institute for Business and Public Administration of the Russian Presidential Academy of National).

Steef van de Veld,  Dean, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Steef van de Velde is a professor of operations management and technology and the Dean of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).

Later I`ll prepare pics with all experts and results of the Panel Discussion. It took much more time that it was sheduled so the results was exellent. Important things comes in time because I founded muself on the top of the subject with ready planing what to do.



I am going to 2014 Gaidar`s Forum - sustainable development in the context of global transformations
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 14 January 2014 at 02:58 PM No comments

Hello everybody,

The reason I am trying to do as many things as it possible is the nature of time. The river of time never stops. Yesterday it was like a single lake without waves. Today it seems as a fast stream. Tomorrow it will be a huge flow of things comes somultaneously.

When a project is MindMapping and put into subconsciousness processor it will be developing during the period another things calls to attention.
I prepared everything to the new start with new gallery "LifeCycle Energy Dance", made Mind Mapping for 3 films, and started with new deeds to develop all of it.
Canvas prepared.
Frames prepared.
Colours - prepared.
Everything for filming - prepared.
Let`s go!..
But not at all.
... Now I was called to deducate a week for my family and to help my friends by my professional knowledge.
Yesterday I was invited to join 2014 Gaidar`s Forum  . This event is one of the major annual international scientific conferences in the field of economy in Russia. I will join it tomorrow for 4 days with all of my professional skills - as a scientist, journalist, also as an active member of society. As an Artist who can mirror the modern days situation in arts.
. In 2014 the Forum will take place on January 15-18 and will be dedicated to one of the most important modern challenges –  sustainable development. The conference "Russia and the World:  Sustainable Development" will focus on such top-priority issues as economic growth in the context of global transformations, its potential and effective management, risks associated with innovative entrepreneurship, new industrialization, contradictions of resource-based economies and controversial effects of modernization for the country’s socio-political and economic development.
I am really interesting to see everything through the prism of Adizes system.
It`s a pity to confess the delay with painting and filming I desire to do immideately.
It is happiness to be possible to do things important to the present moment.
Anna has many possibilities to keep an eye many things, just she wishes to have a little bit more hands to do everything in one time.
It is possible also, I hope.
How to define the moment to Start
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 13 January 2014 at 08:59 AM No comments

Hello dear friends, today this is the question how to catch the right moment to start. Right moment is so important so we can do complicated things easily, starting in right place, in right time. What is the key to define that moment?

Keys… the key… It can be different. If you feel the energy tide from inside, this is the right moment. If you see a situation call you this is the right moment too. Sometimes we can`t feel it when it comes, but suddenly realize ourselves working with enthusiasm and joy. So the right moment start you and rule everything. So nice.

If you have a glance to people who lose chances and never have an idea to catch a chance, you can see a common point in so different cass.

Such people are unprepared. This is the key. Unprepared mentally, emotionally, or too lazy to wake up in time, or late in technology. They are unprepared and so lose chance, even the best chance comes once in all life.

So preparation in different fields is the key to right start exactly when the right moment comes.

That`s why I prepared 10 canvases on the frames.

I was ready to start 3 weeks ago, but I was tired and weak physically. It was the right moment in mu soul but not right in general. Now I prepared everything outside, but situation call to me to help my friend. So I am busy now and can`t start, so this is not the right moment too.

When the right moment will come? Where? I don`t know.

I made everything ready and keep myself waiting for it, doing important things. I feel the right moment will come in short time and I`ll return to global feeling of tens future paintings and other projects, listening uncomposed music in my soul.

Everything comes in time. Be prepared for it.



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