Insight: It Starts
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 09 November 2013 at 05:10 PM No comments

Right now I have an insight how to start my new films and YouTube channel. It is so easy but why I didn`t realize it before?.. Everything is prepared. It needs just minimum additional footage to create the first film from ready matherials and then have right start ahead!

Everything from my past… Every project… Every small step…

Everything I have done before that moment works for that task. It`s prepared.

So bright.

   So strange.

So exciting!

Although it needs time to shoot an additional movies and footages, everything is into my head right now. I am ready. Let`s go.

Doing new things for the sake of new films
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 06 November 2013 at 08:03 AM No comments

Creation takes energy, creation gives energy more. This is the characteristic if you connect with true natural power forms everything instead of connection with own ego. However for human beings creation has the price.

What is it? How it works?

When you start to raise creation more and more as a scientist or artist it is possible to be separated from people. It is better sometimes. Roses never flowers on roads, fine things needs to be alone to allow intimacy coming.

But when a project comes to the stage to serve human society - the next stage after pure creation and investigation, you can found more energy losses then expected.

It comes to me now. I prepared to open my YOuTube channel, built strategy at least for an year, shoot matherials for 7-10 films and made concept screenplays for it. Now everything I want to paint I start to think how to film it.

It is exciting.

It is exhausting.

It is the future I want to create.

Let`s dream what it could be.

I perfectly know how healing creation could be. My experience to teach people from bank management, another business, students, moms, children - everything prove the method of teaching and method of knowledge is right.

We all can use that power to express our feelings, to resolve problems, to understand what is the place we occupied in the world and how to go ahead. Business problems could be more understandable and so be resolved by scribing. I use scribing more then 15 years and teach people. So this is the information personalized in me and I want to share it with all people need it.

During the process I have to sreate many things for it. I`ve just finished to make new construction for my big lamps and orient light perfectle to the painting. It is the step forward too. So important so I am happy to do it. Now every drawing and every big painting can be shoot good. What was the reason to separate such two processes?

Because drawings I do in special place, my Bamboo cabinet.

Big painting I do in big room I use to watch movie with friends, also for yoga practice. This is completely different styles of perception so I needed to create mobile set of light.

The shoot process directing for 2 cameras simultaneously to make future films more interesting with more details.

Oh! So many things! I feel tired. I want to go to aquapark but have no time for it. Hopes it will be in Friday!

Water is the sourse of relaxation so I have one small pool in my Bamboo cabinet to relax my eyes.

It works so good so I can recommend such practice for those hard workers who desire refresh their minds to keep going.

Thank you for your kind attention! Hopes see you again!

Movie in Prime
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 31 October 2013 at 04:58 PM No comments
This is at least two reasons to make a film about painting process. First is to provide each future painting with the film about it, may be educational film too. It is an interesting thing, also proves the painting is really made without printers, projections etc technical equipment.  My art is the real Art.


The second is I felt this is the time to gain the next step.
Since I finished my courses forabout film directors, ads and PR I had no wish to do it. But now it changes.
I realized myself with vision how it will be. I decided to do it.
The process can`t be deputized. Ready-made decisions doesn`t allow me to paint free or has a risk to drop camera. So made a damage to the painting and my head. Therefore it was no standard decision to suit my conditions well. 
So it needs to design my own construction. 
I tried several engineering decisions, sometimes the camera was nearly droped. I kept it at the last moment.
Horizontal part of the first construction was made from metal so vibrated too much and made focus unclear. So the first part of the film looks strange.
Eventually I made functional structure with 2 ladders.  Stable enough to protect the camera from mastodon in case it comes in my work place. Wide enough to allow me to move.

Several times I used the camera uncorrectly but it was the price for the first attempt. Then I did it better.

When the painting was wet it was problems with patch of reflected light.

According to my scenario it must be only my hands in the frame, no head, no another parts of the body. No chance to shoot another take so I painted with extra care.

It requires a particular tempo of movements because of technical limitations of my camera.
How to paint in such restrictions as I acustomed to be absolutely free?..
Not easy too.
But I want the film more. I want the next stage.
After the first success I found the ladder-based construction unconvinient and tryed to construct a new one. Much more light but with the same stability.
It needed some engeneering ideas with tripods and to develop the horizontal part good to prevent vibration.

Light positions and angles should be easy to change.

Everything in construction should be stable and flaxible at the same time.

Easy reconstructed and reorganized for 2 cameras or several light sources.

Easy to change the construction for different work places.

Also it needs to keep in mind how it will be directed in the film with several frames.
Now I develop everything enough to forget a headache about engeneering things.

Now I prepared to paint my new work. So interesting how it will be! Never try it before, will be something new. So changes comes, so future comes.



Divine beauty
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 28 October 2013 at 05:19 PM No comments

Nature represents divine beauty  much more then anybody else. As long as natural places remains pure and safe we can see how math and ohysics represents by gentle curves and  shapes and rules… see divine rules by own eyes. It`s amazing.

Water in TianTai mountings changes it`s colour from transparent to cloudy, then to light jade and than to bright jade colour, the same as bamboo stems. It was so amazing to see it so I barely breath that time. I should stay here more. I want meditate here for ages.  How streams of the waterfall becomes small river and then becomes a small river and then… could you imagine it?

I love modern possibilities to create images by camera. I love such things of technical progress which allow us to keep in touch with divine places being in thousands kilometers far away. But as I desired to fix my own presence here I draw it as a kind of auto-portret. SO I am here, I am drinking divinity by my eyes.

What is the danger of Creation?
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 26 October 2013 at 05:10 AM No comments

Is Creation dangerous?

Being an Artist and a scientist I want to say: this is true. It could be dengerous in some way. Last week Ichak Adizes wrote in his article:

"Why Being Creative is Dangerous?

I mean dangerous to your personal life, to intimacy.

 Study the biographies of great artists in all fields. Many have had more than one divorce. Some never marry. Or never remarry. Some live a bohemian life, moving from one relationship to another without any depth or intimacy.  Some find love in the bosom of prostitutes.

 And the same appears to be true for great entrepreneurs or innovators. The common denominator being: creativity…"  Read full article here  here

The most denger from the article is too much loss of energy for a creation process. Also Dr. Adizes described how creativity influence personal life of an artist. It is true but not all true.

This is the core point. In true creation this is no person. No person just deepest intimacy with Universe. This is the core energy exists, not the own personal energy of an artist.

But when the main wave of creation passes it is the problem to be integrated with people. Vice versa, persons who are exellently intergated with people have problems with creation.

Both ways needs mental and body discipline to be healthy. This is the same as LifeCycle problems: normal, abnormal, patological.

The same way after successful meditation people need discipline to be incorporated with society, it`s a normal problem. When I read stories about Biddha and others claims to be enlightaned it was the same. The same discipline requires to come out of successful family to do own job to the world.

So I am interesting what is the danger?

Simple body pleasures
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 23 October 2013 at 09:00 AM No comments

Sometimes happiness is simple.

Walking with my new camera in 2 hours, making field work and shooting matherials for my new films, enjoying crystal cold air, dreaming about thousand possibilities exists just in 10 min from my work place… It is amazing. I was cold in one hour, with my fingers frozen. And I was frozen in next one hour. Enjoying such a rare feeling of freshness in so sunny day, in one step from winter snows I realized how it is magically simple. Then I had a quick visit to nearest supermarket and went home with several simple products like cheese and bread… and then it was another pleasure to be in warm beautiful tidy home. Drinking tea I feel how it`s important to keep such things. Even being oversnowed by my projects and feeling pleasure with it, I still able to have such simple joy: walking, cold, sun, camera, warm tea at the end. So simple, so pleasant, so beautiful it is. It magically recharge my internal batteries after last day whole of painting.

Thank you, Existence, pleas keep me strong, keep me joyful by simple things of life!

No pictures here to selebrate the moment on fulfillness body life.

Fall in love with Green-Green
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 20 October 2013 at 08:07 PM No comments

Love is feeling associates with people. Butit makes broad minding as a main character so love could be with everything surrounds you. I fall in love with green, green bamboo and jade waters of TianTai mauntains. Such a divine beauty, so elegant, so perfect.

I could spent ages just starring how bamboo growth, how it rustles playing wth winds and how waterfalls caress my eyes with streams comed down making it`s journey.. From mountains to sea it flows, this is the greatest symbol of life itself and about mind and spirit in search.

May be that is the reason I love mauntains with waterfalls and sea? On that picture you can see one of the TianTai buddhist monasteries. If I could to stay here I would do it. But everyone has own duty and place for activity. I dreamed about such places during my childhood and yourth but not I completely accepted my role. I stay in social life and do my best with all of my ossibilities to make progress. May be after all… May be I will be free when I finish it? If I  be lucky it will be.

That time I had no possibilities to stay here for a long time. I was with my idea to shoot a film, fith my camera, doing duty, thinking how to direct the film best and what position I must take for it. Too much for one person so no really free time to feel the plece, divine music so gentle you can`t listen without total silence.

But when I had returned home I realized myself with the desire to feel things I had passed.

Then I started a small magic which can overcome space and time.

I tryed to fix it by simplified laguage.
That sketch I did by memory 12 days after I was in the temple.
I have a vision about seria of paintings I want to do, I want it as fast as it possible but it will be not today, not tomorrow too… one day it will be.
I went to TianTai mountains to fix myself in Prime
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 15 October 2013 at 07:17 AM No comments

Feelings and knowledge works together forming a precious understanding of reality. It reflects the real energy of life. This is the way I live. Things I feel I want to know and to paint. So it was a challenge to paint Prime - the hight point of the Lifecycle.

To create Prime   I want

... to be Prime by myself!

The Prime is optimistic, with natural growth of all possibilities, growth with knowledge and own results. This is the way to be effective and efficient in short and long run.

So it is the time to fix myself in that point doing it consciously. As I desired to be in Prime so I started to prepare myself for it.

I choose TianTai mautains I love as the point to integrate all parts of myself here in one vision, one desire, one mind, soul and body state.

I was an observer of such a treasure of nature and gentle human touch it to make it available for us, piligrims.

That time I had an additional task to shoot my film. So I had no much time for myself, climbing with heavy camera. But my mind did it`s job and my soul drinked surrounding as a dry sponge.

I felt it. I learnt it. I remembered things I`d never mentioned before in my new level of perception… I was my meditation while my hands did it`s job with camera.

I had my vision of several future paintings and I keep it now.

To make the process of transmissin myself to the Prime level of the Lifecycle complete I made one important thing. This it the great technigue for everyone to make controllable changes inside and outside, I will describe it later, in educational video too.

Now I would like to show you how it could be done by my own result.

Everyone hav internal vision of ourselves. Tru to put that figure into desired situation feeling he or she gently.

I did it by my memory 10 days after my mountains meditation. It was so easy I wondered why I wasn`t able to make it before. The answer is clear: in my method of living and my way in Arts deep understaiding is equal for my state of knowledge so it represents what I am by things I can do. That`s why I do things I never did before and nobody except real life teach me.

That picture represents how I saw the TianTai mountains. I felt the depth of it, and how rocks growth, and roots of stones, and ethernity glances to me over it.

I will describe how changes works and how to turn it to the Prime point in our personal life. Now I just want to share it with you and to let you be a witness of miricle so then you will be able to make the same miricle to yourself.

Thank you for being with me, keep in touch!


Adizes Corporation LifeCycle: Prime Point
Author: ANNAmain • Date: 11 October 2013 at 06:00 AM No comments

Dear friends, today I would like to present you the most desired position of Lifecycle. Also we want to gain it and to stay in it in our professional, social, family and private life because It is the greatest relief after Adolescense stresses and the fresh optimistic energy we want to enjoy. From Adolescence:

  To Prime 

The most complicated thing was to organize conversion from Adolescense with it`s love-hate relationship tp Prime. I guess the same to organizations.
It`s a complicated process so Prime must have an important signs inherited from Adolescense but develop it with potencial to grow into Stable.
The base conturs was available for me from the beginning.

Then I started to fulfill it with colours. This process includes several layers one above another and sometimes the canvas make own corrections. This is process inside process.

When I`d realized the motion of the painting everything came in their respective places

To growth from Adolescence to Prime without a risk to be Premature Aged needs two conditions:
1 - The core of energy, round curcles, must remains;
2 - the Founder`s group should make step back and let the Child (Organization) growth free.
Adolescence - full of direct emotions and close interaction so everyone seems bounded:

The way to Prime can be a subject of several painting. May be I`ll do it in future if Dr.Adizes describe me ways how organizations develop to Prime.
As I have no intermediate positions to show I did the collage for it.
Full of energy which could be destructive, may be too much streight, with full energy, against circumstances,  corrects mistacs, overcomes obstacles,
it finally comes to exist.

This is "Prime".
Golden circles of energy is the same as energy made union between Adolescence Child and the Founder. This is the energy of Creation.
Energy of Integration. It flows in spiral lines as a galaxy.
The Founder`s group stays at the back and take care and admire the Organization they created, but they don`t involve and interrupt directly.
So this is Prime.

While I finished the painting I saw another one. That seria about Lifecycle points dedicates to be an education for an observer.
It`s images simplified and the size is middle 60X80 cm, just to allow observer to have a glance into the window of a painting, have insight with details and then passes on the next painting.
A painting I felt is bigger, the same size and style as "The Ideal Manager" and represents the Prime and Stable together. I will paint it in future because it`s a part of Integration and MT & R culture.
Thank you for being with me.


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